Chapter 95
Liu Han asked Xiong Er to deliver the greeting card, and the outcome was exactly as he expected.

"Master Marquis, the people in the General's Mansion said that the General is not feeling well and asked you to visit another day."

In ancient times, it was not easy to visit others. If you were not familiar with them, you had to hand over a greeting card first.

The so-called "visit card" is a name card used when visiting others. It is an indispensable tool for communication between ancient officials.

What's interesting is that the greeting card originated in the Han Dynasty. At that time, flattened wooden strips were used to write names, residences, etc., so it was also called "name thorn".

After the invention of papermaking, invitation materials were gradually replaced by paper. Now Liu Han is preparing to get the papermaking technology out in advance, fearing that it won't be long before he can see it.

Ming Langying's "Seven Revised Drafts·Dialectic Nine·Name Fu": "The Book of Han·Gaodi Ji" says 'Wei Ye', and the "Biography of Yuan Ang" says 'Shang Ye'.

An ancient annotation by Yan Shi said: "For those who pay homage, the book thorn tells one's rank. If one sees the honorable person now, he will be known by his name."Shangye, if it is now a common name. 'According to this, 'Wei Ye' is like the present role-playing script, and 'Shang Ye' is like the present greeting card. "

Volume [-] of Zhang Xuan's "Suspicious Yao" in the Ming Dynasty: "The ancients used bamboo and wood to cover the correspondence and the names were connected, which is called thorn. Today's greeting invitations are covered with paper, which is from Xining."

In this era, it is extremely impolite to visit someone unexpectedly without handing over a greeting card.

The greeting card has three main functions:
First, indicate the identity of the visitor.

Second, make an appointment at a time or place.

Third, let others know yourself, because greetings are basically written by yourself, so you can let others know yourself from the greetings.

Liu Han's was simple. He took a beautiful bamboo board, wrote some words, and brought some small gifts, and the other party also returned some.

This is because Liu Han and Wei Qing are not very close, so there is no need to go to Huo Qubing's place. Going there is basically equivalent to going home.

"You are feeling unwell, as expected. Go to the palace immediately and report to Mr. Guo that I have something to do and want to see the emperor."

Liu Han had already guessed that Wei Qing was probably injured, and it was Li Gan who shot him. Huo Qubing shot Li Gan next.

That is Huo Qubing. Emperor Wu of the Han Dynasty liked him so much that he covered it up for him. If it were someone else who blatantly shot the Han Houye, he would be seeking death.


In some ways, Li Gan's death was indeed unjust.

In ancient times, filial piety was extremely important. It is recorded in "The Doctrine of the Mean" that "three years of mourning reaches the emperor. The mourning of parents has no distinction between high and low."

No matter how high or low one's status is, no matter what one's status is, observing filial piety for three years is often a code of conduct that people in the world strictly abide by.Even the new emperor who is in the period of observing filial piety can only wait until the expiration of three years if he wants to get married unless he gets the permission of the empress dowager.

His parents' hatred was sworn in, and Li Gan was very young and impulsive.

He felt that his father's death was because Wei Qing reused his cronies and specially transferred his father Li Guang, which caused him to get lost. When they reunited and asked him to explain the reason for getting lost, Li Guang didn't say anything and asked him to go and talk to Xiao Xiao on his own. Officials said that this was considered an insult, which led Li Guang to commit suicide...

At first glance, from his point of view, this seems reasonable. Otherwise, how could his father commit suicide?How desperate does one have to be to commit suicide?

Therefore, it was indeed understandable that Li dared to injure Wei Qing. Even if he was guilty, he would not be punished with death. Huo Qubing was a little impulsive when he shot him, so it must be his fault.

And Liu Han didn't want Li Guang, who had been fighting for a lifetime, to commit suicide, and his only child die like this, and he didn't want Huo Qubing to be stained, so he wanted to save Li Gan.From Wei Qing's point of view, the emperor sent him a secret edict before setting off, saying that Li Guang was old and had bad luck. This battle was very important and related to the rise and fall of the Han Dynasty, so he should not be used as a forward.Now that the emperor has said this, what else can Wei Qing do?Are you resisting the decree?They had no choice but to prevent Li Guang from taking the lead and let him divide his troops to attack the Huns' rear.

As a result, he was really unlucky and got lost. Wei Qing didn't do it on purpose. When the army gathers and you get lost, you have to report it. Otherwise, how can I explain to His Majesty?He asked Li Guang to explain the reason why he got lost because he was doing his duty, right?

Since they are not wrong, who is wrong?

Li Guang?He had been in the army for 46 years and fought nearly a hundred times. The Huns were afraid of him and called him a flying general. He cried and begged for the position of a former general. He put his last hope in his life on the Battle of Mobei.

As a result, Wei Qing asked him to divide his troops and then got lost. Was he wrong?

It doesn't seem to be the case. It can only be said that God's will plays a trick on people.

If we didn't give him hope at the beginning, otherwise he wouldn't be so desperate later as a general.

What people fear most is that when you fall into a valley and you are about to lose hope, someone suddenly gives you a rope. Halfway up, you are exhausted, and you find that the rope has been cut by someone...

Was Emperor Wu of the Han Dynasty wrong again?From his point of view, a 60-year-old old general ran into my hall crying and bursting into tears, saying that he wanted to be loyal to the Han Dynasty, wanted to fight against the Huns, wanted to be a vanguard, and wanted to make meritorious service and become a marquis. accepted.

After thinking about it carefully, this war is not a child's play. The lives of [-] soldiers and the strength of the whole country cannot be careless. It is true that Li Guang did not have a particularly dazzling record in the past. His entire army was wiped out many times. He feels very bad luck and is also old. , is it too risky to let him be a forward?If the whole army is wiped out again, it will have a great impact on morale...

After some consideration, Emperor Wu of the Han Dynasty felt that his agreement was not appropriate, but the emperor's golden words could not be changed casually, otherwise it would have a serious impact on the emperor's prestige, so he had to write a secret edict to Wei Qing...

Therefore, no matter from the perspective of Wei Qing, Li Guang himself, or Emperor Wu of the Han Dynasty, none of them had much fault for Li Guang's death. It can only be said that God's will is a trick.

Nine times out of ten things in life will not go as planned, so sometimes you will always feel that God is playing tricks on you.

How many people who have made great achievements in history have really good lives?All smooth sailing?
Let’s just say that those famous emperors throughout the ages did not have a good life either in their early years or in their later years.

Qin Shihuang Yingzheng, he and Zhao Ji lived in the Zhao Kingdom for ten years. Qin and Zhao were feuding people. It is conceivable that he lived in the Zhao Kingdom and could die at any time. Facing all kinds of humiliation, he was simply not a human being. life.

When he was 13 years old, he inherited the throne of Qin and became the king of Qin, but Lu Buwei suppressed him, his most trusted brother betrayed him, and his mother, who depended on each other for life, wanted her lover instead of herself...

Liu Che, Emperor Wu of the Han Dynasty, was deposed to the throne. However, he could not sit firmly in his early years and faced the danger of being deposed several times. In his later years, he was very happy with his achievements and went into military force, which led to boiling public resentment and forced him to issue an imperial edict to punish himself.

He also forced to death the queen who had been with him for most of his life, and the prince whom he had high hopes for and trained for more than 30 years...

Li Shimin, Emperor Taizong of the Tang Dynasty, was responsible for conquering most of the Tang Dynasty. As a result, his father kept trying to balance the power between him and his eldest brother, Prince Li Jiancheng. General Tiance was always General Tiance, not the prince, and he was almost poisoned by Li Jiancheng. die.

In the end, he chose to launch the Xuanwu Gate Incident, killed his brother and forced his father, and stained the palace with blood. As a result, his son was not what he wanted, and the prince who had high hopes rebelled. Several children were eyeing the throne, and they were lonely in their later years...

Hongwu Emperor Zhu Yuanzhang saw his father, mother, brothers and sisters starving to death with his own eyes. He wanted to bury them, but he had no land. He had been a monk and had to eat, and he was starving and helpless.

Then he was forced to join the army, conquering the world step by step, facing life and death crises several times, losing his wife in middle age, and losing his son in old age. However, he was still his favorite and had cultivated his heir for most of his life. The white-haired man sent the black-haired man...

These emperors, who have influenced the fate of countless people in later generations and decided the lives and deaths of millions of people in the contemporary era, have so many unsatisfactory experiences. It is even more foolish for ordinary people to think that everything will go smoothly and everything goes as they wish.

(End of this chapter)

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