Chapter 229 The scary old man

Although Ron's body is powerful, it has not been able to insulate against lightning, so he will not be stupid enough to touch Enel directly.

But what Enelu didn't see was that there was a thin layer of air flowing back and forth in the palm of Ron's hand.

There is no direct contact, so Ron will naturally not be electrocuted.

"Kid, I'll give you one last chance. Be obedient or perish."

Ron's words were like a spell, firmly attached to Enelu's heart.

The difference in strength was clearly revealed at this moment.

Enelu's heart was filled with humiliation and unwillingness, but he was unable to resist. He had never met an opponent before, and this defeat overturned his entire life.

Ron saw that Enelu had not responded for a long time, but he had already guessed the result in his heart.

"Did you admit defeat?"

The self-proclaimed ruler of Sky Island was suddenly thrown off the altar, so naturally he would not admit defeat easily. Ron understood this very well, but by no longer resisting, it had already proved Enelu's choice. .

He chose to admit defeat.

Ron smiled lightly, and the thin layer of airflow in his palm gradually dissipated.

Feeling that the pressure on the top of his head was slowly decreasing, Enilu's face with mixed emotions raised.

"tell me your name."

He said it word for word.

"My name is Ron."

"Ron..." Enelu repeated, and these two words were engraved in his heart.

"What do you want me to do?" Enel asked, staring into Ron's deep eyes.

Ron looked at Enelu's expression with satisfaction when he no longer resisted, and felt very satisfied. As for his purpose... now was not the time to tell him directly.

"You are going to Qinghai with me."

"Am I not allowed to refuse?"

Enelu looked like he was negotiating with Ron. The arrogant look quickly returned to his face, but this time, it was less arrogant and domineering.

"Rejecting is equivalent to choosing destruction, kid."

Hearing the word "kid", Enelu couldn't help but want to get angry again.

"Why do I look like a brat? You stinky old man..." Before the last word "head" was uttered, I only heard...


A numb pain came from the top of his head. Enelu stretched out his hand to cover his head in pain, but what he touched was a big cell.

"You've gone too far! It stinks..."

"Bang bang!"

Enilu has two more cells on his head.

"Kid, these three times are to remind you to respect the elderly!"

You also know you're an old guy! Enelu was shouting in his heart this time. He didn't want to eat Ron's fist, which was harder than iron.

"Take that thing stuck in your back, the rattle? Throw them all away, throw away this old stick as well, and then come with me."

Ron frowned and pointed at the taiko drum behind Enelu and the golden stick in his hand.

The look of disgust on his face simply made Eniloo loveless.

"What?" Seeing Enelu's expression of reluctance, Ron raised his arms and clenched his fists.

Eniru was so frightened that his eyes almost popped out. He quickly stepped back more than ten meters and threw all the taiko drums beside him.

"Smelly old man, keep this for me. Otherwise, you'll kill me." Enilu rolled his eyes and said deliberately.

Ron reluctantly nodded when he saw that he had taken off the taiko drum and he didn't look so strange and ridiculous anymore. It wasn't impossible to have a stick in his hand as a weapon.

"What on earth do you want to take me to Qinghai for? People in Qinghai are stupid and ignorant. I..."



As Enilu was walking and talking, there was another sharp pain on the top of his head! Along with the buzzing sound, Enelu was shaking with anger!

Is this going to get you punched no matter what you say?

Who can stand this? !

Stinky old man, is he a pervert?

"Speak well. If you don't know how to speak, I have many ways to teach you." Ron glanced at Enelu, who was full of resentment, and said calmly.


Enelu had no choice but to change the title of "My God".

Ron then withdrew his eyes with satisfaction.

Arrogant disease still needs fists to cure it.

Above the Baibai Sea, Gan Fore rode Pierre and rotated back and forth outside Apayado. Listening to the loud noises coming from Apayado, his heart was ups and downs...

"That old man looks no younger than me. Going to Apayado alone is bound to be a disaster. Although he is from Qinghai, he doesn't look like a bad person after all..."

"Forget it, let's go, Pierre." Gan Faure shook his head helplessly and prepared to ride away on Pierre.

"and many more!"

Suddenly a deep voice came from the jungle below!

Gan Fore immediately looked down in surprise...

"Wait! So you are here, I have something else to tell you!"

Gan Fore heard the sound getting closer and closer... Suddenly, he saw a figure suddenly flashing out from under his feet... No! It's two!

Ron stepped on the air with his feet, like climbing steps, and flew upward step by step, and what he was carrying... was Enel!

Gan Fore rubbed his eyes in disbelief.

Enel, who defeated the entire army a few years ago and claimed to be a god after driving him off the throne, is now being held in Ron's hand like a chicken... More importantly, Enel There are several bags on his head.

Could it be that it was this old man who was probably older than himself who hit him?

This is really incredible.

"What...what's wrong with you?" Gan Fore was surprised when Ron had already stepped in front of him on moon steps.

"I want to take this guy away, so Sky Island is still handed over to you." Ron said while carrying Enelu.

"Give it back to me?" Gan Fore was so surprised that he almost stuttered.

Ron nodded without repeating it a second time.

"I said I would help you, and I have done it. Although it took a lot of trouble and destroyed a lot of trees on the island, I think you won't mind." Ron said with a faint smile.

It sounds like defeating the God of Thunder who has ruled the Sky Island for several years is as simple as eating and sleeping.

Gan Fore nodded blankly.


At this moment, a long-lasting voice came from beneath their feet.

Melodious and infectious.

"The golden clock! Hahaha, we found this boy Kulik." Ron chuckled heartily, looking like the kind old man next door.


The sound of the golden bell kept coming, resounding throughout the entire sky island.

(End of this chapter)

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