Chapter 230 Little Devil Enel

This sound seemed to be able to cleanse the soul. Even Ron couldn't help but stop and savor it after hearing it.

What they didn't know was that Kulik, who was standing next to the golden clock and ringing the bell, was already in tears.

What I have been searching for for over twenty years, I finally found here. Even if there are only ruins left here.

"Mr. Ron! Thank you! I found it! Mr. Rolando is not a liar! Thank you! Mr. Ron! Otherwise, I will continue to stupidly go to sea, again and again... I will never find the Golden Land, and I will never hear about it. This bell! Finally died in the depths of the sea!"

Kulik didn't cry like a man, but the excitement and emotion of completing his dream had made him forget that he was a strong-willed man.

"You're welcome." Ron replied calmly.

Under his domineering attitude, he could hear Kulik's words clearly.

"If nothing happens, let's go."

Ron said hello to Gan Fore, then carried Enel and flew towards the source of the bell.

"Whether you stay here or go back with me, you can make your own choice." Ron's voice suddenly sounded above his head, and Kulik suddenly raised his head.

"Mr. Ron! I am willing to follow you to the death! Please take me back!"

Kulik's feet went weak and he knelt on the ground tremblingly.

"Then let's go." Ron lowered his body directly, turned around, grabbed Kulik's ankle, used his toes hard, and lit the air and flew out of Apayado.

"Luo...Mr. Ron! Who is this person?!" Kulik looked at Enelu, who was being carried by Ron like him, and asked in surprise.

"Just a kid." Ron replied casually and began to sink into the sea of ​​clouds in the white sea.

Enelu held back his breath and saw three priests in the woods where Apayado was knocked down, being chased by an air blade.

Could it be that Ron did this too? No wonder those three idiots never showed up from beginning to end...

At this time, the three people's eyes turned white and they sank under the sea of ​​white.

Then there is the White Sea.

Enelu looked at the blue sky and white clouds in surprise. Under the white sea, he had never left the Sky Island, and his inner network could not cover places other than the Sky Island. He had never seen the scene under the white sea.

Ron carried two people and flew down from an altitude of 10,000 meters at an extremely fast speed. He only occasionally used his moon steps to buffer the speed of his fall.

Sure enough, going down is much easier than coming up.

In a blink of an eye, the sea was almost visible.

"Qinghai..." Anilu looked at the blue sea and said these two words in a slightly disdainful tone.

"Kid, stop talking nonsense and stay still!" Ron cursed lightly, and the moon steps under his feet began to increase in frequency, gradually buffering the extremely fast descent speed.

Gaya Island was already in sight. Ron raised his hand and threw the two people in his hands onto the island!


"Smelly old man!"

Enelu and Kulik turned into free fall and flew towards Gaya at the same time.

"Much easier."

Ron said with a laugh.

"Thunder Dragon!" Enelu waved the golden stick, and a golden lightning flew out from the top of the golden stick, quickly evolving into a golden dragon in mid-air! Enelu turned over, sat on the Brontosaurus, and flew down!

"Ah——" Kulik's shout was still lingering. Ron looked coldly at the two people below. One had already mounted the Brontosaurus, and the other was still in free fall...

"What a troublesome idiot." Enelu glanced at Kulik very reluctantly, then rode the Brontosaurus and flew in the direction where he fell.

Half of Kulik's life was gone. He never wanted to experience this feeling of falling from a high altitude again in his life.

Seeing that he was about to fall to his death, Kulik closed his eyes. At this moment, a strong electric stimulation came. Just as he was about to scream, he saw a golden dragon flying in front of him, and sitting on The person on the dragon is the other guy being carried by Ron...

Enelu used the tail of the Brontosaurus to catch Kulik, and at the same time, he transmitted 60 million volts of voltage to Kulik's body.

In this way, the two landed on the land of Gaya Island with a burning smell.

As soon as he landed, Kulik flipped off the Brontosaurus, his hair curling and smoking, as if he had been struck by lightning. .

"You kid..." Kulik pointed at Enelu, whose throat was so hoarse and smoking that he couldn't speak.

At this time, Ron also landed firmly on the ground.

"You're too arrogant, kid," Ron said to Enelu, pointing at Kulik who was stunned.

Enel crossed his arms and glanced at Kulik with disdain, "He's just a stinky old man. If it weren't for this god, he would have fallen to death long ago, okay? The lightning is already very low, and this guy is too weak. It’s only six thousand volts and I can’t get up.”


Ron hit Enelu hard on the head with another iron fist.

"Kid, can you speak well?!"

Enelu stood aside holding his head in pain and said nothing.

At this time, a warship appeared on the sea, "Boy Kulik, I am leaving. You are staying in Gaya to recuperate. When you become stronger, go to the new world to find me! Forty years old is not considered old. I’m already over a hundred years old, hahaha!”

Ron laughed heartily as he spoke. Kulik, who had slowly regained his consciousness, looked at Ron blankly, with tears in his eyes, and was speechless for a long time.

Then, Ron took Enelu and ran towards the warship on the sea.

One is walking on moon steps, and the other is riding a thunder dragon.

"Lieutenant General Ron is back! Lieutenant General Ron!"

Shouts came from the warship. The navymen on the warship saw Ron coming on the moonwalk on the sea. A group of people leaned on the mast and waved vigorously to welcome him.

"Follow the kid."

Ron said something to Enelu, and began to exert force on his feet, speeding up. With just one point of force, the speed had increased to dozens of times.

A moment later, Ron was already standing on the deck.

Enel rolled his eyes disdainfully, and when he landed on the deck, the brontosaurus beneath his feet disappeared.

"Mr. Ron, who is this?"

The marines under his command looked at Enel with puzzled faces, seeing his arrogant look with the golden stick in his hand, which reminded everyone of the way Ron brought Zoro and Luffy with him when he returned to the navy.

This... could it be that Ron has an unnamed disciple?

What he just rode was...Lightning? dragon?

Everyone was speculating in their hearts and envious...

"Don't worry about this kid, go back to headquarters and get me the phone bug!"

"Yes! Mr. Ron." Even though Ron said it didn't matter, it still couldn't stop everyone from speculating.

(End of this chapter)

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