Chapter 231 Brooke

Enelu looked at the group of marines who looked at him strangely with an arrogant expression, and sat on the deck with his arms folded, closing his eyes.

This group of Qinghai people who have never seen this god...

After Anelu closed his eyes, he heard Ron talking to the phone bug.

"Come back to me as soon as you finish dealing with the brat! Do you hear me?!" Ron shouted at the phone bug.

The phone bug has transformed into a man wearing a straw hat, and everyone already knows who is on the other end of the phone.

"Grandpa, we are still having a banquet! Although there are only three of us, hahahaha! I met an interesting person! Oh no, it's an interesting skeleton! He can talk and sing..."

It was Luffy's voice.

"Asshole! You obviously don't even know what that thing is!" Here it turned into Zoro's angry voice again.

Ron smiled slightly, "What an interesting skeleton..."

Ron naturally knew what the skeleton Luffy was talking about. From Zoro's words, he should have just met it.

That guy must be a swordsman too.

"Luffy, Zoro." Ron called in a calm voice, and the arguing voices on the other side of the phone immediately stopped, "Bring that skeleton back to me!"

"Ah?! Master...but!"



Ron knew it was Luffy who hung up the phone, so he put the phone bug away.

"You idiot, do you know what this is? And why does the master want us to take this skeleton of unknown origin back?"

Sauron held his sword and sat next to him in confusion.

"Mr. Zoro..." A finger with no flesh and only white bones poked Zoro's shoulder, "I have already introduced myself. My name is Brooke! I am a musician, thank you."

"Hey! Brooke, don't pay attention to that guy! Grandpa told me to take you back!" Luffy said excitedly.

Brook adjusted the high hat on his head and said seriously: "Mr. Luffy, who is your great-grandfather? The voice I heard from the phone bug just now... is a bit familiar! Although, I can't Ears that hear sounds! Yo ho ho ho!”

Brooke opened his skull jaw and let out a strange laugh.

"That's Vice Admiral Ron."

"What?! Vice Admiral?! Mr. Ron?!"

Brooke heard the name and ran around on the deck excitedly, "It turned out to be Mr. Ron. Although I am a pirate, I have long heard of Mr. Ron's reputation as the Godfather of the Navy... If I remember correctly If so...Mr. Ron should be over a hundred years old now! Oh my god, shouldn't he have retired a long time ago? An old man is still in the navy?! Is it Mr. Ron who wants to see me? My heart I'm so excited that I'm beating faster! Although, I don't have a heart that can beat thump! Hohohoho!"

Brooke was running back and forth on the deck, talking to himself excitedly, like a chatterbox.

"Hahaha! You are so funny."

Luffy watched Brook holding his stomach and laughing.

At this time, Zoro stood up, "Since it is what the master said, I have no choice but to do it. Now that we have lost our way with Major General Carmack, the most important thing now is how to get back!"

With the scorching sun above his head, Zoro came to the bow of the ship, stretched out his hand to block the sunlight on his face, and looked around.

Immediately afterwards, Luffy jumped up and looked around.

Brooke happily jumped over and stood next to them, looking at the vast sea and the scorching sun above his head, feeling a sense of emotion in his heart. “I think it should be over there!”


Luffy and Zoro spoke at the same time, but their fingers were pointing in completely opposite directions.

What's happening here?

"Yohehe!" Brook looked at the two of them and couldn't help laughing. "Mr. Zoro, Mr. Luffy, you are so funny. It's the first time in so many years that you are so happy!"

Luffy and Zoro ignored Brooke's laughter. The two stood on the bow of the ship and started arguing. Both of them insisted on pointing in the direction they were pointing, which was the correct direction back to the Navy Headquarters.

"Get separated..."

After Ron put away the phone bug, he received another call from Carmackie.

It turns out that after Carmack and the others eliminated Moonlight Moria, they got separated from Zoro Luffy and the others.

But Carmacky did not meet Skeleton Brooke, so Zoro and Luffy probably met Brooke after they separated from Carmacky.

"These two brats really don't make people worry. Carmack, if you can't find them, you should come back and report first. I'm near the Black Triangle and will look for them myself."

After hearing this, Kamaki felt even more frightened.

When I started to get separated, I thought that it would be fine if I found him as soon as possible. Who knew that after a long time, I still didn't find him. If you get separated on the sea, you will only become farther and farther apart.

In desperation, Carmack was forced to report Ron.

But Ron had to find it by himself, which made Carmack feel very ashamed.

"Major General, let's..."

"Turn the ship around and go back to headquarters!"


With Carmacki's order, the warship at his feet turned around and headed towards the Navy Headquarters.

At this time, Ron had already sailed the boat to the original black triangle area.

The sky was clear here, and it seemed that the dark triangle had disappeared. Ron sat on the deck and closed his eyes.

"Seeing and hearing is domineering..."

At this time, Ron's activated Sense and Color Haki could already sense familiar auras within dozens of kilometers.

But after a search, the auras of Zoro and Luffy were not found. They should no longer be around here.

Even in the first half of the great voyage, if there is no pointer indication, or in other words, there is a pointer but no one who can understand the pointer, anyone will eventually get lost in the sea.

"What a headache for these two guys." Ron frowned and said to himself as he looked at the endless sea.

"Smelly old man, where do you want to take me? The people in Qinghai are so ignorant." Enilu sat next to him, looking arrogantly at a group of navy who were following him to inquire about Kongdao, and he was very impatient. asked Ron.

Ron turned around and looked at Enel, "I need to find the two brats first and take them back together. I will explain to you after I find them."

"Hmph." Enelu snorted nonchalantly and sat next to him with his eyes closed.

Ron continued to search for the breath of the sea with his powerful Haki, but still found nothing. It seemed that the two idiots Zoro and Luffy had drifted to some distant place.

(End of this chapter)

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