Kingdom of Light: Learn from Ace, the Saw Man of Light

Chapter 10 Allen’s brutal scene shocked everyone!Ace is extremely autistic!

Chapter 10 Allen’s brutal scene shocked everyone!Ace is extremely autistic!

Mind broke.

Ace's mentality is completely broken!
Let him not hold the eight-point light wheel,

He was holding the guillotine directly!

Damn it!
That's a long-range skill!
Not a butcher's knife!

and also!

How did you kid do that? ?
The Ultra Guillotine has terrifying energy everywhere!

Not to mention holding it in hand, it is quite difficult to keep the Ultra Guillotine from flying out!

After flying out, it can also be controlled through ultra-psychic power.

But Ultra-Psychic Power cannot keep it in place!

Not to mention, you can hold it directly!

How on earth did you resist that terrifying energy!

Ace felt like his outlook was shattered at this moment!

Not only him!

Mebius and Leo were both dumbfounded!

You know, that's Ace's guillotine!
How did Allen manage to hold the Ultra Guillotine? ?

Not to mention holding an Ultra Guillotine!
Alan, how old are you?

Can you learn the forbidden techniques of the Kingdom of Light? ? ? ?

When did the forbidden arts in the Kingdom of Light become so widespread?



Leo really wants to ask now, Ace, how did you teach Allen?

Hold the Ultra Guillotine and learn the Ultra Guillotine...

These are not simple things!
But at this time, Ace, Leo and Mebius were thinking.

Allen didn't know!

He wants to fight Impeleza properly now!
Implezza also transformed his Emperor's Sword at this time!

Since this Ultra Warrior has weapons, of course it has to use weapons!
Allen ignored the Emperor's Sword and rushed forward with the vertical guillotine!
The knife struck Implezza hard in the abdomen.


Countless electric sparks flew everywhere!
In the shocked eyes of countless people!

Allen's knife directly cut a terrifying scar on Impeleza's abdomen!

However, as a mechanical monster, Impeleza was not affected in any way by this injury!

But Allen had already expected this!

A spinning chop!

The vertical guillotine struck Impeleza's chest again.

The wound on Impeleza's abdomen had not yet recovered, and a deep cut appeared again on his chest!
So interesting!

Just play like this!

Allen is very happy!

Facing such an invincible monster, it's so cool to chop it with a knife!

Allen then raised the vertical guillotine and chopped off Impreza's right arm.

rub! ——

The sword flashed, and Implezza's right arm was directly removed!

But it's not over yet!

Allen aimed at Impereza's left arm again and swung the knife...

Impleza's data immediately started to go wrong.

Its AI setting is that after it takes a certain amount of damage, or its attack methods are disabled, it needs to find a place to recover!

Get out of the fight first!

Now the AI ​​has noticed that Impeleza has lost her combat effectiveness and needs to restore her combat effectiveness first!

Let Impleza turn around and leave!

But would Allen really let Impleza go away so easily?
Totally impossible!
Directly use the vertical guillotine to strangle Implezza's neck, and immediately knock Implezza down.

Then Allen sat on Imprezza's body, raised the vertical guillotine, and completely ignored the knife skills!

The arms began to wave continuously!

Rub rub rub rub! ——

The sound of Ultra's guillotine cutting through the air kept ringing...

"Cool! So cool!"

"This is called fighting!"


Allen rides on Impreza,
Frantically waving the guillotine in his hand!

Impelaza has been recovering from his wounds.

But before the last wound has healed, the next wound appears!Allen chopped his upper body into pieces costing 800 yuan!
Then he recovered within 30 seconds and was hacked again!

Saw this extremely brutal scene.

Mebius, Leo, the hopeless Ace, the Four Heavenly Kings, and everyone watching the battlefield through various means all gasped.

His eyes were filled with horror and disbelief!


Is this really Ultraman? ? ?

Why do I feel that he is more ferocious than a monster?

Just when everyone thought this was the limit of Allen's cruelty...

Allen showed it to everyone again!

This is the limit?

How can it be!

It’s still far away!
They didn't expect that Allen's other hand would once again condense a guillotine.

Then start cutting like a watermelon!
Cut Impreza into pieces – restore – and cut again!
This time more ruthless!
Immediately cut Impleza into tens of thousands of pieces!
In other words, Impelaza is a mechanical monster and has no such thing as blood...

Otherwise, the battlefield at this time would probably have a psychological shadow on most people!
But even so!
Allen didn't stop either. Today he wanted to see where the limit of Impeleza's recovery ability was!
If I cut you into tens of thousands of dollars, would you still be able to recover?
It would be interesting if it could still be restored!
This is a perfect target for knife skills practice!

A thought here.

Allen directly picked up the afterimage with both hands! ! !
"Is this Allen's strength?"

Mebius saw this scene...

I was so scared and stupid!

The thing that he might not be able to defeat despite all his efforts has become a toy in Allen's hands! !

Allen is too scary! ! ! !

No wonder Allen said to let himself go far away...

In order not to be accidentally injured...

It's really possible for someone to be accidentally injured!
If I were struck by a vertical guillotine...

That feeling must be quite sour!
Looking at the miserable situation of Impeleza, I had a little dream...

If I were Impreza...

Can't think, can't think!

Not only him.

Guys, the eyes of everyone here are full of shock, their scalps feel numb and their backs feel chilly!

For the first time, they felt that the monster was quite pitiable...?
The Four Heavenly Kings are here...

"Who is this guy?"

"Is there such a person in the Kingdom of Light?"

"This guy is stronger than Ace!"

"More cruel than Ace!"

"Could it be that this person is the new director of the meat factory of the Kingdom of Light?"

The people of Abo were now frightened and lost their temper.

I think this guy has surpassed Ace!

Who is he?
Could it be that he is the new generation meat factory director of the Kingdom of Light! ?

When the Yabo people investigated the Kingdom of Light, they found out that Ace was called the director of the meat factory in the Kingdom of Light!
Mainly because Ace likes to dismember monsters!

So this guy must be the new director of the Kingdom of Light Meat Factory who pushed Ace down!

Brutal! !
It’s so cruel! ! !

I told you!
Let you fight like a normal Ultra Warrior!
What did your kid do to me?
Why the hell are you holding a vertical guillotine for me and sitting on someone else's monster to dismember it?
What do you mean?
Afterwards it was even more excessive!

He even made a second hand-held vertical guillotine! ! ! !
Allen, Allen!
My reputation has been completely ruined by you!
How can I explain to the Father of Ultra when I return to the Kingdom of Light?


Ultra slap is going to be a pleasure!

Think of these...

Ace is completely autistic!
"Brother Ace!"

"You are an interesting apprentice!"

"It is indeed more cruel than you!"

"Just give up your position as the director of the Kingdom of Light Meat Factory!"

Leo looked at Allen with admiration in his eyes!

This way of fighting looks a bit cool!

No wonder Ace likes to dismember monsters!
"Alan, the situation is urgent now, kill Leo!!!"

Ace's face was full of black lines after hearing this...

You kid is so skinny!

Raise your hand to release the message and let Allen teach Leo a lesson!
Leo: QAQ
Brother Ace!

I'm wrong!
I won't tease you anymore!

(End of this chapter)

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