Kingdom of Light: Learn from Ace, the Saw Man of Light

Chapter 9 tells you not to hold the light wheel, but the guillotine! ?

Chapter 9 tells you not to hold the light wheel, but the guillotine! ?
At this time on Kuroshio Island...

"Leo, dwelling on the past is not your style!"

Ace, who had transformed into the form of Beidou, came to Leo in his human form.

"Ace? So this time the captain asked you to come over and replace Membius?"

Leo was stunned for a moment and asked curiously.

After all, Ace's strength is top-notch in the Kingdom of Light.

Letting Ace come over is indeed the best solution, but this will make the security of the Kingdom of Light weak!

Especially since he's here on Earth too.

The absence of two of the Ultra brothers is very likely to cause people in the universe who have ill intentions towards the Kingdom of Light to have crooked thoughts!
"No, this time it is Allen who will protect the earth instead of Mebius."

"I'm just here to stay with Allen!"


Ace shook his head, and then let out a long sigh, as if he had encountered something difficult.

"Alan? Is this the child you picked up and was said by the King of Ultra to be able to become a god?"

"I didn't expect this little guy to replace Membius this time, but isn't that a good thing?"

"Why are you sighing?"

Leo asked curiously.

Shouldn't it be a good thing for Ace that Allen can be allowed to protect the earth in place of Mebius?

This shows that Allen is ready to teach!

Why is Ace feeling so uncomfortable?

Could it be that because the child he picked up has grown up, he feels like a mother who has traveled thousands of miles and is worried?

"It's indeed a good thing..."

"It's's just that this little guy's a bit too cruel!"

Thinking of myself being slashed away by a 300-meter eight-point light wheel...

Ace felt a little uncomfortable...

Do you know how much harm such a huge eight-point light wheel does to him?

Not to mention, Allen always holds an eight-point light wheel!
"Ace, you are thinking too much!"

"How cruel can a little guy like that be?"

"Besides! In terms of cruelty, who in the Kingdom of Light can compare with you!"

Leo was going to die laughing!
The dignified director of the Kingdom of Light Meat Factory, a dismemberment maniac, actually said that others were cruel.

How on earth do you have the nerve?

A little guy wouldn't be able to kill monsters with a guillotine, right?
It’s not like you can kill someone else’s monster for 800 yuan, right?
"You will know after you see it for yourself. It will make you cry if you talk about it too much!"

"I must teach Allen's character this time!"

Ashton was speechless...

Look how much you have damaged my reputation!

Am I cruel?
Not at all!

This time he will definitely change Allen's character!

To avoid having more nicknames in the future!
Leo didn't say anything, and looked towards the battlefield, intending to see how cruel Allen was.

As a result, the two of them just looked towards the battlefield.

Just hearing what Allen said...

Ace and Leo were both confused.

What the hell?

They come, the security……

Now that Impeleza has come to Earth, he must be buried here? !

This sentence is understood like this! ?

"Ace, you...what did you teach Allen when you were teaching before?"

Leo asked with a shocked look on his face...

And Ace is about to cry but has no tears at this moment!

He really didn't teach Allen anything messy, okay?
It's entirely because of Allen's understanding!

His teachings are quite normal!
Not even half as scary as Severn’s special Jeep training!
Who knows why Allen is like this!
and also!

Is this what you mean when your family is settled?
Not only does Allen act violently, but he also understands violence when he understands it! ?

What I said before about settling down when you come to Earth means that when you come to Earth, just settle down and don't use violence.

The result is understood like this!

"Allen!" "Being at ease now that you've come means that when you come to Earth, you should settle down and don't be violent!"

"Also! You can fight! But don't let me use the eight-point light wheel to kill people!"

"It doesn't matter how many meters it is!"

"Just throw it out normally!"

In order for Allen not to continue to damage his reputation.

Ace quickly began to send a message to Allen, asking Allen to pay attention and not be so cruel!

Worried that Allen would continue to misunderstand it, Ace also added a special sentence, don't let Allen hold the eight-point light wheel!

Especially don’t show up at 50 meters!

We are giants of light, not sawmen of light!

Don't make me mad QAQ! ! !

"Do not worry!"

"Instructor Ace, I understand!"

"I will definitely not disappoint your expectations! I will definitely fight well!"

After hearing Ace's message, Allen replied to Ace.

Said that he must fight well!
I won't embarrass you!
But even so, Ace is still a little uneasy...

Is this guy Allen really so obedient?

Now whether Allen can beat Impereza properly or not is secondary!

Just don't make any scary noises!

Ace said that his requirements are really not high!
And here is Allen...

"Mobius, please go away a little!"

"I'm about to start fighting!"

"So as not to hurt you by mistake!"

Looking at Imprezza in the distance, Allen asked Membius to stay away.

He wants to fight!
Be careful of being accidentally injured!

Xiaomeng was stunned for a while.

So I'm in your way?

Are you just a newbie and saying I'm in the way?
Are the new generation so crazy?
Allen didn't know what Mebius was thinking at this time...

He is now thinking about Impreza's settings!
Speaking of...

Impereza's recovery ability seems to be quite powerful!

Even if he eats Taro's Ultra Bomb head-on and is shattered to pieces, he can recover in a short time...

Isn't it okay for such a monster to be "a little" cruel?

It must be all right!
After all, Ace's methods are more cruel!
Impelaza is also a monster that has no sense of pain and no fear!

Ace also said a famous saying!

Any creature that is attacked will feel pain, fear, or be exposed.

When facing enemies who don't have these feelings, you must use the most ruthless means!

If only Ace heard what Allen was saying.

I will definitely say - Alan, you are slandering!

I never said those last words at all!

and also……

Since you can't hold the eight-part light wheel,

Is it okay to hold a guillotine?
So in the shocked eyes of Ace, Mebius, Leo and others,

Allen mobilized the energy in his body, and suddenly his hands condensed an extremely dazzling vertical guillotine!

But this vertical guillotine is different from the previous ones.

After Allen's condensation was completed, he did not fly out, but stayed in place!

Then Allen grabbed the vertical guillotine in front of him and used his fingers to forcefully pinch out several holes.

He held the vertical guillotine in his hand!
see this scene.

Ace's mentality is broken!
Do you fucking call this understanding? !

You understand a hammer! ! !

I won't let you hold the eight-point light wheel, so why don't you hold the vertical guillotine for me? ! ! !

(End of this chapter)

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