Kingdom of Light: Learn from Ace, the Saw Man of Light

Chapter 8: Take care of what you have come!A new Ultraman appears!

Chapter 8: Take care of what you have come!A new Ultraman appears!

Just when all parties were shocked.

Allen, the owner of this guillotine,
Already following Eszofi back to the Space Guard.

I met the captain of the Space Guard of the Kingdom of Light - the Father of Ultra!
"Hello, Captain!"

After Allen saw Ultra's father, he said hello.

"Alan is here, it's great!"

Looking at Allen's appearance, Ultra's father was quite satisfied!

In the past, ordinary new generations, after seeing him, were like ostriches, wishing to bury their heads in the ground.

But Allen was different. After seeing him, he had no fear or fear at all.

Seems quite calm.

The momentum around him was even sharper.

Standing next to Ace, he was not overwhelmed by Ace's momentum!

It is indeed a being that the King of Ultra believes can become a god!

The future of the Kingdom of Light is promising!
Don’t worry about being out of touch!
"Ellen, what have you learned from following Ace during this time?"

"I think Ace's teaching is still very useful!"

"Your aura is completely different from before!"

The father of Ultra smiled and patted Allen on the shoulder.

Knew it!
Ace is pretty good as an instructor!

Allen's talent was not wasted, and Allen has grown so much in a short period of time!
"I learned how to dissect various monsters in the simplest way!"

Allen said to the father of Ultra with a calm face.

I don't think there is anything wrong with my words at all.

As if all this is the normal teaching content of the Kingdom of Light!
Ace:? ? ?
Father of Ultra: ? ? ? ?

When Ultra's father heard this, the smile on his face suddenly disappeared, his eyes flickered, and he glared at Ace with anger.

Hello Ace!
What the hell did you teach Alan? !

You want him to inherit your mantle and become a new generation of corpse dismemberment maniac, right? ?

Why, isn't the name of the director of the Kingdom of Light Meat Factory not enough?
Now you really have to make the Kingdom of Light become a meat factory, so you want to train Allen to become the deputy director of the meat factory?
"No! Captain, please listen to my explanation!"

"That's not how it works!"

“The contents of my teaching are all very normal!”


Ace quickly started to quibble...


Start explaining!
He indicated that he did not teach Allen these things!

It was completely realized by Allen himself!

"Captain, this is indeed not the case!"

At this moment, Zoffie suddenly said something to Ace with a calm expression.

Ace was very touched after hearing this!
Brother Sophie!

It turns out you are such a good big brother!

Brother, when I was framed, you were willing to stand up!

I will never say again that the plan to eliminate Ultraman was made by you!

But before Ace could be happy for long, Zoffie's next words instantly hit him to the bottom!

"Ace actually wants Allen to surpass him and become the strongest dismemberment maniac in the Kingdom of Light!"

Ace: .
Allen: 6 Ah Brother Sha!
Ultra's father slaps Ultra,
He slapped Ace hard on the head!

Originally, he thought about letting Allen guard the earth alone in place of Mebius.

But now it doesn't feel right.
Who knows what Allen would do if left unsupervised.
"Alan! From today on, you are an official member of the Space Guard."

"Your first mission is to go to Earth to protect the Earth on behalf of Mebius!"

" go and continue teaching Allen!"

"I hope that when Allen comes back, I will see a new generation of giants of light, not the Saw Man of Light!"

The father of Ultra was too lazy to continue talking to Ace and announced his appointment.

"No problem! Captain!"

"I will definitely make Allen a real Ultra Warrior!"

Ace said no problem,
Then he looked at Allen resentfully.

This kid is still the same!
You know how to piss me off every day!
See how I deal with you when I come to earth!
Then he took Allen away and headed to Earth!


at the same time.

on the earth……

Imprezza, who had been solved by Allen's vertical guillotine, appears again!
Everyone in the GUYS team was stunned!
He quickly started fighting Impeleza.


How could Impereza's strength be something that humans could resist?


All GUYS team's planes were shot down by Impreza!
Seeing this in the future, he no longer hesitates and prepares to transform into Mebius!
"Future... come on!"

Long knew exactly what he was going to do now in the future.

He didn't care that his teammates were all around him, yelling at the future.

A gratified smile appeared on Mirai's face, and he nodded heavily. Under the shocked eyes of everyone in the GUYS team, he transformed into Mebius!

"The future...the future is Mebius?" "How is this possible?"

Everyone in the GUYS team was stunned on the spot. They had no idea that their comrade-in-arms was actually Mebius who had been helping them!

They originally thought that the future would sometimes disappear at critical moments because they were afraid...


It turns out that the future has been fighting the most difficult battle on its own!

After the transformation, Mebius rushed towards Impreza again.

The eyes are full of determination!
This time he will definitely be able to defeat Implezza!

Last time, I relied on Brother Ace to survive!

But this time is different!
I want to protect my friends! ! !

Even if it’s the last battle! ! !
at the same time……

Eren and Ace appeared above the earth, and also saw Mebius fighting Impreza.

"Eren go!"

"They come, the security."

"Now that I'm here, after helping Mebius, I can stay peacefully on earth."

"Try to let Mebius finish this final battle."

Ace turned to look at Allen beside him and asked Allen to go over and help Mebius.

From now on, Allen will be the Ultra Warrior who protects the earth.

Of course you have to show your face!

But considering Eren's ferocious fighting style.

Ace thought it would be better not to take action.

Wait for yourself to teach well before considering the subsequent actual combat.


Mebius is about to leave.

No matter what, this final battle must be completed by Mebius!

"They come, the security?"

"I understand! Instructor Ace!"

Allen nodded to express his understanding. Just make peace with it, I understand!
Talking or something.

I’ve already memorized it all by heart~
And Ace heard this.

Always have a bad feeling?

But he didn't say anything.

Watch Allen leave.

on the battlefield.

Implezza is still fighting with Mebius, and has already suppressed Membius into a desperate situation...

at this time!

A figure fell from the sky and hit the ground heavily!
The dust flying around was even knocking the roots of trees out of the ground!
Then this Ultra Warrior who is mainly red and supplemented by silver is no nonsense!

Condensing energy in his hand, an eight-point light wheel that continuously rotates at high speed is thrown from his hand!

It hit Impeleza's chest so hard that it even opened a huge hole in the armor on Impeleza's chest!
boom! ——

The powerful force instantly knocked Implezza away!

"What? Another Ultra Warrior!"

"This Ultra Warrior seems to have never appeared on earth!"

"Are you a friend of Membius?"

Everyone in the GUYS team froze in place when they saw Allen!
I didn't expect that at such a critical time, there would be an Ultra Warrior appearing!

But good!

This way Mebius will be safe!
"Thank you Allen..."

After seeing Allen appear, Mebius quickly retreated to Allen's side...

Eyes full of gratitude!


Membius never understood why Ao's father and Tyro said they wanted Allen to protect the earth?

Obviously he is just a child who has been studying with Brother Ace!
in his eyes.

Allen's strength is not enough to protect the earth
"Eren, be careful!"

"Impleza can repair itself, and you may not be its opponent!"

But now is not the time to worry about this!
What Xiaomeng is most worried about right now is
It’s still this Impreza!

Although he already knew the characteristics of this monster.

But I want to defeat this guy completely.

It's really too difficult
"Don't worry, Mebius!"

"Instructor Ace said that I should be in peace when I come. Now that Impereza has come to Earth, I must bury it here!"

Mebius:? ? ?
What the hell?

Now that you've come, let's make peace with it, is this what you mean? ?

Instructor Ace!

What have you taught Alan?

(End of this chapter)

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