Kingdom of Light: Learn from Ace, the Saw Man of Light

Chapter 7 4 Great Heavenly King Menbius is shocked!Eren heads to Earth!

Chapter 7 The Four Heavenly Kings Mebius is shocked!Eren heads to Earth!

In the outer space of the earth...

A huge spaceship is parked here...

Inside are the four subordinates of the Great Emperor of the Dark Universe, Ampera, the Four Heavenly Kings of Darkness!
At this moment, they were looking at the ground.

You must know that Impelaza is a robot under the emperor.

Not only is it extremely hard, but it also comes with recovery, making it extremely easy to deal with a Mebius!
They can already imagine the tragic death of Mebius!
But right now!

The whole space is shaking!

They were all shocked!
Could it be that an enemy is coming! ?
So they all turned to look.

However, when they saw a crescent-shaped light blade coming from the distant universe, heading straight towards the earth, and instantly wiped out Implezza.

They were all petrified in place!

It was as if a turbulent wave had stirred up in my heart, and I couldn't calm down for a long time!
It’s completely unbelievable that someone could span the entire universe and remotely eliminate Impreza!
Who is this!
Who made the move! ?

"What on earth was that thing that killed Impleza with one blow just now?"

"Why is it so terrifying?"

"Impleza didn't even have a chance to be resurrected!"

The face of the bad space alien Mephilas is full of shock!

I never expected that Impeleza, who had been helping the Ampera people fight in the universe, would be instantly killed by an attack that flew from nowhere!

How terrifying must this attack be to be able to achieve this level?

Not only him.

The frozen star Grozam and the cosmic planner Disrem were also deeply shocked!
But right now!
There was a roar from the side!

"Ace! Ace!! Ace!!!"

The other three people didn't know what the attack was, but the Yabo people knew it very well!

He will never forget the shape and energy of Ace's guillotine!

How many super beasts he had, all died under Ultra Guillotine!

Even the strongest super beast whose soul was involved in the fusion behind him, King Qianbo, died under Ace's ultimate guillotine!


Why is this guillotine launched from the depths of the universe?
When did Ace become so awesome! ?
Could it be that,
Has Ace grown to a point he couldn't even imagine! ?
This attack is...

Ultra Guillotine?
Mebius froze on the spot.

His eyes were full of shock and disbelief, and his heart was boiling like a tsunami!

Just now he thought he was going to die on earth this time.

In my mind, I started to recall the scene when I met everyone from the GUYS team.

I didn't expect to see this scene!
Impeleza, who was extremely difficult to deal with, was directly eliminated by a crescent-shaped light blade!

Is this really an Ultra Guillotine?
When did Ultra Guillotine become so powerful? ?

And it spans at least several galaxies! ! !
Could it be that Brother Ace has become stronger again?
Although Mebius doesn’t understand,

But the result is good!
Implezza was completely killed, and the earth was temporarily safe!


If Mebius knew...

This was released by Allen...

My jaw will probably drop!
But Mebius is destined not to know about this in a short time!
I saw him transform back into a human body, Hibino Mirai...

Just when the future changed back, he saw the dragon rushing towards him looking for him.

The expression on Long's face was very complicated, and he didn't know how to face the future...


the other side……

Gudoo! ——

Zeta swallowed hard.

My whole body shuddered as if I had fallen into an ice cellar.


Did he just pass through the gate of hell?
If the vertical guillotine just hit...

He is just a corpse now QAQ! ! ! ! ! !
no!Can't go on like this!
He must have offended Allen somewhere!

Otherwise, why would Allen use such a horrific attack on himself?

Whatever the reason...

Apologize first!
"I'm sorry! Allen!!!"

"Although I don't know where I offended you, everything is my fault!"

"I beg you to let me go!"


Zeta just lost his face!
He sprinted to his knees, knelt down in front of Allen, hugged his thighs and started crying...

He is wronged!

He did nothing!

Please let me go!
I will never disobey any of your orders in the future!

"Get up first..."

"Isn't it mainly because Instructor Ace asked me to try it with you?"

"Instructor Ace taught me to use my full strength when facing my opponent!"

Allen looked at Zeta and spread his hands...

I helplessly said no, isn’t this what Instructor Ace asked me to try~
I just followed Instructor Ace's order!
When Ace heard this, his face turned as black as charcoal!
Good guy!
I did say that when facing an opponent, you have to go all out.

But have you ever thought about Zeta's strength?
This is your companion!

You still hit me so hard!

More importantly, how did you put the blame on me so easily?

I can't let you continue like this!

Ace's expression changed.

He now thinks that Allen is not only too cruel, but also has too much personality!
It must be taught well!
Otherwise, what will happen next? !

There are not only four dark kings on the earth now...

In the future, there will even be the arrival of the Great Emperor of the Dark Universe - the Ampera Planet!

Maybe this can also train Allen?

Just ask the Ampera Star and the Four Dark Kings to help him educate Allen!
Thinking of this, a smile appeared on Ace's lips.

"Brother Zuofi, Allen will go to Earth!"

"I said, as long as Allen learns the Ultra Guillotine, he can pass."

"Now that you have learned it, you will have the power to protect yourself!"

"It's good to practice in the past!"

Ace looked at Sophie with a smile on his face.

He said with joy in his words.

"That's good!"

"Then let's go back to the Kingdom of Light now!"

"First grant Allen the status of a formal member of the Space Guard!"

Zoffie nodded and asked them to return to the Kingdom of Light together, preparing to grant Allen the status of a formal member of the Space Guard.

Otherwise, it would be unfair for Allen to go to Earth.

Only by becoming an official member of the Space Guard can you be qualified to protect the earth!
"Can I finally go to Earth..."

Allen murmured in his mind.

Just head to Earth.

This way you can show off your skills!
Finally, I no longer have to suppress my power!

Otherwise, I would really worry about getting rid of Zeta if I started taking action!

A thought here.

Allen longed for it in his heart.

I may have some concerns about being cruel to my own people, but I am cruel to monsters. Sorry, I am very ruthless!
I don’t know what rewards there will be then! ?
It will definitely be better!
Just think about it!
Just when Allen, Ace and others returned to the Kingdom of Light.

The four heavenly kings and other monsters on the earth have no idea what kind of nightmare is waiting for them.
(End of this chapter)

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