Kingdom of Light: Learn from Ace, the Saw Man of Light

Chapter 6 Vertical Guillotine!Kill Earth Impreza!

Chapter 6 Vertical Guillotine!Kill Earth Impreza!

Ha ha……

Learned the Ultra Guillotine?

How can it be!

At this moment.

Ace turned away and put his hands behind his back.

He knew without even looking that Allen would never be able to use the Ultra Guillotine!
Ace would not believe anything that Allen could learn Ultra Guillotine!
Ultra Guillotine is a forbidden technique in the Kingdom of Light, if only individuals can use it.

How could it be classified as a forbidden technique?
Until now, he is the only one among the Ultra brothers who knows the Ultra Guillotine!

Not even Zuofi, who is tens of thousands of years older than them!
Allen grew up next to him.

He knows quite well what skills he has!
Who could unknowingly teach Alan the Ultra Guillotine?

No one’s okay!

Now even if someone tells him that Allen is the eight-point light wheel that he has realized, he still believes it!

But if someone told him that Allen himself realized the Ultra Guillotine...

Ace will just think this guy is farting!
But the next second...

After hearing Zeta and Zoffie's exclamations, Ace was stunned.

Then he turned around,

When he saw Allen's hand,
After condensing an extremely familiar crescent-shaped light blade!
His eyes were full of horror and disbelief!

I can't believe that Allen actually condensed the Ultra Guillotine!


how can that be!

You must know that Ultra Guillotine is listed as a forbidden technique in the Kingdom of Light because of its extremely high learning difficulty and terrifying power!

Ultra Guillotine's requirements for energy control are quite precise!

Even a slight deviation can lead to injury!

And due to the power of Ultra's Guillotine, once it hurts oneself, it will be seriously injured!
That’s why the Kingdom of Light lists it as a forbidden technique!

And this time!
What Allen condensed was even more perfect than his, and even seemed to be stronger!
When he thought of this, Ace felt his scalp numb and his back chilly!

This guy Allen...

How on earth did you learn this? ?
Before Ace could react,
The vertical guillotine in Allen's hand flew out directly!

Mixed with quite terrifying power!

And the ground that the vertical guillotine cut across shattered into pieces, forming a crack a hundred meters deep!
All the surrounding gas was pushed back at an extremely fast speed, forming circles of sonic boom circles!

Straight past Zeta and headed towards the depths of the universe!

Ripples arose in the space wherever they went, and countless advanced civilizations were trembling with fear!
Earth at this time...

boom! ——

boom! ——

Continuous explosions occurred in the city, turning into small mushroom clouds that shot straight into the sky.

The flames caused by the explosion instantly turned the city into a sea of ​​​​fire!
Human beings kept running in all directions, avoiding Impleza's attacks...

In the future, a trace of confusion appeared on Impeleza's face as he watched the city being destroyed...

This is his second hometown where he has lived for a long time!


When he first came to Earth, he was really not used to it.

But now he has a bond on earth!
Having teammates who think about him.

With everything!
He really doesn't want to leave the earth!

But at this time, Father Ultra's order has arrived!
Allen will replace him and help them protect the earth!

But...but the future is really unwilling!

He really didn't want to leave his teammates!

And... even if he had to leave, he would not put his teammates in danger!
Impelaza must be completely dealt with before he can leave!

Thinking of this, Mirai turned around and walked towards the place where Impeleza was wreaking havoc...


"The enemy is right in front of you, do you want to escape?"

Sensing Mirai's movements around him, Aihara Ryu yelled at Mirai angrily. "If we, if GUYS stands idly by, who will defeat that guy!"

"Who will save the earth!"

After hearing this in the future, I will be even more determined in my thoughts!

If he leaves like this, who will save the earth?

And if he wants to leave, then he must completely eliminate Impreza before leaving!

"I come!"

"I'm here to save!"

Mirai turned to look at Aihara Ryuu, his eyes full of determination.

His face is even more determined!

Seeing such a future, Aihara Ryuu was stunned for a moment...

I don’t know what the future actually means.

There is only one person in the future. Without GUYS equipment and no one to help, how can one person save the earth!
However, at this moment, the Phoenix was hit by Impereza's laser without paying attention, and fell towards the ground...

"George! Mariina!"

After seeing this scene, Aihara Ryuu had no intention of continuing to argue with Mirai.

My heart is full of worries for my teammates!
When I see this scene in the future, I have already made up my mind...


Even if his identity is exposed, he must let his teammates survive safely!
Only in this way can he leave with peace of mind!

"Dragon! Thank you for the long time!"

Mirai knows that once his identity is exposed, he will never have the chance to become teammates with Aihara Ryu...

He can only return to the Kingdom of Light to fulfill his obligations as an Ultra Warrior!

Aihara Ryu didn't know what he wanted to do in the future, but he had an inexplicable feeling in his heart.

You are about to know the biggest secret of the future!

Then Mirai said nothing more, raised his left hand, and the words of Ultra's father flashed in his mind...

"If you face it now, you will definitely die!"

The father of Ultra has already asserted that he is definitely no match for Impereza.

But what about this?

Thinking of the humans who are constantly running for their lives, and the teammates who are fighting for peace...

So what if he risked his life?
"Please watch!"

"This is my last fight!"

As Mirai's words fell, the aura of Mebius appeared on Mirai's wrist.

The dazzling light made Ryu Aihara unable to open his eyes.

When the light disappeared, what appeared in front of Aihara Ryu was Mebius, who had already caught the Phoenix!

Aihara Ryuu was stunned for a moment!

He had no idea that the teammate he was fighting with was Ultraman Mebius!
I saw Mebius slowly placing the Phoenix on the ground.

Head straight for Impleza!

But what happened next was just like what Ultra's father said.

The current Membius was no match for Impeleza and was quickly knocked to the ground.

Can't move at all!

At the critical moment when Mebius is about to be executed by Impreza!


The whole space is shaking!

It was as if something extremely terrifying fell from the sky!
Mebius, Long and other guys team members have moved their realization to the sky!

They saw an extremely terrifying crescent-shaped light blade falling from the sky, and then headed towards Impeleza in their extremely shocked eyes!

"Boom, boom, boom!————"

Earth-shattering explosions resounded through the sky, and the vertical guillotine struck hard on Impeleza's body. The powerful cutting force exploded like a knife cutting tofu, splitting Impuleza into two instantly, and then exploded with a bang. !
Countless fires shot up into the sky, and the blast waves exploded one after another, leaving a huge ravine hundreds of meters deep on the ground, setting off huge waves of sand and dust hundreds of meters high, and the resulting momentum could only be described as horrifying. Let people describe it!
Mebius, Long, the guys, and people observing the battlefield through various means saw this scene.

They all stayed in place
Where did the crescent-shaped light blade come from?

(End of this chapter)

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