Kingdom of Light: Learn from Ace, the Saw Man of Light

Chapter 5 rewards a full set of guillotines!Ace: When did you learn this? ?

Chapter 5 rewards a full set of guillotines!Ace: When did you learn this? ?
"Zo...Zo Fei?"

"I...I am..."

Ace had already stunned Allen at this time.

He looked around with a confused look.


He finally remembered what had happened to him!
He was chopped away by Allen's 300-meter eight-point light wheel!
Think of it...


Ace's mentality immediately collapsed!
Lying on the ground and looking at the sky, I am hopeless!


Destroy it!
Allen, it's okay for you to hold an eight-point light wheel.

I won’t say anything about the 50-meter eight-point light wheel!
But you're going to kill me with a 300-meter light wheel!
300 meters! ! !

Do you really want to kill me? ! ! !
Ace wants to cry but has no tears...

Who taught Allen these things?

He has never taught Allen these skills, let alone said that the eight-point light wheel can be held in hand!

But if you say that Allen realized it himself, he wouldn't believe it to death!

Allen will never learn these things without teaching him!

You'd better not let me know who you are!

Otherwise, I must let you try all the guillotine varieties in the Kingdom of Light!

Ace almost cursed the person who taught Allen these skills to death!

woohoo woohoo!
Where has the cute and lovable Allen gone?

How cute Allen was before!
That is to say, I occasionally play pranks and let the members of the Kingdom of Light see me dismembering monsters...

In other words, let the people from the Kingdom of Light see the scene where I was specially trained by Seven Jeep...

It’s just to spread my name as the director of the Kingdom of Light Meat Factory!

But now...

Ellen doesn't do pranks anymore!

He started fucking me right away!

A 300-meter eight-point light wheel!
A full 300 meters!

Do you know how harmful this is to me, a mere [-]-year-old child?
Whoooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo! ! ! !

It's so cruel! ! !
Just when Ace was still immersed in the shock just now...

Snapped! ——

A crisp slap sounded!
"Ace, are you alright?"

Seeing that Ace still didn't get up, Zoffie slapped him and asked worriedly...

Ace: .
Your slap
Something will happen no matter what!

Do you know how to care for the wounded?
But it doesn't matter!

I saw Ace standing up silently, ignoring Zoffie, and looking straight into the distance...

Zoffi and Zeta also looked over. At this time, the ground had been destroyed by Allen's eight-point light wheel, and the original appearance was completely unrecognizable!

Even a tall mountain was razed to the ground!

Seeing this, Zoffi and the Zetas were dumbfounded and began to tremble...

They found out after this battle.

Allen's fighting style is not a normal warrior of light at all!

It’s so cruel!

However, Alan in the distance did not notice their gazes.

I am immersed in the joy of the reward.

[Your fighting style is extremely ferocious, and you have received the critical blessing from the Mother of the Universe! 】

[You have an epiphany about the full set of guillotines! (Including various forms of guillotines)】

I rely on!

A full set of guillotines!

The mechanical sound just fell.

Countless information poured into Allen's mind!
Master all forms of guillotine perfectly!

He didn't expect that he would get such a good reward this time!

What is the most famous forbidden technique in the Kingdom of Light?
Nothing but Ultra Guillotine!

There are so many people in the Kingdom of Light, but only Ace can use this thing!

I have never seen anyone in the original novel who can use this skill!
The lethality is the best in the Kingdom of Light!

Even if Ace wants to use it, he must obtain the consent of the Kingdom of Light!
How many super beasts fell under this move!
Not to mention, this time Allen got a full set of Ultra Guillotine!

There are many variants of Ultra Guillotine that even Ace has never used!

Your title as director of the Kingdom of Light Meat Factory is about to be changed!

Now I am truly the director of the Kingdom of Light Meat Factory!

at this time……

"Alan, your learning results this time are quite good!"

Ace walked up and said quite calmly...

He didn't want to lose face in front of Allen!Allen was picked up by him!
So even if my body is in pain, I can't show it!
Otherwise, how can we gain a foothold in front of Allen in the future?

Before Allen could answer, Ace looked at Sophie again.

"Speaking of which, brother Zuofi, what's the matter with you coming here this time?"

Looking at Ace's calm expression, Zoffie was stunned for a moment.

good boy!
Pretending to be pretty good!
But now it’s time to get down to business!

"The captain asked Allen to replace Mebius and protect the earth!"

Ace was stunned when he heard this!
What the hell?

Protect the earth? ?
Is this Allen who just slashed me with a 300-meter light wheel? !

Ace is confused!

If this kid Allen goes to Earth...

It’s not as simple as protecting the earth.

I'm afraid it will directly cause earth-shaking changes in the people's impression of the Warrior of Light!

Then the reputation that it took many generations for their Kingdom of Light to gain will be ruined because of this guy Allen!
Absolutely not!
"No! Brother Zuo Fei must not do it!"

Ace said with excitement that he must not let Eren go to Earth!

This time it was Sophie's turn to be confused.

Wouldn't it be nice to let Eren go to Earth for some exercise?
Ace was just about to tell the reason when he thought of...

Allen is here now!

He still can't express his true thoughts...

How to do……

Got it!

"Brother Zoffie! Allen hasn't mastered the Ultra Guillotine yet!"

"It's very likely that you won't be able to defeat your opponent on Earth because your skills don't do enough damage!"

"So let Eren learn the Ultra Guillotine before going!"

Ace said quickly.

This is a very good reason!

Zoffi has absolutely no reason to refuse!

As for whether Allen can learn...

Absolutely impossible!
Ultra Guillotine is not a simple skill!
You can’t learn it in a short time!
Ace sneered in his heart...

The result is here...

"But Instructor Ace, I have already learned it!"

Allen said innocently.

Show that you have mastered it!
"I learned from you..."

"You... what?"

Ace nodded first, and then the expression on his face began to change!


what do you say! ?

You really have it! ?

How can it be!

"Ellen, don't talk nonsense!"

"I never taught you Ultra Guillotine!"

"Where can you learn that?"

Hear this.

Allen said seriously:
"I really learned it."

That's right!

Not only do I know it.

And it has already surpassed you~
"Okay! You said you learned it, right?"

"You try it with Zeta!"

"If you can't use it, you can spend 100 years facing the wall!"

Ace was instantly furious!
He said that he has never taught you this trick. How can you use it?

Then let Zeta try it.

As long as Allen can't use it, he can take revenge for his previous revenge!

You're the only one who's cruel, right?

Let you face the wall and think about life for 100 years!

Rub your ferocious energy!
And Zeta heard this.

Then he looked at Ace as if he had eaten nine turns of intestines.

Thank you so much, Brother Ace!

But before Zeta could speak...

Allen moved his hands up and down, and suddenly condensed a vertical guillotine containing the energy to destroy the world...

(End of this chapter)

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