Kingdom of Light: Learn from Ace, the Saw Man of Light

Chapter 4 The 3-meter light defeated Ace!Wake up, I'm Shazofi!

Chapter 4: The 300-meter light wheel defeated Ace!Wake up, I'm Sha Zoffi!


Ace was really angry.

From the time I first picked up Allen.

This guy just loves himself.

Call yourself the director of the Kingdom of Light Meat Factory!

He also released this title, making everyone feel that it fits their personality quite well!

This directly made Ace's title of Dharma King of the Kingdom of Light no longer exist, and confirmed his title as Director of the Meat Factory of the Kingdom of Light!

Even after meeting the super beast in the universe, the Ultra brothers would send messages to Ace.

We met a super beast!
I know you like to divide super beasts the most!
Do you want us to take the super beast back and let you, the director of the meat factory, recall your past?

When he saw this sentence, Ace was so angry that he didn't get angry to death!
The result is now...

Allen, you are more capable, aren't you?

Do you even want to use me to test your skills? !

it is good!
very good! !
I want to show you what the real eight-point light wheel is!
"Ellen, it seems that I was too gentle to you before!"

"It's my problem that your personality has changed!"

"Today I am going to change your personality back!"

Ace said quite angrily.

He didn't think there was anything powerful about Allen's eight-point light wheel.

It’s all just an empty show!

After all, he is just a child of several thousand years old!
And the larger the light wheel is, it means that it will be more difficult to operate.

A thought here.

Ace's hand began to gather energy, and suddenly a rotating Ultra Disk Blade appeared in his hand.


Looking at the Ultra Disc Blade in his hand, Ace discovered for the first time that the Ultra Disc Blade was hand-held to attack...

It seems a little strong!

And he looks handsome!
But now,

Let me, Eren, experience my first hand-held Ultra Disc Blade!

Then Ace decisively rushed towards Allen!

It is necessary to let Allen know that it is impossible for him to change the world now!

"Damn it! I knew it was the method you taught Allen!"

"Alan is so right!"

"Ace, you are a dismemberment maniac!"

"A long-range skill can turn you into a tool for dismembering corpses!"

"You really deserve the title of Director of the Meat Factory!"

Zuo Fei saw this scene from a distance.

His face was full of black lines.

Ace, you bad boy, I knew it was you who taught you!

Who else but you can teach Allen such a skill that is very convenient for dismembering his body?

Allen here...

He also has no worries that Ace will hurt him!

With Eren's infinite energy, it's too easy to defeat Ace's Ultra Disc Blade!

Moreover, after Allen possesses unlimited energy, he can control energy to a very fine level!
Even supplying more energy to the eight-point light wheel will be no problem!
It will not cause the eight-point light wheel to collapse!

A thought here.

Allen swung the 50-meter-long eight-point light wheel towards Ace!
Zizizi! ——

Click! ——

Just when two eight-point light wheels that didn't seem to be on the same level collided together, countless sparks instantly burst out between the two skills!
Then the Ultra Disc Blade in Ace's hand suddenly shattered!

This doesn't even take a second!
Then in the extremely horrified eyes of Zoffi and Zeta!
The extremely huge eight-point light wheel hit Ace heavily...

Zizizizizizai! ——

Crazy cutting sounds sounded.

Countless sparks instantly enveloped Ace, creating terrifying ripples of air. The momentum created can only be described as astonishing!
Allen's nimbus not only cut into Ace's body crazily, but the suppressive force it unleashed made the ground beneath Ace's feet instantly dent!

Ace gasped suddenly.

The eyes are full of shock and disbelief!

What's happening here?
This kid directly used the eight-point light wheel to smash my Ultra Disc Blade?

Is my Ultra Disc Blade so weak?wrong!

This kid is too perverted!

This guy has injected so much energy into the eight-point light wheel, why can he still maintain the stability of the eight-point light wheel?
And where does this kid get so much energy?
You can't really eat the plasma spark tower!


Can't go on like this!

If I lose, I really won’t be able to hold my head up in front of this kid again!
Thinking of this, Ace gritted his teeth!

Using both hands, he directly raised Allen's eight-point light wheel a little, and he quickly jumped back...



Ace looked at the huge light wheel spinning at high speed in Allen's hand, and kept gasping for air.

Feel the pain in your body,

Ace people are stupid!

This kid’s eight-point light wheel,

far surpassed him.

Who the hell did he learn this from?
Ace clearly remembered that he had never taught Allen these usages!
"Instructor Ace, what do you think of my learning results?"

"Is it very strong?"

"Should the two of us continue to compete?"

"I feel like you, Instructor Ace, are no longer my match now!"

Allen smiled and looked at Ace, and the eight-point light wheel in his hand slowly turned into light particles and disappeared...

"Don't be complacent, kid!"

"Did you get crazy all of a sudden?"

"You have to know that underestimating the enemy is a taboo in battle!"

Ace is really angry now!
This kid is so swollen now!
Get a little advantage and go crazy like this!


We must make this boy feel scared today!

Otherwise, you won’t be able to ride directly on my head in the future!

This kid must be suppressed!
Thinking of this, Ace decided not to hold back anymore!
Let Allen know that there is still a huge gap between the two of them!
Then Ace directly launched a vertical guillotine attack!

A crescent-shaped light blade flew towards Allen at an extremely fast speed!

The forbidden technique of the Kingdom of Light!
Vertical guillotine!

hiss! ——

see this scene.

Zeta and Zoffie both took a deep breath!

Ace, what do you mean?

Use the vertical guillotine on Allen! ?
Is there anything you can't afford to do?
The result is at this moment,

Zeta and Zoffi seemed to have seen something terrifying, their eyes were full of shock!
I saw Allen's hands condensed into a huge 300-meter light wheel!
The huge light wheel is far larger than Allen's body!

Allen pointed to the sky with one hand, and the 300-meter-long eight-point light wheel continued to rotate.

All the surrounding gas was cut open by this terrifying eight-point light wheel, forming a vacuum area!

Even more terrifying!
The rapidly rotating eight-point light wheel even ignited the surrounding gas!

The eight-point light wheel was directly wrapped with extremely high-temperature flames!

"Go to me!"

As Allen waved his hand forward, a huge 300-meter eight-point light wheel also flew out!
The terrifying wind pressure caused all the dust on the ground to be blown away!
Form a huge tornado!
Colliding with the vertical guillotine with huge pressure!
Facing such a terrifying attack, the vertical guillotine was like a piece of paper, completely shattered the moment it collided with the tornado formed by the eight-point light wheel!

The eight-point light wheel rushed towards Ace with irresistible momentum!

"Boom boom boom!!!——"

An earth-shattering explosion sounded, and a 300-meter eight-point light wheel instantly hit Ace. Countless firelights mixed with sparks rippled out in all directions. The burst of power directly blasted Ace thousands of meters away and then hit the ground heavily. On the top, countless sand, dust and gravel were kicked up and rolled away into the distance!

When Zuofi and Zeta saw this scene in the distance, their eyes were full of horror and disbelief!

I can't believe it!
Ace actually lost! ! !

Too late to think about it.

Zoffie quickly flew to Ace's side to check on his condition!

"open one's eyes!"

"I'm Sha...I'm Zoffie!"

(End of this chapter)

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