Kingdom of Light: Learn from Ace, the Saw Man of Light

Chapter 3 5-meter large light wheel!Ace: You loser!

Chapter 3 50-meter large light wheel!Ace: You loser!

I rely on! ?
Unlimited energy? !
Allen was stunned when he heard the voice of his golden finger!
I never expected that I would receive such a reward!
What is the most important thing about Ultraman?
The most important thing is energy!
Fighting skills, light skills, or anything else are secondary.

As long as you have energy, even the most ordinary light, what planet cannot be destroyed?

Defense can also be topped up through energy!

When you encounter an enemy, you can just turn off the timer and fight!
So cool! ! !
Allen looked at Zeta like a wolf looking at a sheep!
Zeta boy, you are truly a treasure.

It can help me improve my strength quickly!

I don’t know how many good things you have that I haven’t discovered yet!


I'm going to see what other good things you can bring me today!

The wool is to be caught in a pile!

at the same time.

Zoffie and Ace finally reacted!

If they don't take action, Zeta will really fall into Allen's hands!

Then he was going to stop Allen and tell him not to continue sawing Zeta like a piece of wood!
Zeta is almost here!

As a result, just when the two were about to go...

The eight-point light wheel in Allen's hand slowly turned into light particles and disappeared into the void, and Zeta was also let go by Allen...

After seeing this scene, Zoffie and Ace finally breathed a sigh of relief...

Good guy!
Fortunately, Allen let go!
Otherwise, Zeta will really leave a lifelong shadow about the Saw Man of Light today!

"So, Allen still has a sense of proportion, don't you think so, Brother Zuofi?"

Ace looked at Sophie with a smile, saying that Allen still had some sense of measure!
He is just worried!

Sophie was so angry when she saw Ace looking so mean!
If it weren't for you, would Allen be able to become the Saw Man of Light?
I have no problem with you wanting to become the director of a meat factory, but you damn well don’t want the Kingdom of Light to completely turn into a meat factory!

In order to resist the thought of giving Ace another Ultra slap.

Zoffie could only look away...

But the next second.

Zoffie's face was covered with black lines,

Looks can kill!
see this scene.

Ace was stunned.


Brother Zuofi, what's wrong with you?

Don't scare me!
So he also followed Zuo Fei's gaze.

next second.

His eyes were full of shock and disbelief!



What the hell are you doing again! ! !

Zeta here...

After being released by Allen, Zeta let out a long breath and survived!
The afterlife!
Although Allen’s eight-point light wheel just now was terrifying,
But I’m thick!

Thinking that he had withstood such an attack, Zeta was quite proud!
So what if your attack power is strong?
You can't cut it!

What doesn't kill me will only make me stronger!

Let's keep fighting...

Zeta hasn't finished speaking her inner words yet...

I saw the scene in front of me!
His eyes suddenly widened!
Looking at Allen in front of him as if he saw a ghost in broad daylight!
Allen's hands were seen condensing a light wheel that was as tall as him and 50 meters in diameter! ! ! !
Squeak, squeak, squeak! ——

The sound of the eight-part light wheel rapidly rotating and cutting the surrounding gas resounded in the sky!

Being able to cut the surrounding gas and make such a sound in such an environment shows how terrifying Allen's eight-point light wheel is!
If you were struck on the neck by such an eight-point light wheel...

That's a shame! ?

Zeta shuddered when he thought of the scene where his head flew up!
Allen! ! !

don't come here! ! !

Don't come here! !

I was wrong woohoo! ! !

Zeta wasn't the only one confused.

Ace was also confused here.

You are so special! !
Forget about the Saw Man of Light!
What does this 50-meter large light wheel mean?
Where the hell do you get so much energy!

You ate the Plasma Spark Tower! ?

Even if there is so much energy, it cannot be controlled well!
You know, the power of light skills is indeed related to energy, but more importantly, can you control these energies perfectly?
If there is no way to control energy well...

Then even if you inject all your energy into a skill, it will only cause the skill to fail!
It doesn't increase the power, it's just a waste of your own energy!
But what about Allen?

Not only is it condensed!
And the control is so smooth!

How could this not shock Ace!How could it not surprise him! ?

Before Ace could react from his daze.

I heard a roar!

"Ace! What have you taught the flowers of the Kingdom of Light?"

"This is the teaching you gave Alan?"

Zoffie looked at Ace in front of him with anger in his eyes.

He really wants to hit Ace!

Look what you have taught Allen!

Nothing like a Warrior of Light at all!


As expected of beings considered by King Ao to be capable of becoming gods, Allen and Zeta are both children picked up by Ace, but their talents...

What a difference! !
Ace had no reaction at all to Sophie's roar...

He is almost autistic now...

How can I still be in the mood to pay attention to Zuo Fei's roar...

Wasn't Allen good before?

Why is this happening?

Could it be that I unknowingly instilled the idea of ​​dismemberment into Alan?


Zeta's side...

Facing Allen's super huge eight-point light wheel, Zeta didn't dare to carry it with his body at all!
If you resist, you will really die!
Quickly open a blue shield...

But such a shield...

The eight-point light wheel facing Allen was like paper, and it shattered the moment the eight-point light wheel came into contact!

"The nest!"

"Alan calm down!"

"I can really do it this way!"

The Zetas were numb when they discovered that their shield didn't even stop Allen for a second!
He quickly yelled at Allen!
He doesn't want to die!

He is still very young!

"It's okay Zeta!"

"It's just a matter of life or death!"

"Besides, as warriors of light we cannot die!"

"The worst case scenario is to ask Instructor Zoffi to find Instructor Hikali, and then use the life-curing technology!"

"You won't die anyway!"

Allen said in a persuasive way.

Isn’t it death?

It’s not like you can’t be resurrected, it just takes a moment!
Just a moment!
Seeing Allen who didn't stop at all, Zeta was desperate...

Who will save me!

I don’t want to experience the feeling of death!
Just when Allen was about to take action.

Ace rushed over and blocked Allen's hand to prevent Allen from continuing to attack Zeta.

"That's enough Alan!"

"A warrior of Zeta's level cannot withstand this attack!"

"If you take action, we really have to go find Ultra Mother or Shikali to resurrect Zeta!"

Ace said with a serious face.


"Instructor Ace, can a warrior of your level withstand such an attack?"

"Okay! Then this is just enough to test my learning results!"

After Allen was stunned for a moment,
An excited expression suddenly appeared on his face!

that's nice!

If such an attack were to hit Ace, Golden Finger would definitely give him better skills!

Ace:! ! ! ? ? ?

Ace's face was full of shock!

I couldn't believe everything I heard!
He suspected that he had hallucinations!

Allen! ! !

You bad boy!

You still want to do something to me! ?

(End of this chapter)

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