Kingdom of Light: Learn from Ace, the Saw Man of Light

Chapter 2 The 8-split light wheel is not used like this!Saw Man of Light!

Chapter 2: This is not how the eight-point light wheel is used!Saw Man of Light!
Allen! !
What the hell are you doing! ?

Stop it!

Do you want Zeta to be completely defeated? ? ?

Zeta can't withstand this kind of attack!

At this moment...

Ace and Sophie were both stunned.

You look at me and I look at you.

Everyone could see the disbelief in each other’s eyes!

They never expected that Allen would be holding an eight-point light wheel!

Although the eight-point light wheel is indeed a skill that all Ultra warriors can learn!
Basically, you can use this skill to consume it.


Good guy!
Whose eight-point light wheel is in their hands?
Stop me now!
This is not a logging saw! ! !
This thing is a long-range skill!
Remote! !

Do you know what remote skills are? !

Think about the rotation speed of the eight-point light wheel...

If he really cuts Zeta on the neck...

What will be the result after that.
The eyes of Ace and Sophie became even more frightened!

Allen, don't let Zeta do it to death!
at the same time.

Zeta's side.


Zeta was really panicked.

Looking at the eight-point light wheel flashing with cold light.

His eyes were filled with horror.

Allen! ! ! ! !

What hatred do we two have? !

Make you hate me like this!

You can even turn the eight-point light wheel into a logging saw!
Can you please tell me...

I am afraid!

I'm really scared!

If I offend you, I will correct it!
I apologize! ! !
please let me go...

Don't wait for him to react!
Allen's eight-point light wheel has already hit his neck...

Bass! ——

Countless sparks flew, and Zeta's figure was completely enveloped by the sparks, making it impossible to see clearly what was going on inside.

The sound of metal cutting kept ringing.

Ace and Sophie were stunned for a moment!


With such a cutting sound, is Zeta still okay inside?
I thought of having an eight-part light wheel pressing on my neck.

Then keep rotating and cutting...

Ace and Sophie's bodies trembled!

Zeta let out a painful cry from inside...

Ace's heart suddenly tightened!

Allen won't give it directly to Zeta...

As for Zoffie...

see this scene...

"Ace, you bastard!"

"What on earth did you teach Allen!"

Snapped! ——

Zoffi's face was full of anger, and he slapped Ace on the face with an Ultra.

Tell me what on earth you are doing!

I asked you to teach Allen, and this is how you taught him?
Do you know who Allen is? !

Is this how you become an instructor?
It was indeed a wrong decision to leave Allen to you! ! !

You must know that Allen is an existence that King Ao believes can become a god.

How unbecoming it is to use an eight-part light wheel as a logging saw! ?
The majestic God of the Kingdom of Light!
Even if he is not the God of the Kingdom of Light.

How unbecoming is it for an Ultra warrior from the Kingdom of Light to go out to fight and slash someone's neck with an eight-point light wheel? !
We are the kingdom of light!

Not a meat factory!
Ace, if you want to turn the Kingdom of Light into a meat factory, you have to ask me if I agree!
"Brother Zuofi! I really didn't teach you this!"

"I never taught Alan this at all!"

Ace's voice sounded like he was crying.

Screaming injustice at Zuo Fei...

He really never taught Allen this thing!

Allen came up with this thing himself!

He was completely unaware of it before!
"Haha! Do you think I'm stupid?"

"Do you think I look like a fool?"

"Who taught it if it wasn't you?" "Could it be that Allen did it himself?"

Sophie's face was covered in black lines.

How old is Allen now?
In the Kingdom of Light, he is just a child who has not yet reached adulthood!
Can you have such a mind to come up with an attack method like the Saw of Light?

Who doesn’t know what Ace was like before?

The dismemberment maniac, the director of the meat factory in the Kingdom of Light!
Are these titles fake?

Only you can teach Allen such an attack method!

Sophie became angrier as she thought about it.

"Allen is ready!"

"Stop it! Zeta is about to let you cut your neck off!"

Qi returns to Qi, Zeta's safety still needs to be ensured.

Zoffie quickly said to Allen.

Lest Allen really kills Zeta...

"No! Instructor Ace told me!"

"As long as your opponent does not surrender, your attacks cannot stop!"

Allen said with determination that the battle cannot end until Zeta surrenders!

Ace was shocked when he heard this!
I rely on!

When did I say that?

This is slander!

What a complete slander!

Brother Zuofi, listen to my explanation!

When Zeta heard this, he quickly wanted to surrender!

If he continues to persist, he will really die!
But right now!

The power in Allen's hands increases again!

By the way, the eight-part light wheel was deflected a little, and the continuously rotating eight-part light wheel began to saw towards Zeta's mouth.

The severe pain left Zeta unable to speak a word!
Poor Zeta...

Obviously if he says one more word, he will be liberated!
But for Zeta at this time, this word is simply as difficult as reaching heaven!
Unable to speak.

I can’t say it at all, oh wow!

Rub rub rub rub! ——

The cutting sound, far louder than before, sounded again...

Countless sparks burst out again!
It’s even connected!

There were sparks in this voice, which shocked Ace and Sophie!
Depend on!
Be sure to let Ellen know!
You must not use the eight-point light wheel like this!

Otherwise it would be too painful!
And this scene made Zuo Fei's face even more black...


Don't say surrender now.

Zeta can't even say anything, right? !
You just blocked people's mouths, how can Zeta speak?

So this must have been taught by Ace as well!

Apart from Ace, Zoffie couldn't think of anyone else who could do such a thing!
Allen is a little guy, but his nature is quite simple!

There is definitely someone to guide you!

Ace, what on earth did you teach? ! !
This fucking giant of light! ?

This is clearly the Saw Man of Light!

Snapped! ——

Sophie, who was getting more and more angry, turned around and slapped Ace!

The previous decisions of the captain and the king were wrong!

Can you teach Allen?
Teach me a hammer!

He also said that the opponent cannot stop attacking unless he surrenders...

Look what you have taught Allen!

Cover your face.

Ace wants to cry but has no tears,

It's really not what I taught you QAQ...

I also want to know why Ellen is like this!

I haven’t said anything to Allen before!

I am wronged!

Brother Zuofi, why don’t you believe me!
I am your innocent and lovely brother!

Allen's side.

Just when Allen kept using the eight-point light wheel to open Zeta's mouth, enjoying the fun of this brutal battle!
The system prompt sounded in Allen's mind...

[Your fighting style is extremely ferocious, and you have received the critical blessing from the Mother of the Universe! 】

[You have an epiphany about infinite energy! 】

Allen:! ?

I rely on!

Unlimited energy! ?
(End of this chapter)

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