Kingdom of Light: Learn from Ace, the Saw Man of Light

Chapter 100 Mirror Knight: Don’t look at me, I look ugly!Ellen will save you!

Chapter 100 Mirror Knight: Don’t look at me, I look ugly!Ellen will save you!

Aimee Lana's face was filled with excitement when she heard this!
When it comes to the people he is most grateful to, Mirror Knight is definitely on the list!
After all, had it not been for the Mirror Knight, she would have died at the hands of Reginald.

Not to mention being able to meet Zero and Allen.

"it's me again?"

Cyro is numb...

I came here just because I wanted to hug my thighs and lie flat...

Why do you feel like there are so many things going on...

If Allen takes action, he will definitely solve it faster than himself!

But after thinking about it, Allen was giving him some credit!

It's easy to hold your thighs!
Soon, everyone arrived on the Mirror Star.

But Zero didn't see anyone from the Mirror Star here.

Instead, there was silence.

In the sky, the emerald green aurora flashed, and something like the sun hung in the sky.

As for the ground...

Milky white light particles flowed like a river, but he did not feel any moisture.

Such a strange world made Zero couldn't help but feel shocked.

The Kingdom of Light has not yet made contact with two-dimensional life forms.

Not to mention seeing what two-dimensional life forms look like.

"Two-dimensional people, please answer me!"

"We came here to find the Shield of Palagi."

Emerana stood up and called out to the sun-like snowflake crystal in front of her.

As a member of Esmeralda's royal family, she is the only one who matters here.

If Allen and Zero talk, it is very likely that they will be dismantled directly by Mirror Star.

"We don't care what happens in the three-dimensional world!"


The answer from the people from Mirror Star made Zero, Xiao Zhi and Amy Lana tremble in their hearts!
They have no intention of paying attention to what is happening outside!
"But Beria will invade here sooner or later!"

Zero wanted to use what happened next to make the people at Two-dimensional change their minds.

After all, looking at everyone's reactions now, Zero also knows that the Shield of Palagi is a very important thing to them!
"I know this. Our mirrors can reflect any corner of the universe."

The people of Mirror Star certainly know this very well.

But they are still willing to wait for Beria here.

The two-dimensional and three-dimensional worlds are not the same after all.

It would be very difficult for Beria to break into them.

Beria just wants the Emerald Ore, there is no such thing on their planet.

Even if they know Allen's record, they still think so.

"Then why don't you act?"

Zero didn't understand at all why the people of Mirror Star were still unwilling to help them since they knew this.

"No matter what you do, there's nothing you can do to change it!"

"Let him destroy what should be destroyed!"

The Mirror Star man's words made Allen smile.

This is commonly known as showing off!

"What a joke!"

"Everyone is working hard to survive!"

Xiao Zhi didn't understand at all why the people of Mirror Star were so indifferent to this kind of thing.

"Just look at it and you'll understand!"

The people from Mirror Star didn't want to say anything more, and a bolt of lightning suddenly struck the ground.

The originally shiny floor was opened to something that looked like a screen.

Inside, a figure with silver-gray body and scarlet eyes appeared in front of everyone.

"Mirror Knight..."

Emerana had known about Mirror Knight's status through Ellen before, so she wasn't particularly surprised.

But I felt even more uncomfortable.

If it weren't for protecting himself, the Mirror Knight wouldn't be like this.

"In order to defend Esmeralda's palace, the Mirror Knight used all his strength, but his soul was corroded by the darkness of Beria, and he had no choice but to seal himself away."

"There is no cure!" "You think, what else can we do?"

The Mirror Star man's words left Amy Lana completely unable to think of any words to refute.

If it weren't for her, things wouldn't be like this.

"How can you give up!"

"I'll restore it to its original appearance!"


"We have Alan here!"

"Alan killed two generals of the Belial Empire Army!"

"Beria itself is no match for Allen!"

"We can definitely defeat Beria completely!"

"As long as I can get the Shield of Palagi!"

Zero couldn't help it.

Although I really don't know how to get the Mirror Knight back to normal now.

But Alan said it!

It's enough for him to recover!
It is absolutely impossible for Allen to lie to him!
As for Alan...

After hearing Sero's words, Allen shrugged.

He originally just wanted the Shield of Palagi and was not particularly keen on other things.

Judging from the technological level and combat power of this universe.

He only needs to defeat Beria and the dark Gonaiai Anlong under Beria.

The remaining robots can be completely handled by the people of this universe.

After all, they are by and large outsiders too.

It's better not to interfere too much with the affairs of the universe itself.

Neither Aimee Lana nor Xiao Zhi spoke.

After seeing Allen's previous battle, they all believed in Allen's words.

"Ultraman Allen..."

"Indeed! Ultraman Eren is very strong."

"But we can't gamble."

"What if you people from another world have bad thoughts about this universe?"

"You and Beria came from the same place!"

The people in Mirror Star were a bit sniffy about this.

After all, they are people from other universes.

They don't believe that there are people who are willing to help people in another universe escape from suffering for free, without any need.

The Shield of Palagi alone can't do it!
Besides, no one knows whether the Shield of Palagi exists.

Zero didn't bother to explain to the people from Mirror Star.

As long as the Mirror Knight is rescued, everything will be easy to solve.

Then he transformed into Zero and jumped directly to the place where the Mirror Knight sealed himself.

Zero's arrival did not make the Mirror Knight take any action.

Not even basic defenses are available.

"Can the Mirror Knight hear you?"

When Zero spoke, the Mirror Knight finally made some moves.

He raised his head slightly and looked at Zero.

Then he turned his head away, not wanting anyone to see what he looked like now.

"Dont look at me!"

"I'm so ugly, please don't look at me!"

The Mirror Knight moved his fingers with a look of horror on his face...

He looked a little overwhelmed, which was completely a sign of social fear.

But Zero doesn’t know!

To him, the Mirror Knight didn't look ugly.

This is a medal for fighting for freedom and peace!
Such people are the true braves!
Try your best to protect your home.

But it is something worthy of respect, so to say that the Mirror Knight is just a thorn in the side...

(End of this chapter)

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