Kingdom of Light: Learn from Ace, the Saw Man of Light

Chapter 99 Heading to the Mirror Star!Meet the Mirror Knight!

Chapter 99 Heading to the Mirror Star!Meet the Mirror Knight!
Such a terrifying explosion made Zero feel a little unsure about Allen...

Allen, this guy can’t really die!

Such a violent explosion can even destroy a planetary system!
This is no ordinary explosion!

Allen is very powerful!
Ultra Grand Light Wall is even more powerful!
But it can only block several times the attack of Broken Star...

Now this is an explosion that can destroy the planetary system!
Can Allen block it...

If Allen can't stop him, how will he explain himself when he goes back...

Ace just tore him apart!
Xiaozhi also looked worried.

For them, let alone such an explosion, the vacuum environment of the universe alone is enough to kill them suddenly.

So in Xiaozhi's view, being able to fly in the universe is considered a very powerful person.

Such an explosion is unheard of...

No matter how powerful Allen is, such a terrifying explosion...

Just when everyone was worried about Allen's condition, a red figure flew from a distance.

James is also quite sensible in enlarging his figure!
That's right, it's Allen!
"I knew nothing would happen to this guy Allen!"

After seeing Allen's figure, Zero was quite excited!

He guessed right!
It is really difficult to get rid of this guy Allen!
There is no way anyone in this universe can make anything happen to Allen!
What's more, he guaranteed that Allen must know what the sea of ​​nitromethane is.

Even speaking of the consequences of lighting that thing, Allen must be more aware than them.

Through this period of observation, Cero also discovered that Allen seemed to have a certain ability to predict things.

He knows very well what opponent he will face, and can even come up with corresponding methods to fight against the opponent.


Sero didn't intend to ask about this.

After all, this kind of thing is related to your own secrets.

After special training on King Star, Zero understood that sometimes fighting is not about strength, but about human nature...

Emerana and Xiao Zhi also breathed a long sigh of relief. After Allen comes back, they can go to the Mirror Star to look for clues about the Shield of Palagi.

Soon, Allen was on top of James.

"I knew you'd be fine!"

"As expected of someone I admire!"

Sero crossed his arms across his chest, looking arrogant.

It was obvious that he was so worried about Sai Ya's safety before, but now he pretended not to care.

"Okay, no more words, let's go to Mirror Star first."

"The Iron General of Belial is dead, and now only Belial is left as a lone wolf."

Allen interrupted Amy Lana and Xiao Zhi and asked them to go directly to the Mirror Star.

The plot has taken quite a turn this time.

In Allen's opinion, Noah is very likely to hand over the Shield of Palagi directly to him on the Mirror Star.

After all, Noah himself knew that it would take no effort for Allen to beat Beria.

Almost instant kill.

This trip was just to see what Allen's character was like.

"it is good!"

Emerana nodded to show her understanding.

She really had to hurry up, after all, her parents were still waiting for her to save them on the planet Esmeralda.


In the kingdom of light at this time.

The Ultra Bracelet on Zero's wrist has also been reduced by one count.

Just after arriving in this universe, Zero's energy was almost exhausted.

So I added it with a bracelet.

The Kingdom of Light also gets the use of bracelets here.

Only a short time had passed, and the Ultra bracelet on Zero's wrist had been used once.

This shows how fierce the battle in that universe was.

If only they knew that Zero had a friendly exchange with Red Lotus Flame, but actually did not take the initiative to attack.

I don’t know what the idea will be.Although Seven dislikes Zero a little, he is his son after all.

Seeing this, I couldn't help but think wildly.


Ace also understood Severn's thoughts.

He was also extremely worried about Allen.

After all, it was the child he picked up, so he would be really sad if something happened to him.

Even he couldn't tell what level Allen's strength was.

This is just a parent’s wild imagination.


In another universe, James also brought Emelana and Allen to the Mirror Star.

However, Zero didn't see any planets here.

There are just pillars made of many huge mirrors and a mirror surface spread out across the universe.

"So where is the Mirror Star?"

"There is no planet at all!"

Zero looked at Emerana with some confusion.

Amy Lana also shook her head.

She had only heard of Mirror Star, but had never been there.

Therefore, the specific location of the Mirror Star is not very clear.

We can only follow James.

"Wait a minute, I remember that the records said that Mirror Star is a rather special place!"

Sero and Xiao Zhi did not speak when they heard this. After listening to Emerana's words, they looked ahead with curiosity!

And the mirror that was previously flat in the universe began to slowly flip.

When the mirror was pointed at them, a planet in the mirror appeared in front of everyone.

"Sure enough!"

A look of understanding appeared on Emerana's face.

"My ancestors once had interactions with Two-dimensional people. The Mirror Knight who protects the palace is a great warrior who has a Two-dimensional father and Esmeralda's mother!"

Zero was stunned when he heard this.

"Mirror Knight?"

I'm a little curious about this person, Zero. Is he someone like the Red Lotus Flame?

"But when the Belial Empire army attacked, he protected me and escaped, but after that..."

Emerana said, with a look of worry on her face.

After all, it was not only Caesar Belial who invaded the Esmeralda planet, but also Dark Gonai and Aianlon!

With these three people together, can the Mirror Knight really remain intact?

Plus so many Reginalds and Dark Lops...

No matter how you look at it, there is no way to survive...

Just when everyone was talking.

A green diamond-shaped portal appeared in the mirror in front of him.

This is a dimension reduction gate that allows three-dimensional people to enter the two-dimensional world.

Without this thing, it would be impossible for them to enter the Mirror Star.

"The Mirror Knight was affected by Beria's soul and fell into self-sealing. This time, let Zero go over and help solve it!"

Just when everyone entered the Mirror Star, Allen also informed Emerana of the status of the Mirror Knight.

Things that don't affect the plot are the same whether you say them or not.

Anyway, Allen himself will not take action then.

There was no need at all, he had no intention of forming the Ultimate Zero Guard.

I have no interest in staying in this world any longer.

(End of this chapter)

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