Kingdom of Light: Learn from Ace, the Saw Man of Light

Chapter 98 Noah’s Hellfire!Detonate the sea of ​​nitromethane!So scary!

Chapter 98 Noah’s Hellfire!Detonate the sea of ​​nitromethane!So scary!
Feeling the terrifying temperature of the flame in Allen's hand, Ai Anlong's expression suddenly changed!
It knows very well that if it is burned by such a terrifying flame, there will definitely be no residue left!

The expressions on the faces of the three leaders of the Fire Pirates who were watching the battle were stunned.

Who are the Pirates of Fire?

As a pirate group with fire attributes, they don't have such a terrifying fire attack method!
Just give up your position now.

He is the real brave man of fire.

It would be a complete disgrace for me to continue to occupy this position!
At such a terrifying temperature, even the blue-purple sea of ​​nitromethane below can explode!

Therefore, it is completely possible for the other party to detonate the sea of ​​nitromethane!

This will definitely destroy the fleet of the Belial Empire in an instant!
Thinking of this, the three captains of the Pirates of Fire felt like they could tell each other!
Then he quickly drove the battleship to Allen's location.

"Captain, what are you going to do?"

Red Lotus Flame was slightly startled when he saw the movement of his battleship.

Good guy!
Leader, what do they want to do?
Just rush in and die?
There are so many battleships, even if the battleships of the Pirates of Fire are powerful individually, they cannot withstand so many attacks!

What's more, the opponent also has Reginald who fills the universe.

"We let this Ultraman Eren detonate the sea of ​​nitromethane!"

The voice of the leader of the Pirates of Flame group came, making Honglian Flame startled.

Such an attack can destroy all enemies in an instant!
It is indeed more convenient!

"Sea of ​​nitromethane?"

When Zero heard such a strange phrase, he was completely confused.

After all, he has always been a scumbag...

That is to say, my fighting power is just a little stronger...

"See that blue-purple nebula down there?"

"This is a sea of ​​nitromethane that is formed due to the influence of a special magnetic field and can distort space!"

"As long as it passes strong temperature, the sea of ​​nitromethane below can be detonated."

"The power of such an explosion is no less than the explosion of a neutron star!"

"It's easy to destroy the fleet of the Belial Empire in an instant!"

Red Lotus Flame also explained to Zero the reason for the formation of the nitromethane sea.

By the way, tell Zero why the Fire Pirates did this.

"By the way, what do you want from us?"

"Speak quickly, time is running out!"

Thinking of what Sero said before, he seemed to have something to ask him.

Red Lotus Flame asked a little doubtfully.

There is not much time to talk now.

The other party is definitely not a bad person, and it is okay to help answer the other party's doubts.

"Are you finally willing to listen to me?"

Zero's face was covered with black lines.

You also know now that time is running out!

Damn it, just listen to my explanation at that time and don't rush in and be reckless. We all understand it now...

All I can say is that it is a complete waste of your time.

But Zero still knows what is important and what is not.

"We're looking for the Shield of Palagi!"

"I heard you have clues to the Shield of Palagi."

Sero explained the reason why they came here.

Red Lotus Flame was stunned when he heard this.

"Huh? Are you here looking for the Shield of Palagi?"

"What are you looking for this thing for?"

Red Lotus Flame's face was full of doubts, and he also expressed a dubious attitude towards the existence of the Shield of Palagi.After all, so far, there is no evidence that the Shield of Palagi actually exists.

"Please tell me where it is, in order to defeat Beria!"

After hearing Zero's words, Red Lotus Flame recalled things related to the Shield of Palagi.

He turned his head to look at Zero, then shook his head.

"The Shield of Palagi is useless if it cannot find the fragment to break the seal."

"Even if I tell you, you don't have to have any hopes."

It wasn't the red lotus flames that struck Zero. In the boundless universe, trying to find a fragment to unlock the seal would be even more outrageous than finding a needle in a haystack.

There's no way anyone could do it.

When Zero heard this, his eyes showed a sly look.

"The hope you mentioned is on our battleship!"

Hearing this, Red Lotus Flame was dumbfounded!


There is just such a small fragment on the seal!
Maybe there are many things that match this shape on a planet, but now you tell me that you have found it? ? ?
ah? ? ? ?

Zun Du and Fake Du, don’t deceive me like a fool!
Although I am a bit reckless and not very smart, I still know a lot about this kind of thing!

It’s completely impossible!
But it's just...

Now it seems like I can only believe them!

After all, Red Lotus Flame cannot defeat so many Beria Empire troops on its own.

"The shield of Palagi is on the Mirror Star!"

After telling Zero the news, Red Lotus Flame decisively chose to pursue the Flame Pirates.

It’s better to protect your own people now!

At this time, the energy in Allen's hand has also been condensed!
The temperature of one trillion degrees made the people of Aianlon stupid.

I can't believe that such a terrifying temperature is actually the opponent's skill!
With such a terrifying temperature, no matter what it is, it can melt instantly!

How on earth did Allen wrap the flame with such extreme temperature in his hand?

How on earth am I going to fight now?

Don't think about it. With such a terrifying flame, it has no chance of getting close.

What about remote...

As a steel general, Ai Anlong really doesn't have any long-range attack methods...

Right now!

A beam of light containing one trillion degrees of high temperature shot out of Allen's hand!
Ai Anlong hadn't waited for him to react.

The ultimate flame engulfed it instantly!
Then the power of the light continued unabated.

Rush straight towards the sea of ​​nitromethane in the distance!
Seeing this scene, Zero's expression changed!
Quickly return to James and tell them to get out of here quickly.

Even James couldn't withstand such a terrifying explosion.

As for Allen, he will never die in such an attack!

Protecting themselves is the greatest help to Allen!

boom! ——

A one-trillion-degree flame completely ignited the sea of ​​nitromethane, and the explosion that shot up into the sky swallowed up all the battleships of the Beria Empire.

The surrounding asteroids and meteorites were all annihilated into nothingness in such an explosion.

Even hundreds of light years away, the light produced by this explosion can be clearly seen.

Supernova explosions are nothing more than child's play in the face of this explosion.

On board James, violent vibrations continued to test James' ship.

Emerana held the armrest next to her tightly, extremely worried about Allen's situation...

In such an explosion, will Allen really be okay?
(End of this chapter)

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