Kingdom of Light: Learn from Ace, the Saw Man of Light

Chapter 97 Princess Worship!Allen is the one who saves the world!

Chapter 97 Princess Worship!Allen is the one who saves the world!

Seeing Allen rushing towards him.

Ai Anlong was stunned!
Aren't the Fire Pirates a bunch of cowards who can only harass?

Now, someone actually dares to rush towards him under the fire of hundreds of warships? ? ?
Really interesting!
Since you are so brave, then he will reluctantly let the fleet help and fight you!

It’s a reward for the brave!

Thinking of this, a cruel smile appeared on Aianlong's lips.

Ai Anlong didn't take Allen to heart at all. For him, Allen was completely sent to die!


When Allen got close to Aianlong, he could see clearly what Allen looked like.

Ai Anlong's heart trembled!
What this guy looks like...

It seems to be exactly the same as Dark Lops!
Could it be that this person is the powerful enemy that His Majesty Beria said?
No way!
They should look similar!
But it doesn't matter!

So what if it's really that person?
If he can defeat Allen, it will make Beria think more highly of him!

So, he was really lucky during this time!

Every good thing happened to me!

Decisively jumped off the battleship and rushed towards Allen.

"Are you the Ultraman Eren that Beria said?"

Ai Anlong's mouth was full of a cruel smile, and his words were full of disdain for Allen.

"I'm Allen, wait for the person who cuts you into pieces!"

Seeing the guy who was about to die by his own hands, Allen became more interested.

I don’t mind introducing myself.

"Hahahaha! Very good! It's really you!"

"This time my status in His Majesty Beria's heart will be even higher!"

Ai Anlong is very happy!

I didn’t expect that I would be able to meet the boss!

As long as he defeats Allen, he will secure the top spot under Beria!
Then Aianlong rushed directly to Allen, intending to kill Allen for a second!

As long as Allen can be killed instantly, it will definitely shock everyone in this universe!

It will also be much easier for Belia to invade other universes in the future!

Looking at Aianlong rushing towards him, Allen's movements were quite simple.

Condensate two vertical guillotines directly in your hand!

He slashed at Aianlong's body.

"It's useless! I'm General Steel!"

"Your attacks can't hurt me!"

Ai Anlong looked indifferent.

As a person known for his defense, he really didn't believe that anyone could hurt it.

Point your back directly at Allen.


bass! ——

Two milky white sword lights flashed past, and an X-shaped wound suddenly appeared on Ai Anlong's back.

Countless sparks burst out from Aianlong's back.

The severe pain made Ai Anlong lose his voice for a moment, his eyes widened, and he couldn't believe that he was actually hurt!
Still so seriously injured!

"Impossible! Why can you cut me!"

Faced with Aianlong's horrified question, Allen didn't bother to answer.

In the final analysis, battles in the Ultra Universe are judged by the use of light skills and the amount of energy.

As long as enough energy is injected, the cohesion of light is strong enough.

Defense is just a toy to Allen!

Allen, who has been rewarded with so much light, is definitely the pinnacle of light control in all universes!
It is impossible for anyone to surpass Allen's light manipulation.

Even Beria or the legendary Hyperjetton would not dare to use their body to catch Allen's vertical guillotine!
There is only one outcome for those who forcefully receive Allen's attack, and that is to be split in half!

Become one of the countless dismembered corpses in the universe.Red Lotus Flame is also stupid!
As the guardian of the Fire Pirates, he had naturally fought against Ai Anlong.

He also has a fairly clear understanding of Ai Anlong's defensive power.

Even with the fire attack he possessed, Ai Anlong was able to carry out the attack without any pain.

As for melee combat...

That's even more impossible!

Ai Anlong's steel body was even able to inflict severe pain on his own hands, but he didn't feel anything.

But such a terrifying opponent, facing Allen, couldn't stop Allen's attack at all!

This shows how terrifying Allen's attack is!
"Who the hell is he?"

"Why can it be so powerful!"

Hearing the horrified voice from Red Lotus Flame's mouth, Zero's face was filled with pride.

Did you see this? This is the person that I, Zero, admire!

Even in the Kingdom of Light, there are few people who can stand up to Allen!
Wasn't Beliudora's defense stronger than this Aianlong?
The results of it……

As a result, Allen was cut into pieces directly!

Beria was knocked directly into the sky and became a brilliant fireworks in the sky.

Aimee Lana was also extremely surprised!

She did know before that Allen could defeat Beria.

But in her opinion, it would be a difficult victory...

It’s impossible to just give Beria a second!

However, now Amy Lana is very doubtful. Did Beria persist for that long?

Even Caesar Belial, who invaded her homeland, didn't have such terrifying attack power and sense of oppression!

"So, it's really possible that Allen can help me rescue my family!"

"Let our universe return to a time of peace."

Aimee Lana said solemnly to James Robert and Xiao Zhi.

Neither Xiaozhi nor James refuted this.

After all, the power shown by Allen can fully give them such expectations!


"Shoot me!"

Ai Anlong quickly called the fleet.

After a short battle, he finally saw his own strength clearly. It was simply unrealistic to fight Allen!
Now we can only use the fleet to compress Allen's attack and let it find an opportunity to see if it can defeat Allen for a second!

Then Ai Anlong retreated decisively!

I don't want to face Allen again.

The gunfire from countless battleships struck Allen.

Ultra grand light wall!

An extremely huge energy wall shining with colorful light blocked in front of Allen, and all attacks could not cause any harm to Allen.

Seeing such huge protective skills, the people of Aianlong were dumbfounded!

Such a terrifying defense skill?
Even Beria doesn’t have this!


I must go back and report to His Majesty Beria!
Let your Majesty think of a solution.

It absolutely cannot be Allen's opponent!


Would Allen really let Aianlong run away so easily?

Before Ai Anlong could react!

A red figure stood in front of Ai Anlong, and two milky white sword lights slashed Ai Anlong's chest hard.

The huge scar instantly caused Aianlong to lose the ability to move.

But it's not over yet!
Allen's hand began to be entangled with a flame of one trillion degrees!
The surrounding starry sky burned and began to distort...

(End of this chapter)

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