Kingdom of Light: Learn from Ace, the Saw Man of Light

Chapter 96 Beria’s army?Allen: I'm so happy to say that!

Chapter 96 Beria’s army?Allen: I'm so happy to say that!


"It hurts! It hurts!"

Red Lotus Flame stood up with his hands on his waist and looked at Zero quite unhappily.

Zero was also running and jumping, looking at the red lotus flames in front of him with a vigilant expression.

In case the other party sneak attacks on you, after all, you were the one who was sneak attacked just now!

Zero moved his neck and raised his fingers at the Red Lotus Flame with disdain in his eyes.

Didn't you like to provoke me before?

Try it now!
Let’s see who is stronger between the two of us!
Anyway, in the eyes of Zero, the only one who can defeat him is Allen!

A mere red lotus flame can't hurt him!
"Damn it! How dare you imitate me!"

Seeing Zero's actions, the anger in Red Lotus Flame's heart also rose.

You kid, don’t you have any moves of your own?

It's exactly the same as what I did before. What do you want to do?
His hands suddenly spurted out flames and rushed towards Zero.

Today the two of them must compete!
The subsequent battle between the two was really flashy!

Seeing the Fire Pirates, Aimee Lana and Xiao Zhi's eyes were full of surprise!
They have never seen this level of fighting before!

Is this a strong man who can physically cross the universe?

"Brother Allen, are you stronger than Brother Biluo?"

Xiaozhi was a little curious.

After all, judging from Zero's previous state, Allen's strength will definitely be stronger!

Otherwise, it would be impossible for Zero to respect him like that.

"I can kill the red lotus flame instantly."

Allen said something in the calmest tone that shocked Amy Lana and Xiao Zhi.


This means that the Red Lotus Flame is not even as good as a toy in front of Allen!
Only in this way can we achieve instant sales!
So how terrifying is Allen's strength?
"But these two should have had enough fun!"

"Wait a minute, guests are coming!"

Allen's next words shocked Aimee Lana and Xiao Zhi again.

I don’t know what Allen means by this sentence.

What do you mean a guest is coming?

Aren't they and the Fire Pirates just around?

Who else?

Could it be the Beria Empire Army?

Allen didn't answer, and directly transformed into the form of an Ultra Warrior, appearing in front of Red Lotus Flame and Zero!

"Dark Lops!"

After seeing Allen, Red Lotus Flame was stunned!

Instead of attacking Zero, he unleashed his most powerful force, intending to kill Allen with one blow!

Sai Luo was dumbfounded when he saw this scene!

You are really poisonous!

Can't you see the essential difference between Allen and Dark Lops Allen?

Does your mother know how reckless you are?
Then he quickly blocked the front of the red lotus flame.

Allen is not him...

If Allen gets interested...

With one punch, the red lotus flame will be gone!

Although the battle between the two was fierce, Zero still recognized Red Lotus Flame as his comrade.

The opponent's strength is quite helpful in fighting Beria.

"What are you doing!"

Red Lotus Flame quickly stopped his attack.

I don't understand at all why Zero helped Allen block his attack.

This guy is Beria’s subordinate!

"Can't you see that there is an essential difference between Allen and the Dark Lops under Beria?"

Sero covered his eyes quite helplessly.

The guys in this universe are all no different from reckless men!

Can you take a closer look next time you do it?

"What?" Red Lotus Flame frowned.

But yes!

The energy in Allen's body did not make him feel disgusted.

"He is Allen. Dark Lops Allen is modeled after Allen."

"Beria was also Allen's former loser."

Zero briefly told Red Lotus Flame about the situation of Allen and Beria.

Let them know that they are not the enemy.

"Is that so..."

Red Lotus Flame looked at Allen with some suspicion.

If it weren't for Cero, he would now more or less have to test Allen's strength.

After all, Beria alone can't hold his head up against everyone in their universe.

Now a warrior appears who killed Beria once.

It’s indeed a bit scary!

"Okay, get ready to meet the Belial Empire Army."

Allen waved his hand to signal the two of them to stop fighting.

The Belial Empire Army is about to arrive here.

To be honest, Allen is quite curious now as to who will lead the team here.

After all, he has already killed Dark Gonai.

There is another person to lead the team, it won't be Ai Anlong.

It would be pretty good if Aianlong.

This directly eliminated all of Beria's right and left arms.

"The Belial Empire Army?"

Red Lotus Flame hasn't figured out what's going on yet.

I saw space fluctuations suddenly appearing in the distance.

Hundreds of warships from the Beria Empire jumped directly here!

The Fire Pirates, Emerana and others were stunned!
It is absolutely impossible for them to be opponents of the Belial Empire Army now.

The main fleet of the Fire Pirates is still fighting guerrillas against the Belial Empire!
If their hometown hadn't been robbed, they wouldn't have come here.

"I am Iron General Aianlong of the Belial Empire Army!"

"According to the order of His Majesty Caesar Belial, come and destroy the Pirates of Fire!"

Ai Anlong's life was quite nourishing during this period.

Dark Gonai was killed on the planet Anu.

It made Beria so happy that he wasn't angry to death.

This directly raised Ai Anlong's status a lot.

All fleets were handed over to Aianlong's command.

It can be said that Ai Anlong is now inferior to one person and superior to ten thousand people!
This time I finally had a mission.

Of course he had to do it well.

Completely defeat this gang of space pirates who only engage in guerrilla warfare!


Honglian Huoyan had a serious look on his face when he heard this.

This guy can definitely rank second in strength among the Belial Empire Army!
I don’t know how many planets were conquered by this guy’s team!

It’s a little awkward to be here now!
After all, with their current combat power alone, it is impossible to fight against so many Beria Empire troops...

How to do……

He didn't notice at all that there was some excitement in Allen's eyes.

Dark Gonai's strength does not meet the conditions for the reward.

Ai Anlong should be enough!
After all, in the original work, this guy is pretty good!
This time you stay here!

Zero just wanted to speak.

Unexpectedly, Allen rushed forward!
Amy Lana James and the Fire Pirates were stunned for a moment!

Good guy!
We thought Red Lotus Flame was reckless enough!

As a result, a guy who is even more reckless than Red Lotus Flame appears now?
You go up like this...

Is it really possible?
The other party is Beria’s number one general!
(End of this chapter)

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