Kingdom of Light: Learn from Ace, the Saw Man of Light

Chapter 12 Xiao Meng was shocked!That guillotine was released by Allen! ?

Chapter 12 Xiao Meng was shocked!That guillotine was released by Allen! ?

"Alan's fighting ability..."

"This energy..."

Kuroshio Island.

Leo was completely stunned.

He guessed that Allen should be able to defeat Imprezza.

But I never expected that Allen could defeat him with such brutal means!

That thing is Impreza! ! ! !

The Great Emperor of the Dark Universe - the vanguard of the Ampera alien invasion of other planets!

Sometimes even without letting the Ampera take action, Imperaza destroyed many planets!
As a result, this is the current way of death?
Still the kind of person who was hacked to death by Allen without any ability to fight back!

It can certainly be seen how many battles Leo has gone through.

Allen completely drained away all the energy of Impeleza!
That's why Impereza has no chance of resurrection!
But this method used to require many Ultra Warriors to work together to achieve it!
How could one person drain Impleza's energy?


It's incredible!

What's even more terrifying is not that Allen's fighting process was so brutal, but that Allen's lights didn't even flash after the fight!
Hey Hey hey!
He used two Ultra Guillotines in succession!

Still in hand!
This thing requires a continuous supply of energy!

Moreover, looking at Allen's proficiency in using Ultra Guillotine, it seems that he has a better understanding of Ultra Guillotine than Ace!

You know, Ace is the King of the Kingdom of Light!
Although now the title has changed to the director of the meat factory of the Kingdom of Light.

But we still can't deny Ace's ability in light skills!
What kind of monster did you teach Ace?
How old is he?

Not even five thousand years old!
Do you already have such strength? !
"Brother Ace, your disciple is really scary!"

"I feel... I'm better than Brother Biwen!"

Leo paused for a moment. He really felt that Allen was stronger than Ace!
But this sentence was never said, which was a bit too damaging to Ace's face...

after all……

Alan and Ace didn't study for long...

So I decided to switch to Severn...

This is also revenge for Severn's training!

"That's natural!"

"Don't even look at whose disciple Allen is!"

"My disciple!"

"Isn't it what you should be strong?"

Ace expressed quite proudly!
Allen is just a little more cruel...

But as long as you teach yourself well, you can still correct it!
"Okay! I'm going to see this lovely disciple of mine now!"

After finishing speaking, Ace raised his head, said hello to Leo quite proudly, and went to Allen's place...

Leo was stunned for a moment.

Lovely disciple.?

You call Ellen cute.?



On the side of Erenmenbius...

Mebius and Allen also saw Ace arriving.

"Brother Ace! I didn't expect you to come here too!"

"Ellen, thank you so much this time!"

"Without you, I probably wouldn't be able to handle Impreza!"

"The earth is also in danger!"


"Brother Ace, I also want to thank you for your help with Ultra Guillotine last time!"

Menbius first thanked Allen for his help.

Then thank Ace for his last Guillotine assistance.

If it hadn't been for Ace's Ultra Guillotine last time, he probably wouldn't have been able to resist now!

"Ah? What the hell?"

"Ultra Guillotine?"

"When did I use Ultra Guillotine to assist you?"


Ace is confused!

What the hell?
When did I release the guillotine to help you?

Didn’t I just come from King Planet with Allen?
I didn't even see you fight last time, okay?

"Huh? The last time I fought with Impeleza, when I was about to be executed by the opponent."

"There is an Ultra Guillotine shot from the direction of King Star. Isn't this the one you released, Brother Ace?"

Mebius was also deceived...

It spanned several galaxies and came from the direction of King Star. Wasn't it Brother Ace who you released?

It seems that not many people in the Kingdom of Light know how to use Ultra Guillotine!

Ace fell silent for a moment...

Aware of a terrifying possibility...

There is a possibility that the guillotine was not released by him...

But the one that Allen unleashed on Zeta? !
hiss! ——

Ace gasped.

I go!

Did Allen really eat plasma sparks?
Shoot from the king star to the earth!
Damn it!There is a distance of 300 million light-years in between!

Ultra Guillotine is different from how they came here!
They can indeed come through the space shuttle technology, but Ultra Guillotine comes directly!
How much energy does this require?

This is an astronomical figure!
fear! !

horrible! ! !

But Ace suddenly thought,

Allen is no ordinary Ultra warrior!

He is called the Ultra Warrior by the King of Ultra and can become a god!

It seems quite normal to think about it this way!
After all, a being who can become a god seems to be able to do things that they cannot!

After all, he couldn't imagine it before,
Allen has mastered the guillotine

Has Allen awakened his abilities at this time?

Already on the road to becoming a god?

If this is the case, it seems more and more reasonable to think about it!

Thinking of this, Ace felt a little calmer...

That's fine!


The King of Ultra seems to have never said that becoming a god will change Eren's personality!
Why is Allen becoming more and more cruel now?
It seems to be very similar to Beria from before!

A thought here.

Ace feels that he must take good care of it!

Allen must not be allowed to follow Beria's path!

Once Allen goes the same way as Belial...

The Kingdom of Light absolutely cannot afford such consequences!

A dark Ultra warrior who became a god...

Maybe even the King of Ultra can't suppress it!

Thinking of this, Ace's mood was no longer beautiful...

So Youyou said to Mebius...

"The person you should thank is Allen, he was the one who released the guillotine..."

What the hell? ?
Allen released?

It wasn't just Mebius who was confused.

Allen was also quite confused at this time...

When did I unleash Ultra Guillotine on the earth?
I do not know how?
and many more!

Could it be the guillotine released last time?


"Brother Ace! The Kingdom of Light is three million light years away from the earth!"

"Alan is indeed very strong, but he..."

Mebius said incredulously.

You know, this distance is really terrifying!

How could an ordinary novice Ultra Warrior have enough power to unleash a skill that spanned such a terrifying distance?
"It's indeed Allen..."

"Today, Allen realized the Ultra Guillotine himself. That little guy Zeta is a little unbelieving and wants to take a look."


Ace smiled bitterly and shook his head...

Let me tell you everything that happened today...

quiet! ——

Mebius fell into a deathly silence...

Staring at Allen, his eyes were fixed on the side.

There was a storm in my heart!

It was like seeing a ghost in broad daylight!
what? !

Brother Ace didn't teach Alan the Ultra Guillotine?

Did Allen realize all this by himself?

Absolutely impossible!
Ultra Guillotine is a forbidden technique in the Kingdom of Light!
How is it possible to figure it out on your own!

What's even more terrifying is that Allen has directly surpassed Brother Ace!
Shot directly from King Star to Earth!

For this distance, even they need to use space shuttle technology!



Are you really Ultraman? ?
What's going on with your energy reserves! ?

Look at the entire Kingdom of Light.

Who can do it! ?
Do you have a plasma spark tower in your body?

Then Membius recalled Eren's battle...

There were still two guillotines in hand, but they didn't even take a breath, and the lights didn't flash.
I am really convinced...

I can't accept it!
It seems like this might really be the case!

You must know that it is already very difficult to learn the Ultra Guillotine!
Not to mention holding an Ultra Guillotine!
But this also made Xiaomeng even more panicked...

The stronger Allen shows...

This means that he is really leaving the earth!
But he is really unwilling to leave the earth!
He also has so many partners...

"Brother Ace..."


"Can I not leave the earth?"

(End of this chapter)

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