Kingdom of Light: Learn from Ace, the Saw Man of Light

Chapter 13 Xiaomeng stays, a challenge from Leo!

Chapter 13 Xiaomeng stays, a challenge from Leo!

"Brother Ace..."


"Can I not leave the earth?"

Xiao Meng, who was really feeling a little uncomfortable, lowered his head with a sad face and asked...

For Xiao Meng, the meaning of the earth is different.

This has become his second hometown.

Maybe there are all kinds of disadvantages in this hometown, but it is still very important to him!
Even if Allen is much stronger than him, he doesn't want to leave...

He couldn't bear to leave his teammates, he couldn't bear to leave Long...

Here, he learned so many things!
He has really grown up so much!
As long as he has the slightest chance to stay here, he will not give up!
Allen was also quite touched when he heard this...

When I watched Mengbi Youst's filming, Xiao Meng had the best feelings for the earth, his teammates, and mankind!

Not one of them at all!

During the Showa period, whether it was the first generation or the last Leotero.

In fact, in the final analysis, they are not able to see that they have such a deep bond with the earth in the special photography.

Only Xiaomeng is different.

From the very beginning, Aihara Ryu yelled at Xiaomeng: What did you protect?

The bond between Xiaomeng and the earth has been established!
Not to mention that Xiao Meng’s teammates are all pretty good people.

He gave a lot of help to Xiao Meng who didn’t understand anything at the time.

This is completely different from Ace and Leo!

Maybe this is the reason why Xiaomeng has been unwilling to leave!

Only when the Earth's biggest crisis, the Ampera planet, is resolved, may Xiaomeng be able to feel completely at ease and leave here...

" have already disobeyed orders before and did not leave the earth."

"Besides, you can't protect the earth very well here. Your strength is still too weak!"

Although Ace understood what Xiao Meng was thinking, he still shook his head and rejected Xiao Meng in the end...

These are all orders from the Kingdom of Light and were decided after comprehensive consideration.

Don't change Xiaomeng just because of his bond with humans!

You know, the Space Guard is also an army!

As an army, of course there are corresponding rules!

"Instructor Ace, otherwise..."

"Give Mebius a chance!"

Right now!

Allen stood up and said to Ace.

"It just so happens that I'm not particularly 'familiar' with the Earth right now. With Mebius here, it will be very convenient to do many things!"

A light of hope suddenly appeared in Xiao Meng's eyes.

Looking at Allen quite gratefully.

It's just that Allen's next words instantly hit Xiaomeng to the bottom!
"As for what Instructor Ace said about Mebius's strength..."

"This is still easy to handle!"

"Just leave it to me!"

"I will definitely improve Mebius's strength!"

"I'll give him special training!"

Allen said with a serious face...

Not only was Mebius confused this time...

Ace is also stunned!
Are you here to help improve?

Good guy!
With those silky little combos you used to kill Zeta, I'm afraid it's a question whether Mebius can survive!

Do you still want to teach Mebius?

I guess Membius will need me to be carried back to the Mother of Ultra for resurrection by then!

And you teach Membius...

Forget it!

But Ace is still a little happy!

Allen is not really cruel, he is still very kind at heart!
Even speaking for Mebius!
"no need!"

"I still have a way to deal with Membius's strength!"

"Mebius, since Allen has already begged you, then I will give you another chance!"

"Prove to me that you have the strength to protect the earth!"

For the sake of Mebius' safety, Ace quickly told Allen that he would handle the matter.

Then he looked at Mebius.

Let Xiao Meng prove himself!
Prove that you have the ability to protect the earth! "Okay! Brother Ace! I won't let you down!"

"I'm going to train now!"

"Ellen, thank you very much!"

Xiaomeng's face was full of excitement, she didn't expect that there would be a chance to turn around this matter!
He must perform well in the next battle!

Don't live up to Ace and Allen's help!
He quickly ran towards the GUYS team...

Watching Xiao Meng leave.

Allen is also looking forward to the next time the monster comes!

It’s time to try out the rewards you just gained from your epiphany!
But you still have to control the power when the time comes!
So as not to directly give your opponent seconds!
In this way, cruelty cannot be reflected!
at this time!

"Ellen, come with me to Kuroshio Island now."

Ace said to Allen, then turned and left.

Kuroshio Island?
Allen was stunned for a moment when he heard this, but he quickly reacted!
Leo should be on Kuroshio Island now!

So Ace has to take himself there!
Then he followed closely behind Ace.


The future is here...

Future slowly walked towards his companions.

He now doesn't know what expressions his companions will use to face him...

After all, he is Ultraman Mebius!

But what I didn't expect in the future was.

Everyone in the GUYS team looked at him coming back with surprises on their faces!

They all rushed towards the future.

"But you're back, kid!"

Long should be regarded as the happiest person in the GUYS team.

He hugged Future's shoulders firmly, with an excited look on his face.

"I know you are happy, but in the future, can you tell us the name of this new Ultra Warrior?"

Captain Shui Shui interrupted with a smile and asked curiously.

I want to know the name of this powerful and brutal Ultra Warrior.

"Eren, Ultraman Eren!"

Mirai said quickly, and then Captain Shui Shui nodded.

Taking everyone back to the base very happily...


Kuroshio Island...

Ace has already brought Allen here.

Seeing this, Leo also stepped forward.

Although Allen has been recognized by the father of Ultra to protect the earth.

But for Leo.

This is his second hometown.

You must personally recognize that Eren can protect the earth.


"I have long heard that Brother Ace picked up two children, but I have never seen them before."

"I heard that this little guy like you is called a being capable of becoming a god by the King of Ultra?"

"Then let me give it a try!"

"By the way, let's see if your kid has the ability to protect my second hometown - the earth!"

Leo said calmly.

"Okay! Instructor Leo!"

"I am also very happy to be able to compete with the instructor!"

Alan said he was very happy!
To be honest, he really didn't expect Leo to train directly in actual combat!

But that's fine too!

Just enough to try out the skills he acquired before!
He can also use these skills at will when facing Leo.

Don’t worry about Leo at all!

After all, Leo didn’t know how many times he had done it!
Can't die anyway!
Then hit it to death!
Let’s see what other powerful skills we can come up with!


Allen and Leo both transformed at the same time and appeared on this war-torn island!

(End of this chapter)

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