Kingdom of Light: Learn from Ace, the Saw Man of Light

Chapter 133: The Warrior of Light’s fighting style?Are you, Dana, the only one qualified?

Chapter 133: The Warrior of Light’s fighting style?Are you, Dana, the only one qualified?
Caiqi had been thinking about how to deal with Allen and Zero.

But what happened next was far beyond his imagination!
Queen Amaterasu actually attacked these two obviously powerful Ultra Warriors without any thought of life or death.

The results of it?
Unable to defeat the opponent, he was slapped directly and fell to the ground.

What Queen Amaterasu did next, even her talent had to be admired.

If he were the ruler of a planet, he would definitely not take action against his own people!

As a result, Queen Amaterasu couldn't defeat other Ultra warriors, but she actually attacked one of her own?
ah? ? ? ?


The only reason I invaded your planet Ganon was to spread the puppet poison into the universe through the body of your God of War.

You are good.

No matter if you don't care about the safety of your own people.

Under such circumstances, you actually prioritized attacking your own people?

How to say?
As long as you kill your people first, they won't feel pain at my hands?


To be honest, Queen Amaterasu's actions only strengthened Kaname's decision to spread puppet poison into the universe!
Even the ruler of a planet can do such outrageous things, so what can't others do?
There is indeed nothing wrong with my decision!
Queen Amaterasu is not dead, and this talent can still be felt!

He just wanted to get Queen Kuin back and not be killed by Zero and Allen.

I'll make plans after Queen Amaterasu recovers.

Something happened that shocked him even more!
Jakula actually chopped down the tree of life!

To know!
The role of the tree of life is a very important part in the plan of talent!
Only by controlling the Tree of Life can Cai Qi ensure that his plan is foolproof!
After all, only the seeds of the Tree of Life can free living beings from the control of puppet poison.

When the God of War explodes, he himself will also be affected by the puppet poison!
He must have the fruit of the Tree of Life before he can proceed with his next plan!

just now……

Now everything is over, the tree of life has been destroyed, and my plan is destined to not work...

Cai Qi felt as if his heart was being pricked by a needle.

His whole body instantly became paralyzed, with no motivation left at all.

Don't know what to do at all...

It seems that I can only accept this reality, and my ideal is destined to not be realized...

Speaking of which, even Queen Kuin was confused!


We had a good fight. Why did your special guy who is not from this planet show up and destroy the Tree of Life?

Why should you?

It's none of your business!
Queen Kuin doesn’t know what to do now.

When cooperating with talents, they naturally have their own selfish motives, and they are not consistent with the ideas of talents.

But now...

Everything is over and there is no need to continue!

On the other side, Jakura returned to the ground, and Hong Kai looked at Jakura with complicated eyes.

Asuka also wandered over, his face full of anger.

"What do you mean, you guy!"

"Why did you cut down the tree of life!"

"Did you know that that is the spiritual support of the people of Planet Ganon!"

After seeing Jia GuLa, Asuka couldn't help but directly started to attack Jia Gu La.In his opinion, Jagula is completely unnecessary!
Just like those two Ultra Warriors!
It's obviously an internal matter on the planet Ganon, so why should an outsider like you get involved?
Just because one of your apprentices died?
Which war or civil strife doesn’t kill people?
Is your apprentice the most valuable?
Who asked your disciple to stay in front of Queen Amaterasu's attack?

It's all about dying!

People who want to kill the people of their own planet must have their own reasons!
As warriors of light, they don't have to worry about it at all!

"Haha! Everything happening now is caused by the Tree of Life."

"If this damn tree falls, everything will be over!"

"What's your name here?"

"Also! You actually speak for Queen Amaterasu?"

"Why does a guy who attacks his own people for no reason have power!"

"Let me see, these two Ultra Warriors are really doing the right thing!"

"This is how you should completely tear off Queen Amaterasu's mask!"

Jakura is too lazy to endure Asuka's PUA.

You are an idiot yourself, and now you are still accusing me from a high ground that is not the moral high ground. Where do you get the face from?
Are all Warriors of Light like this?
It was obvious that he climbed to the top of the warriors first, but what was the result?
He was not chosen to become Ultraman Orb according to the original rules.

Instead, Hong Kai, who was a step behind him, became Uub's host.

After coming to Planet Ganon, Hong Kai became more and more strange.

This flying bird is also an Ultra Warrior, but the things he does are disgusting!
Queen Amaterasu, a person who also uses light energy, even takes action against her own people.

So, do users of light energy have to be righteous?

Jagula said it was really not necessarily true!
Look again, the two Ultra Warriors who have appeared now, everything they did is correct!

Destroy the monsters and save Planet Ganon.

Instead, he was attacked by the God of War who used light energy.

The other party directly started to use the power of darkness.

It is clear that the power of darkness is used and what is done is indeed a just thing. This is enough!

Why are you talking so much?
no need! ,

Anyway, from today on, Allen is the person Jagula admires the most!
Such a power, regardless of light and darkness, can crush the opponent, and it is enough to do just things!


"Boss, what are we doing now?"

"Go straight over and kill the leading monster?"

"It's better to stay here and see what else Queen Amaterasu can do."

Sero looked at Allen and asked about the next plan. To be honest, after seeing Queen Amaterasu's actions, Sero had no intention of staying here any longer.

What a disgusting person!

Say it!
Isn’t there poison on this planet?
Musashi was considered normal before, at least people wouldn't say they were blocking him now.

But those two guys at the back, look what they did!

It’s really annoying!
As an Ultra Warrior, instead of fighting monsters, he went to protect trash like Queen Amaterasu!

Really unworthy of being called an Ultra Warrior!
As for the destruction of the Tree of Life, what does it have to do with Thacero?
On the contrary, Zero also wanted to say, well done!

"Just deal with all the culprits now, and the rest will be matters within the planet!"

Allen turned to look at Queen Kuin.

(End of this chapter)

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