Kingdom of Light: Learn from Ace, the Saw Man of Light

Chapter 134: Are you doing this to Allen?Allen kills instantly!

Chapter 134: Are you doing this to Allen?Allen kills instantly!

After noticing Allen's gaze, Queen Kuin trembled!
Just straighten your body upright and reveal your original appearance.

"Good guy! I always thought this was an insect-type monster, but I didn't expect it to be a humanoid monster in the end!"

"But what about humanoid monsters? You must die!"

Zero will not have other ideas just because the opponent has changed his form.

As an Ultra Warrior who protects the peace of the universe, Zero will not let go of a guy like this who does great harm to the universe!

Little Queen Kuin is here to stir up the storm.

Is it just that I met a few Ultra warriors with poor strength and abnormal brains?
Now that there are him and Allen, this guy is destined to be unable to pull off any tricks!
Allen's movements were even simpler. He just walked towards Queen Kuin silently. The strong sense of oppression made Kuin, who was protecting Queen Kuin around him, involuntarily step back!

You know, not to mention ordinary Kuin's strength is rubbish, and he doesn't have any wisdom!

Now the other party actually directly disobeyed Queen Kuin's order to retreat. This shows how terrifying Allen's oppression is at this time!
The talent is in a state of confusion, and the whole person's energy and spirit have been emptied out.

Naturally, she will not pay attention to Queen Kuin’s movements!
Seeing Allen's unkind appearance, Queen Kuin did not intend to retreat!
Since the strength of this Ultra Warrior is so terrifying!
I can completely control the opponent with puppet poison!
Just when Allen came to two ordinary Kuin, he planned to kill these two guys instantly with Ultra Guillotine!
A huge scorpion tail rushed towards Allen!

The sharp spikes shone with silvery white light.

Everyone can see the terrifying penetrating power of this spike!

Sero was stunned when he saw this scene!
Wanting to rush to help Allen.

However, at this moment, he suddenly thought of something!
Allen has the top equipment of Dark Armor!
To put it bluntly, Eren, who had dark armor, could stand and be attacked by Zero and a few members of the Ultra Guard.

They may not be harmed, let alone be attacked by a monster of average strength!

Just stand here and watch the show, don't worry about it!

Thinking of this, Zero stopped his big movements, with a smile on his lips, folded his hands on his chest and looked into the distance.

Ding! ——

Accompanied by the crisp sound of metal collision.

Queen Kuin's tail spine just left a little spark on the dark armor!
It didn't hurt Allen at all!
Seeing this scene, Hong Kai's emotions became more complicated!

Is this the true strength of Ultra Warriors?
In front of this Ultra Warrior, I'm afraid I'm not even a baby!
To be honest, his light skill is not even half as powerful as the God of War's attack!
Hitting the opponent's body may be like Queen Amaterasu's light skill, slowly integrating into the opponent's body...

He is not dead now, he has really been released into the sea by Allen for the sake of being a fellow Ultra Warrior!
Otherwise, one hundred percent will be destroyed by the opponent!

Thinking of this, the expression on Hong Kai's face became more complicated.

If he wanted to help Queen Amaterasu take revenge, he didn't even know it would be until the Year of the Monkey!
Asuka's eyes were also full of horror!
Isn’t the strength of this dark Ultra Warrior a bit too scary?

Queen Kuin's strength was such that even he would have had a lot of effort to deal with her in the past!

It's impossible to be as comfortable as Allen!
But think about the scene where I was beaten by Allen before.

A feeling of humiliation suddenly surged into Asuka's heart.


This Ultra Warrior must not be allowed to continue showing off!
The opponent attacks the God of War like that.

If you still use the power of darkness, you must be your own enemy, you don’t have to think about it.

It looks like he is going to show some real skills against the opponent!

At this moment, Musashi also came to Asuka's side.

"Asuka, you better not think about taking action against Allen."

"Everything the other person said is right."

"Actually, in the final analysis, things will develop like this. Queen Amaterasu has a big problem."

"Eren is also doing it for the good of Planet Ganon."

Musashi then told what Allen had done.

The other party has always been protecting Planet Ganon, although the appearance of the dark armor also surprised Musashi.

But Allen didn't do anything bad.

Always an act of justice.You cannot judge whether a person is righteous by the energy he or she uses.

"Musashi! What on earth are you thinking!"

"If he is a good person, why would he attack the God of War?"

"Why are you attacking me and Hong Kai?"

"What he is showing now is all falsehood!"

Asuka can no longer get out of his own world at this time.

Musashi was quite helpless when he heard this.

First of all!

Allen initially protected Queen Amaterasu and killed the two monsters to prevent Queen Amaterasu from being harmed.

As a result, Queen Amaterasu took the initiative to attack Eren in order to protect the monster that killed her people.

After the two of you came over later, you also started to attack Allen indiscriminately.

As a result, you are now doing well and blaming everything on Allen?
How embarrassing!
Musashi didn't know how to persuade Asuka now. He could only sigh deeply and hope that the matter would be resolved soon!


Allen glanced at the place where Queen Kuin stabbed him, and raised his head slightly to look at Queen Kuin standing on the high platform.

Condensing energy in his hand, two Ultra Guillotine shots were fired instantly!

Directly cut the two ordinary Kuins around Allen into eight pieces!
As for Queen Kuin…

The moment he saw this scene, he flew into the universe.

Only when you are alive can you have the opportunity to accomplish what you want to do!

You must not die here!

"Haha! Want to run? Where can you run to?"

Allen smiled, and two more Ultra Guillotine shots flew out!

He rushed straight towards Queen Kuin!

In an instant, he chopped off both of the opponent's wings.

boom! ——

Queen Kuin's huge body hit the ground heavily.

The surrounding ground began to shake continuously.


Queen Kuin's screams also awakened Cai Qi from her dazed state.


"No! You can't hurt my Kuin!"

I'm so angry!

Completely anxious!

Queen Kuin, as a monster who shares her mind, must not die here!
Absolutely not!

Only then could he quickly control his spaceship and smash it towards the ground of Planet Ganon. He must use such a huge spaceship to smash Allen to death with the help of gravity!
Looking at the black and purple spaceship approaching overhead, Allen sneered.

Want to harm yourself just by relying on a spaceship?

Simply ridiculous!
Allen's whole body suddenly began to condense with flames...

The extremely high temperature causes the surrounding air to begin to distort...

(End of this chapter)

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