Kingdom of Light: Learn from Ace, the Saw Man of Light

Chapter 16 Do you still know how to hold back?I'm afraid you'll kill Leo directly!

Chapter 16 Do you still know how to hold back?I'm afraid you'll kill Leo directly!
"what is this?"

At this moment.

When Membius saw the distance, his eyes nearly popped out!

What the hell! ! ! !
Allen, what are you doing?

How did you manage to use your feet to use the Ultra Guillotine? ! ! !
But now is not the time to talk about this!
Alan, do you want to kill brother Leo?

He actually used the forbidden technique of the Kingdom of Light directly on Brother Leo!
Even brother Leo can't stop your Ultra Guillotine!

Mebius was extremely worried!

You must know that Allen's Ultra Guillotine is extraordinary!
That thing flew directly from the M87 nebula where the Kingdom of Light is located to the earth!

And after arriving on the earth, he was cut in half by Impeleza!

Leo would be [-]% unable to resist such an Ultra Guillotine!

Not only him.

Ace's face was also full of worry!
The power of Allen's skills far exceeds his own!

If Leo was hit by this guillotine, it would be a better outcome to have both his legs and hands broken!
What is more likely is that Leo was directly split into two!
There is no doubt about Leo's importance to the Kingdom of Light.

The same goes for Allen!

Nothing can happen to either of them!

Especially now that the earth is still being targeted by the Amperra people!

We can't let anything happen to the two of them!
In order to save Leo, Ace could only use his own skills to help offset Allen's vertical guillotine!
Then Ace's hand began to gather energy, and an Ultra Guillotine shot towards the vertical Guillotine on Allen's foot!

Mebius also chose to use skills to offset them for the safety of the two of them!
Dream Beam Ray!
The orange-red light rushed towards Allen...

boom! ——

An extremely terrifying explosion occurred!

An earthquake with a magnitude of eight shook Kuroshio Island continuously!
The shock wave carried flames with a terrifying temperature, and instantly wiped out Kuroshio Island!
The trees and plants were rushed out by the impact, and were burned to ashes by the ensuing flames!
The sea was even washed out by this impact, creating a huge wave several hundred meters long!

Spreading around in circles.

Mushroom cloud soars into the sky!

Block the GUYS team's satellite surveillance...

hiss! ——

Leo flew out directly and landed heavily in the ocean...

Severe pain shot from his legs.

He feels now that his legs have separated from him...

I can't feel the existence of my legs at all...

The timer on the chest is also flashing red light...

And Ace and Membius are not in particularly good condition either!

In order to defend against the terrifying impact and flames, they consumed a lot of energy!
Coupled with the skills previously released, in order to ensure that Allen's guillotine is offset.

The two of them didn't hold back at all!

Use your full strength to unleash your skills!
Energy consumption is already high!
Now, coupled with resistance to flames and shock waves, the two of them are also in a red light state...

see this scene...

Allen is quite puzzled...

I have no idea what Ace and Mebius are doing!
Why did you suddenly lose your skills?
"Instructor Ace, Membius, what on earth are you two doing!"

"I had already given up my strength!"

"Then you two take action. If I hold back my strength, I will be injured!"

Allen was very puzzled and asked what they were doing?
He is not a child!
Naturally, Leo will not be killed!

That is to say, let Leo break his arm, break his leg, etc., and then get a reward!
Who knew that Ace and Mebius would suddenly take action...

He doesn't want to get hurt!

The injury hurts!
As for Ace...

Hear what Allen said.

There are black lines all over the face!

what did you say?
Will you hold back?

Are you stupid or am I stupid?

You look like you can hold back your strength?
What a joke!

I don't believe you dare to cut Leo's body into pieces when you face me as a 300-meter light wheel!Don’t forget what you said yourself!

Even if it is Karma, there are also Hikari's life solidification technology and Ultra King's king's regeneration light!

There is a resurrection skill so you don’t know what to do!

It’s so outrageous! ! !
Allen, when did you become so cruel?
I have never taught you this way!
at this time……

Leo limped and slowly walked out from the beach...

"Alan, not bad!"

"The Space Fantasy Beast Punch and Guillotine Flying Kick you just performed were both pretty good!"

"The strength is still good!"

"Then I can safely leave my second hometown to you!"

"You must be able to protect it!"

Leo couldn't see any pained expression on his face and patted Allen on the shoulder.

He looks exactly like a master who loves his disciples very much!

Ace glanced at Leo...

Is that good?

Killing me!

You're almost in pain right now!

Don't think I don't know!
It was just to protect his face as an Ultra Brother that he didn't show it!
I don't even bother to expose you!
But thinking about this...

Ace's head is bigger!

Eren's cruelty has reached a new level!
How can I teach Allen well in the future?
It seems that the teaching task still has a long way to go!

Allen also nodded when he heard this...

I am still very happy in my heart!

Now able to protect the earth...

This means that you can fight more monsters and get more rewards!
As the planet with the highest frequency of monsters in the universe.

This is the paradise for him to become stronger!
The feeling of becoming stronger...

to be frank!
It's so cool!
But I just don’t know when I will be able to reach the level of the Mysterious Four…

at this time!

The system mechanical sound sounds!
[Your fighting style is extremely ferocious, and you have received the critical blessing from the Mother of the Universe! 】

[You have an epiphany about the Space Fantasy Beast Fist—Electric White Tiger Fist! 】

? ? ? ?
Electric White Tiger Fist?
Regulus's second cosmic beast fist?
Good guy!
Another epiphany!
Allen was overjoyed!

Among all the cosmic fantasy beast fists, the most powerful ones are the electric white tiger fist, the flame red dragon fist and the strong force breaking cow fist!

Dragon and tiger can still cooperate with each other to form two punches in a combo!

It's just perfect!
This way he can have more tricks in the future!
First use the Electric White Tiger Fist to electrocute the monster!
Then use the Fire Red Dragon Fist to cook the monster directly!

All-round, multi-level torture of monsters!

Not bad!

very good!

And here at Ace...

Now he doesn't dare to let Allen stay here at all!

Otherwise it would be bad if Allen continues to grab Leo and beat him!
For the sake of Leo's safety, let's leave quickly!

By the way, leave the last face to Leo!

"Okay, Leo, I'll leave with Allen first!"

"Let's see what else we can teach Ellen!"

After Ace finished speaking, he directly pulled Allen and flew into the sky...

Membius looked at Allen's leaving figure and was really envious!

This was recognized by Brother Leo.

but he……

There is only one chance left to prove yourself!

(End of this chapter)

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