Kingdom of Light: Learn from Ace, the Saw Man of Light

Chapter 17: Planet Renfret appears!Allen, let's see what you do!

Chapter 17: Planet Renfret appears!Allen, let's see what you do!
In the villa...

Alan was eating steak and drinking wine...

As an Ultra warrior who came to Earth to help humans fight.

Of course Team GUYS will not let Allen suffer on earth!
A bank card was swiped casually, and a villa was thrown to Allen.

I have to say that Allen's life these days is quite beautiful!

A supercar villa, where you can spend money as you like, things that Allen never enjoyed in his previous life, he can enjoy them all during this time!

When he went out, he was accompanied by several beautiful bodyguards.

The pinnacle of life is nothing but this!

But the only thing that makes Allen unhappy is...

Ace was often nagging around him during this time.

Tell him not to fight so brutally.

The results of it……

Ace was immediately speechless by Allen's rhetorical question!

As for what the rhetorical question is...

Of course it's about the battle between Ace and Super Beast!
Tell me, when Ace was cutting the monster into pieces, why didn't you stop?

Instead, we go further and further down this road!

When word spread that you were the director of the meat factory in the Kingdom of Light, I saw that you were still very happy!

At that time, the Ultra brothers were teasing you, sending you Ultra signatures saying that there were monsters here, do you want to come and cut them apart?

Didn't you run over very quickly?

You still have the nerve to tell me that my fighting style is brutal!
Instructor Ace!
There can be no double standards in life!

No, now Ace is so angry that he doesn't know what to say.

I sulked in a room in the villa every day.

Not a word!

Not even steak!
at this time……

The future is here...

"Alan, where is brother Ace?"

After Future came in, he turned around and looked around and found that Allen was the only one.

He asked somewhat curiously, wondering where Ace had gone.

Ace also came down from upstairs after hearing the noise.

"Brother Ace, speaking of which, Allen, I think you've had a pretty good couple of days!"

"I had a lot of fun!"

"It's just that Captain Qishui has been worrying about our funds every day for the past two days..."

"You spent a lot of money!"

The future said with a smile.

Start teasing Allen.

As for where the GUYS team’s funds went…

Of course it went into Allen's stomach!
As a living being of light.

For eating...

That appetite is quite terrifying!

"Hmph! Why are you giggling!"

"Are you still in the mood to laugh?"

"Didn't you say you wanted to stay on Earth?"

Ace is quite unhappy now!

Especially when I see that silly expression in the future, I feel even more unhappy!

Say it directly!

"Woo... I was wrong!"

Future apologized immediately!

But I'm still quite confused in my heart.

After all, he really didn't understand why Brother Ace suddenly attacked him...

He doesn't seem to have provoked Ace!

Could it be that Brother Ace thinks that I haven't come to see him these days?
Should not be!

Brother Ace is not such a superficial person!

He also wants to prove himself!
But the problem is...

The problem is that there are no monsters during this time!
"But...Brother Ace, no monsters have appeared during this period..."

"If a monster appears, I will be able to prove it!"

Future said with an innocent face...

"Actually, it's okay, I can fight you!"

After hearing this, Allen said that he didn't mind fighting the future.

In the future, he turned around and left after hearing this!Never look back!

The pace of the steps is also very fast!

Are you kidding me? !

Just that dismemberment kick...

I didn’t even have a whole body when I died QAQ! ! ! !
"Huh? I remember that the future is not an iron-headed boy?"

"Even Leo's Leo Flying Kick dares to hit him with a flying kick."

"Why don't you feel angry now?"

Allen looked at Future's back with confusion.

Isn't Mebius an iron-headed boy?

Why don't you become stubborn again?

You know, in the future, even Leo Flying Kick was looked down upon!

You dare to do it to me!

And Ace saw this scene...

I feel tired inside!
This is so special!

It’s really hard to teach!

How can we make Allen's character better now?

Otherwise this guy...

Sooner or later, one day you have to give up your own people!
Or just go down the old path of Beria!

But at this moment...

boom! ——

boom! ——

Continuous explosions came, making Ace and Allen stunned!
They all walked out of the room and looked at the city.

A monster that looks like an iron ball covered with thorns is constantly destroying the city.

Star Reflet appears!

"Mebius, go!"

"Prove that you have the strength to protect the earth!"

Eisley sent a message from Ultra and told Mebius to let him prove himself!
The future keeps nodding!

This time, he will definitely defeat the guy opposite him!

Let Brother Ace see that he can protect the earth!
Then he transformed into Mebius and rushed towards the battlefield...

Begin to fight against the Red Flyts...

Allen's eyes lit up when he saw this scene!
This monster is great, you can show off your skills!

Maybe you can realize a heaven-defying reward!
You must know that the most powerful point of the Red Flats is their defense!
Impereza's defense is a joke in front of the Red Flats!
Even if Xiaomeng's Menbeam explodes, there is nothing that can be done to the other party!

Allen can fight such an opponent with ease!

You can completely throw away all the skills you have now!

Ace panicked when he saw this scene...


I know what you're thinking!
But this time I give Mebius a chance to prove himself!
Don't make trouble!
"Ellen, I know you are in a hurry, but don't be in a hurry yet!"

"Let Mebius go over and try!"

Thinking of what Allen would look like after taking action, Ace quickly said to him.

Star Reflet, this guy has never appeared before.

I don’t know what kind of means there are.

Although Allen is good at strength, he does not have much practical experience after all!

If you faced such a monster with unknown methods in the past, you would probably suffer a loss!
So let Mebius explore the opponent's methods first!
Mebius: So Brother Ace, you are not afraid that I will suffer, are you?

woo woo woo woo! ——

no love anymore!

Mebius did not test out the many methods of the Red Flyts.

He quickly kicked Mebius away!
Mebius with his sword pointed at the red light!
"I originally thought you could have a little more backbone, but in the end is this all you have?"

"It seems I overestimated you!"

Then he raised the sword in his hand, intending to give Xiao Meng the final blow!
Ace saw this.

He quickly said to Allen:
"Allen, come on."

"Also, this monster can reflect light, so light skills are useless to him!"


you boy.

What's the use of being cruel?

Encountering this reflection monster will just sharpen you!

See what you should do if you can’t use light or photobomb skills! ! !
(End of this chapter)

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