Kingdom of Light: Learn from Ace, the Saw Man of Light

Chapter 18: Planet Renfret is crying, Mom, I miss the Zhang family!

Chapter 18: The Red Flyt star cried, Mom, I want to go home!
on the battlefield.

Just when everyone thought that Mebius was going to die.

What everyone didn't expect was that the Revelite didn't chop down Xiaomeng!
"I have been beaten to the point where I have no strength left!"

"But I can defeat you anytime you wait!"

"I'll save this life for you first!"


The Revelite pointed his sword at Mebius and mocked him.

Turn around and leave with a smile.


Seeing the actions of Star Revelite, Xiao Meng felt quite aggrieved!

When had he ever been so angry?

The monster actually spared his life...

Am I really not suitable to continue to stay on earth...

Xiao Meng's heart is filled with regret...


The Four Heavenly Kings are here...

"This guy's strength is pretty good!"

"You can basically crush Mebius!"

Desrem showed a smile on his face after seeing the strength of the Reflet star.

I am very happy with the strength of the Red Flyt people!
"Although it's not that guy who was lured here..."

"But the Red Flyts can reflect light, so they are pretty good against Ace or Allen!"

"These two guys only have light skills!"

Yabo said with a smile.

The reaction to the arrival of Star Revelite is pretty good!

"You still have some use!"

Grozam snorted coldly, acknowledging the status of the four dark kings of the Yabo people.

Then they all looked at the scene on the earth expectantly.

They really want to see Allen deflated now!

The Abo people exclaimed,
The four dark kings all had cruel smiles on their faces...

Allen, Allen!
Finally waiting for you!


Here is the Revelite...

It hasn’t even taken two steps yet!

As a result, the next second...

A guillotine roared in!


Feeling the strong wind coming, the Revelite frowned and put the shield in his hand in front of him!


Although the Red Flyts reacted in time to resist.

But the shock wave generated by the explosion knocked it back several hundred meters.


What the hell is this!
Who released the skill?
He was able to push me back so far!
The people of Reflet are even more vigilant!
I never thought there could be a light skill that could send him flying so far!

Then look into the distance...

A figure he had never seen before appeared in front of him.

The body color is red and silver, and there are tattoos of a fire dragon and a white tiger on both arms!

After seeing this figure, the Revelite pointed his sword at the opponent quite unhappily.

"It was you who attacked me?"

"Isn't it courting death!"

The Red Flyt alien roared quite unhappily.

He's not worried that he can't beat Allen!

In his eyes, Allen is as rubbish as Mebius!
After all, they are all the same Ultra Warriors!

He taunted directly!

Unexpectedly, Allen completely ignored him...

Instead, he looked at Membius...

"Membius! I guess you can't stay on Earth anymore!"

"You actually have to let the other party release the water to save your life."

Xiao Meng smiled bitterly upon hearing this.


"I don't have as much power as you, Allen..."

It can be seen with the naked eye that Mebius is quite depressed!
He was not depressed because of his defeat.

It's because I can't continue to stay with my teammates and I feel depressed!

see this scene.

The hearts of the people of Renflite are full of anger!

hateful!This new guy ignored it! ?
He is a member of the Red Flyt planet!

How dare someone ignore him now!

Today he must let this guy experience the most cruel way of death!
Then he rushed directly to Allen!
Facing the Reflet alien rushing towards him, Allen yawned quite indifferently.

The fire dragon and white tiger emblems on his left and right arms shine brightly.

Allen's left hand is filled with flames, and his right hand is wrapped with thunder and lightning!

Punch twice hard on the chest of the charging Red Flyt!
Boom! ——

A dull crashing sound resounded!
Countless flames = mixed with lightning arcs and howling!

These two punches directly knocked the Red Flyt star back several steps!

"Not bad! You are quite hard!"

"I hope you can hold on a little longer!"

"Let me be happy!"

Allen looked at the Red Flyt star with bright eyes!
At this time, in Allen's eyes, the Reforet star is a reward for moving!

This must be treated well!

The Redvelites became even more angry.

This guy is too arrogant!
He directly picked up the sword in his hand and wanted to chop Allen to death!
What everyone didn't expect was that Alan gathered energy in his hand and a vertical guillotine appeared!

Then Allen stabbed him hard!

It was cut off directly by the sword of the Red Flyt star!

The people from the Red Flats were immediately dumbfounded!

Its light wave shield is extremely hard! , the long sword extending from it is as hard as the shield! .

How could it be cut off!
What is this guy's background? ?


Before it could react!

Allen kicked him to the ground.

Then the whole body was covered with colorful energy!

Cosmic miracle light!

Allen jumped directly on the Red Flyt star and fired a ray of cosmic miracle light right into his face!
see this scene...

Ace was immediately stunned!

I go!

What was that skill just now?
I read that right?

That thing is the miracle light of the universe!

This thing shouldn't be after our power is injected into Taylor's body.

Can Taro be released after transforming into Super Taro?

How the hell did Allen learn that? ?

But that's not the most important...

the most important is!

Are you fucking blazing a monster's face to release light? ? ? ?

Do you know the light? ! !
That's a long-range attack! ! ! !

You are disrespecting the lighting skills!
People have reflexes!

Didn’t I really remind you?

There is no way to break the reflection ability, don't use light skills! ! ! ! !

The crisp buzzing sound echoed throughout the space!
I saw the miraculous light of the universe released by Allen, continuously bombarding the body of the Red Flyt star. Countless colorful energy ripples washed away. The miraculous light of the universe directly reflected out after colliding with the body of the Red Flyt star, forming a A very dazzling "V" shape!
Under the shocked eyes of Ace and others, he continued to ejaculate for a full minute! ! !

Let’s talk about the most shocking thing,
Of course he must be from the Red Flyt planet!

Your mother's! !

Why are you, Ultraman, so abnormal? ?
How can anyone output in a negative manner? !
The key is……

Aren’t you so damn tired? ?

You’ve been cumming for so long!

Why are you still cumming? ! !
Let me get up! ! !

Get me up quickly! ! ! !

The Red Flyt aliens kept struggling on the ground, trying to get out of Allen's control and stay away from the light skills.

It is the ability to reflect light.

But what the hell...

I keep getting shot like this...

Who the hell can stand it!

Allen was quite unhappy with the rebellious behavior of the Red Flyts!
Release the light with one hand, and the other hand...

Snapped! ——

A crisp slap sounded!

Allen slapped the Red Flyt star on the face and yelled at him angrily!
"Don't move! I'll see if I can cum in!"

Star Renfret: QAQ...


I want to go home!

(End of this chapter)

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