Kingdom of Light: Learn from Ace, the Saw Man of Light

Chapter 19 Want to defeat me with light?What an eye-opener!

Chapter 19 Want to defeat me with light?What an eye-opener!

The mentality of the people on the Red Flat planet has completely broken down!
What kind of Ultra Warrior are you?
How can any Ultra Warrior release light skills directly against his face?

How can any Ultra Warrior directly suppress the monster under his body and feed his light skills directly into his mouth?

Just wait for me!
Anyway, I am immune to light skills!
Don't let me get up!
Otherwise I will definitely chop you to death!

It’s not just the Red Flyts…

The Ace people in the distance were all stunned!
Allen, you kid!
What are you doing!

Are your attacks serious?
I am known as the director of the meat factory, and I really like dismembering monsters...

But I have never used the light skill to shoot in the face!
As we all know, super beasts have no sense of pain!
That’s why I cut my body into pieces and fought, but the Revelites can feel pain!
The way you fight...

When word spreads out, the reputation of our Kingdom of Light has been ruined!

What should I do if the light cannot penetrate?
You just slap it in the face and keep cumming, right? ?

and also!

What do you mean by this slap? ? ? ?

Where did you learn it? !
I never taught you Ultra Slap!

So you must not have learned it from me!
Leo: Ah, yes, yes!My face was bitten by a dog before!It wasn't you who fanned it!

Sophie: That’s right!You didn’t learn it from me either!It must have been taught by Ace!

at this time……

The Red Flyt star who has been slapped in the face is completely angry!
I am so special!

You're done, aren't you?

I am also a living thing!

I feel pain too!

you guy!
Then he used all his strength to push Allen away!

And the miraculous light of the universe that Allen was still continuously releasing instantly bombarded the ground in front of the head of Star Revlite!


Earth-shattering explosions resounded.

Countless firelights mixed with colorful energy halos spread around,
In an instant, a ravine 500 meters deep was shot out of the ground!
The Raphlites saw this scene.

He swallowed hard.

My heart trembled suddenly.

I didn’t expect this guy’s light to be so terrifying!
Fortunately, I can reflect the light.

Otherwise, a normal cosmic person would have been wiped out long ago.
A thought here.

Star Renfret said proudly:
"Today, you will die here!"

I saw him condensing the iron sword again!

Then he ran towards Allen!

Allen also stopped emitting the miraculous light of the universe, and his face was full of aftertaste...

Zizizi! ——

This guy's defense is really good!
I just love monsters like this!

"Hey! You're great!"

"I just like harder monsters like you!"

"It's more comfortable to kill like this!"

Allen curled his fingers and shook his neck, his eyes full of happiness!
Only if there is an opponent who can withstand his attacks can we fight happily!

This will give you a worse beating!

"What the hell!——"

Upon hearing this, the people from the Reflet star were even more angry!

it is good!
very good!

I must let you experience the most horrific way to die in the world!

However, just when Allen was planning to train the Red Flyt star well.

Mebius quickly stood up and grabbed Allen.

"Alan...let me do it!"

"I...will definitely prove myself!"

When Allen heard this, he shrugged indifferently and motioned for him to come!

Xiao Meng nodded gratefully to Allen!

Then rush towards the Redvelite!

He didn't want his life on earth to end like this!
He's an Ultra warrior!

How could he let Allen save him every time!
I want to prove myself!

Prove that you can protect the earth!

I will definitely fight with my companions!

Seeing Xiao Meng rushing up to him, the anger of the Red Flyt star reached its peak!
Good guy!
Do you Ultra Warriors regard me as a soft persimmon?
Still picking it up?
It seems like I gave you too much face before!

So he also rushed towards Mebius!

Mebius has never been a match for the Red Flyts before, and it is even more impossible now that he is in a disabled state of flashing light!
He was quickly knocked to the ground by the Red Flyt star!
"It's just you who want to deal with me, you're just dreaming!"

The Revelite stepped on Mebius's body, his eyes full of disdain!
Eren and Mebius were not taken seriously at all!

"You...I...I can still...fight!"

Xiao Meng stretched out his hand to continue fighting...but how could Menbius still have the strength to stand up after all his energy was exhausted?

Before his hand could be straightened, it dropped heavily!
Not only did the timer light go out completely...

Even his skin turned gray...!

At this moment.

far away.

Long was stunned when he saw this scene!
He couldn't believe it!
He will die in the future! !
Do not!
Do not!
Do not!

Don't die! ! !

"Future! No! Stand up!"

Zhen Nai doesn’t believe that the future will be like this...

Just die like this!

"Future, stand up! Didn't you say you don't want to trouble others?"

"Then don't let others worry about you!"

Aihara Ryu's sad roar reached Mebius's ears...

It was as if I heard a call.

Mebius doesn’t know why,
He could feel a force coming from his body!

Energy is restored quickly!
Standing up again in everyone's surprised eyes!

"Hoo hoo!—"

The flames roared!

The patterns on Mebius's body changed directly!

Transformed into a hero form! ! !
"Death to me!"

Although the people from the Revelite don't know why Mebius is still resurrected, he is a defeated general after all!
Killing again is very simple!

"I have to say that the power of human bonds is quite good!"

"This can revive Mebius!"

After seeing this scene, Allen nodded with emotion.

If you want to defeat the Ultra Warriors, you'd better keep no humans or friends around the Ultra Warriors!

Otherwise, this is the result!
So I wanted to see what Membius looked like in his hero form.

But at this time!
Allen glanced at the Red Flyts in the distance.

Suddenly realized something!
The expression on his face froze, and then he showed an expression of sudden realization!
"I finally understand how to deal with this guy!"

Hearing Allen's excited voice,
Mebius and Ace in the distance were both stunned!
Do you know how to deal with it?
How to deal with it?

Do you still want to transform into the Saw of Light?

Or do you want to continue to transform into a butcher of light and start chopping meat?

"Alan! Don't use those cruel methods!"

For the sake of the reputation of the Kingdom of Light, Ace said quickly!

But never transform into the Saw of Light and the Butcher of Light!
"Don't worry, instructor Ace!"

"It's just using light skills!"

Allen waved his hand to reassure Ace!

He's going to defeat it with light!
Ace was quite speechless after hearing this...

You were directly in his mouth just now, and it took so long for you to ejaculate without ejaculating inside...

Do you still use light?
You can't cum at all!
Not only Ace...

Even Mebius thought it was impossible!

After fighting the Red Flyt star twice, he knew best how hard the Red Flyt star was!
It is completely impossible to defeat the opponent with light skills!
"Hahahaha! You still want to defeat me with light skills?"

"I'm standing right here!"

"Let's see how you beat me!"

The Revelite aliens in the distance also laughed and taunted...

Ha ha
I just stand here.

I don't believe you can kill me with light! ! !

You just slapped me in the face and didn't even shoot me to death!
Let alone now!
"Haha... Of course I can't cum all the time! But I can change the position and cum!"

A cruel smile appeared at the corner of Allen's mouth...

Then with a strange light in his eyes, he looked behind the Redvelite...

change location?

The Revelite watched as Allen's eyes drifted behind him...


Is there something behind me?

It seems not!
I also have armor protection on my back!
There's no way you can beat me from behind!
But right now!

The Revelite people suddenly realized something!
I rely on! ! !

You bastard! ! !

It was like a knife slashing the cow's butt - it opened my eyes!
You don't want to cum in my ass! ! ! !

(End of this chapter)

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