Kingdom of Light: Learn from Ace, the Saw Man of Light

Chapter 20 This kind of fighting method is something carbon-based creatures can come up with! ?Oh, i

Chapter 20 This kind of fighting method is something carbon-based creatures can come up with! ?Oh, it’s light, then it’s okay~
Are you a human being?
Are you a human being? ! ! !

At this moment.

Everyone on Reflet is numb!

Whose Ultra Warrior would stare at people and beat them up!
He has also met a lot of Ultra warriors!
Which one is not a very upright existence? Fighting is fighting!
The style in battle is quite decent!
But why are you an exception?

First hit me with a beam of light, then slap me!
Forget about being brutal!
You are so special!

As a result, you actually want to attack my place now!

Are you an Ultra Warrior?
How can any Ultra warrior do this? ! !

The Red Flyts completely collapsed! ! !
He knows it now!

The guy in front of me is completely unworthy of being called an Ultra Warrior!

This guy is definitely not an Ultra Warrior!
It's a beast!

You must know that the body surface of the Red Flyts is covered with special metal armor formed through the interaction of light particles and soft metal cells. The main structure is a dielectric multi-layer film mirror, which has the property of not absorbing light at all, so destructive light is harmful to It has no effect and can even reflect back the damaging light from the enemy.

But the problem is!
This position at the rear...


There is no such armor at all! ! !

This is a special place for excretion!
Who the hell would cover armor here?

Do you know?
If you could, how would you excrete it? ? ? ?
This guy Allen! ! !

What a beast!
Whoooo! ——


We absolutely can't stay here!
Otherwise, I will really experience the joy of soaring to the sky!

Thinking of this, the Red Flyt star showed a sad and angry expression on his face, turned around and ran away!
Now whoever likes to stay here stays!
He will never stay any longer!

After all, he has teleportation skills!
He really didn't believe that Allen could stop him!

Mebius and Ace saw this scene in the distance...

All confused!


Why did the Revelite suddenly run away?

Was there something going on that they didn't notice?

Not at all!
Wasn't this guy quite crazy just now?

Why are you running away in such a dejected manner!
Of course!
It's not just Ace and Membius who are confused now!
The four dark kings in the dark are even more confused!
They were still mocking Allen before!
Don't you like to use light abilities?


Then we will directly find you a guy who is immune to light!

How can you fight it!
You are cruel, aren't you?
You like the light hitting your face, right?

Take a look!

It doesn't work at all!

But none of the four dark kings thought that the people from the Reforet planet were fine, so why did they suddenly run away!

The Ultra Warrior seems to have done nothing!
Wouldn't it be a bit embarrassing for us villains to run away like this?
But the next second...

Something happened that shattered their outlook!
Allen saw flames in his left hand and lightning in his right hand, rushing directly behind the Red Flyt star who was about to teleport away!

Aiming at the opponent's lower body, he fired Lushan Shenglongba!

In one fell swoop, the Red Flyts were knocked into the air!

After being hit on his lower body!

The eyes of Star Reflet widened instantly!

Stretch your legs straight!

His hands unconsciously moved behind him.

A sound with unknown syllables came out of his mouth!
But none of this was enough to make Allen stop what he was doing!

I saw Allen's body covered with colorful energy, and then he directly fired the miraculous light of the universe!
Colorful rays of light cut through the sky, flowing down a rather graceful straight line in the sky.

Then the light rushed in directly from the rear of the Red Flyt star!

Ejected from the mouth of Planet Redvelite again!

boom! ——The earth-shattering explosion resounded throughout the space!

Countless fires shot up into the sky, and the shock waves exploded in layers, scattering the clouds!
Allen's ray of cosmic miracle light directly exploded the Red Flyt alien into countless fragments scattered in the sky!
The colorful energy will render the explosion into an extremely beautiful firework!

And this firework looks like a daisy, and then blooms in the sky!

quiet! ——

Quiet! ——

The whole place fell into deathly silence!

Needle drop can be heard...

hiss! ——

wipe! ——

Everyone unconsciously shrank their penis!

His eyes were full of shock and disbelief, and his heart felt like a stormy sea had set off and he couldn't calm down for a long time!
I couldn't believe what I was seeing!
The Red Flyt alien who was able to use Allen's light skills in his face... actually died directly!
It's still the kind that penetrates the body directly from the back, and then sprays out from the mouth! ?

Is it possible for humans to come up with such a fighting method? !

Could carbon-based organisms come up with it? ! ! ! !
Allen is the light,
That's alright...


" the he really a companion with Allen?"

"They...the gap between the two of them is a bit big!"

At this moment.

far away.

Long turned his head mechanically and said to Captain Shui Shui with a look of disbelief on his face.

Obviously, the fighting styles of Ultra Warriors like Menbius and others are so normal...


Why is Allen so different?

"Maybe... Ultra warriors are just like us, there are all kinds of people... Oops!"

"Maybe...this is Ultraman Eren's style?"

"I...we have to respect others!"

Captain Qishui thought for a long time before he came up with a more euphemistic way of saying it!

"I thought before...Ultraman Eren couldn't defeat the Red Flyts with his light skills..."

"But I didn't expect him... to be able to use it in such a way!"

Mariina murmured to her companions...

to be frank!
They really thought that Allen just slapped his face and released his light skills, but he couldn't defeat the Red Flyt aliens.

Unexpectedly, Allen could defeat him in such a strange way!


Really great!

Mebius is indeed not as good as Allen!

In the universe, here are the four dark kings...

They are all stupid!

Do you Ultra warriors from the Kingdom of Light have such brutal fighting methods now?
But Membius seems to be a little normal...

So what is going on in your Kingdom of Light now?
Why should we release a guy like Allen who is more cruel than their villains?
This guy is so damn not a normal person at all!
Are you releasing it to make us retreat? ! ! !


Ace here...

He was completely speechless!
The reputation of the Kingdom of Light!

It's over!

He is the sinner of the Kingdom of Light!
Allen, why are you so outrageous?

Tell me what I have offended you!
But can you not use this fighting method to retaliate against me? ! !
"Ellen!!!!!! What a loser you are!!!!"

(End of this chapter)

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