Kingdom of Light: Learn from Ace, the Saw Man of Light

Chapter 181 Where is the little blue man my size?Was he immediately killed? ? ?

Chapter 181 Where is the little blue man my size?Was he immediately killed? ? ?
Just as Zero and others set off for the monster graveyard.

the other side.

Rebertus, who has obtained the ultimate combat instrument, is summoning the souls of the hundred monsters!
Although the Allen in front of him possesses incredibly terrifying combat power.

Reberts firmly believes it!

With the help of an army of monsters.

Even if he faces Allen, he can still fight!
As time passed by every second.

Countless monsters also descended directly on this land!

The monster army grows by one point each time.

Reberts' confidence will be even greater!
The tricks Allen used were extremely powerful!
In this case, the burden and consumption on him must also be extremely huge!

As long as he can make good use of these hundred monsters, Allen.
He will be consumed directly in front of him!
Even though Allen succeeded in defeating the monster army in the end.

At that time, he didn't have much fighting power left!

And he is still in full swing!
not to mention.
It is still immortal! !

under these circumstances.

It doesn't believe that Allen can still use moves that are enough to really kill him! !
Just thinking about such a future.

Rebertus couldn't help but laugh wildly!

Available in the next second.

A strong energy fluctuation suddenly attracted its attention!

I don't know when.

Allen had extended his arm.

Above his head, a huge colorful ball of light was spinning! !
The energy that escapes from it.
Even Reberts was frightened by it!

It has no doubts!
As long as he takes such an attack.
I'm afraid he will be completely crushed to pieces on the spot! !
What kind of terrifying fighting power does Allen possess? !
And this time.

Allen, who had just gathered SPACE Q, also looked at the scene in front of him with a smile.

He was not worried about what kind of tricks Rebertus could do after mastering the ultimate combat instrument.

After all, Rebertus's most powerful power is to summon undead monsters.

The main body's combat power is weaker than other BOSS level beings.

At best, it has a troublesome resurrection ability.

Especially with his current ability.

Not to mention facing a hundred monsters.

It’s useless even if you bring [-] heads!
Numbers were no longer any trouble to him.

There must be an enemy of sufficiently strong quality to make him fall into a difficult battle!
For example, existences of the level of Gliza and Ye Fu!
Only then will it feel a bit tricky!


After seeing all one hundred monsters resurrected.

Allen didn't hesitate at all.

He directly launched the SPACE Q in his hand!
The moment the huge colorful ball of light landed!

It immediately set off a terrifying energy storm that enveloped the entire planet!
That extremely violent energy.

Completely devour everything here! !
Less than three seconds.

All the resurrected monsters have been completely destroyed!

Even the landscape of the entire planet has changed!
A huge number of huge cracks have appeared in the entire Monster Cemetery!

Countless magma continues to gush out from the gaps!

The ground is still shaking!

The space was also completely torn apart!

A large number of space-time rifts are scattered over the planet!
Just one hit!
Allen almost completely destroyed the Monster Cemetery! ! !

This is a situation where Allen deliberately kept it secret!

See this scene.

Raibert, who used all his strength to release all the evil energy in his body, could barely block the violent energy storm!
But even so.

Its body is also filled with ferocious and terrifying wounds!

With the help of the Immortal Power.

At this time, Rebertus was slowly healing.

But if you can choose.
Reberts was willing to just be taken away in one wave.
After all, it has fallen into despair at this time!
Even the monster army is no match for Allen!

This is simply unheard of thing!
Even if the mysterious four are here, it won't be easy to do such a thing! !
"Bang——!" was accompanied by a burst of impact.

Allen directly stepped on Reberts' feet.

Then he directly raised his right hand.

One-handed wave!
An ultimate guillotine nearly a kilometer long appeared above his head in an instant!
Without any hesitation.

Under Allen's control.

This ultimate guillotine completely cut Rebots in front of him in two!
The remaining energy is constantly eroding its body!

Just half a second later.

The violent explosion completely blew Rebots' body into thousands of pieces!
Spike! ! !

Rebertus's proud immortality.

It's like a joke in front of Alan!

"In seconds???"


at this time.

Suddenly there was a sound of exclamation in the sky.

Allen looked up.

I don't know when, Zero, Zuo Fei and others had already arrived here.

They witnessed with their own eyes the scene where Allen instantly killed Reberts.

to be frank.

Even Sero, who has been following Allen.

At this time, I was also shocked by the terrifying strength shown by Allen!

Brother Allen really brings him new surprises every time! !

That guy's evil aura is obviously so powerful!
If he and Reberts were one-on-one.

I'm afraid it won't take more than a few moves, and I'll be defeated directly!
Especially after getting the ultimate combat device.

Reberts' combat effectiveness will also take a qualitative leap!
Although only Belial can fully utilize all the capabilities of the Ultimate Battle Instrument.

But even so.

The Ultimate Combat Instrument is also an absolutely ultimate artifact!
Even such an opponent
Brother Allen can kill him easily? ?

Do you want to be so perverted? Hey!
Doesn’t this make me look useless?

Not just Zero.

At this time, Zoffie and Jack were also stunned on the spot.

I knew it!

You don’t need our help at all! !

Obviously Allen can easily solve this crisis alone! !

Why are we even making such a trip!
This outing was not completely fruitless.

After all, that boy Uub has finally gotten some training now! !

"I am coming!!"

"Rabotus! Your death has come!!"

at this time.

A dark green energy beam fell from the sky instantly!

Standing directly in the center of the battlefield!

That's right!

It was Uub who had been fully trained and unlocked the wise and brave form!

But as soon as it landed.

Orb was completely stunned.

He couldn't even feel much of the evil aura from Reberts in the Monster Cemetery!
He glanced blankly at Allen in front of him, then looked up at Zero and the others in the sky.

A big question mark gradually appeared on my head.

Where is I, Reberts?

I'm so big, where's Rebots? ? ?

(End of this chapter)

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