Kingdom of Light: Learn from Ace, the Saw Man of Light

Chapter 182 Leaving the Orb world!The crisis that destroys the universe!

Chapter 182 Leaving the Orb world!The crisis that destroys the universe!

After 10 minutes of explanation.

Orb finally understood the cause and effect of the matter.


"Senior Allen, you took Reberts directly to the Monster Cemetery."

"It can get the ultimate battle instrument, and it can also summon the undead souls of a hundred monsters."

"In the end, not only did he kill all the monsters instantly with one blow, but he also killed Reberts instantly??"

Allen smiled and nodded.

Thump thump thump—!
After getting Allen's affirmative answer.

Orb's heart skipped a beat!
He seems to have underestimated Allen's fighting power! !
To know.

Rebotus can summon many powerful undead monsters!

It's okay to let him deal with two or three monsters at once.

But what if we really had a head-on confrontation with the monster army summoned by Rebotus?
Don't say anything else.

The energy consumption alone will make him unbearable! !

a time.

Orb also looked at Allen with extremely shocked eyes.

I felt Uub’s gaze.

Allen also smiled.

Then he patted his shoulder lightly.

"It's okay Uub, you will definitely grow into an outstanding warrior in the future."

"And your potential is indeed very strong."


He then turned to look at Zero.

"How about it, Zero, did you realize anything when you fought those monsters?"

Hear this.

Sero also smiled bitterly.

Have you realized anything?

How could he have Allen's understanding?

You can easily master various powerful skills casually!
compared with him
At most, I have only accumulated a little combat experience!
At this time, Zuo Fei and others also looked at each other and shook their heads helplessly.

Allen is this kid.
It’s really getting better and better!

Every time I see him, it always brings a big surprise!

This is simply not something ordinary Ultra warriors can do!

It truly is the hope for the future of their Kingdom of Light!
After chatting for a while.

Zero also turned to look at Orb.

"Now that we have solved Rebotus, the universe can be at peace for a while."

"You are also responsible for this, Uub!"

Zero said as he patted Uub on the shoulder.

Zuo Fei, Allen and others also nodded towards him.

See everyone like this.

Uub also scratched his head in embarrassment.

no way.

I seem to
It was just a small help in the beginning!

It was Allen who finally solved this incident!
The entire monster army was wiped out with just one strike!
At the same time, the mastermind behind the scenes - Reberts was eliminated.

After I got my new form.
He immediately transformed into a soy sauce passerby!

"I was able to fight to the end only because of the help of my seniors!"

After holding it in for a long time, Oub could only say this.

"Oub, given your outstanding performance, you are already qualified to receive the Star Medal!"

Zoffi's words made Orb obviously stunned.

Sero also smiled and nodded, and then said:

"Okay Uub, you can join our Space Guard from now on!"

"Fight the dark forces with us! Protect the peace of this universe!"

Hear this.

Orb was actually a bit unexpected.

The Space Guard suddenly offered him an olive branch?
Allen seemed not surprised by this.

After all no matter what.

Uubu is an Ultra warrior with powerful combat power.

If he could be abducted to the Space Guard.

It will definitely increase the combat power of the Kingdom of Light!But, it's a pity.
Uub is not the kind of person who wants to stay in one place forever!

"Thank you for your kindness."

After thinking for a moment, Orb smiled and shook his head.

"However, I am a wanderer in the galaxy. It is more suitable for me to continue wandering."

His tactful refusal also made the others feel a little regretful.

Everyone can see.

Uub has great potential.

If he is allowed to practice with Taylor or Allen in the Kingdom of Light for a period of time, he will definitely be able to develop better!

And it can also better deal with crises in the universe!

In response, Allen snickered.

High emotional intelligence: I am a galaxy wanderer!

Low EQ: I will not come to the Kingdom of Light to be my little brother!I want to go back to 0-50 and be the boss!

Compared to that cosmic street slut like Dyna.

Orb's situation is slightly better.

But even so!
Orb is unlikely to give up 0-50 and choose to join the Space Guard.


Although everyone present is Orb's creditor.

But after all, the Ultra Card was obtained by Orb after he passed many tests.

I have nothing but respect for all the seniors.

And there is no feeling of indebtedness.

"Okay, that's it. We won't force it anymore."

Allen said with a smile.

"Anyway, as long as Orb is still an Ultra warrior who loves justice."

"Then we will meet in other corners of the universe one day!"

Allen's words also made Oub nodded vigorously.

"That's right!"

"Okay, thank you for your help."

"I'll go first."


Orb's body also turned directly into particles of light that filled the sky and disappeared in front of everyone.

Looking at the direction where Orb disappeared.

Allen also smiled evilly.

Pretending to be extremely regretful, he said:
"Oh, I really hope Orb can stay."

"At least Ouboko is much more useful to you than Subiro~"


As soon as this word comes out.

Zero's entire body instantly froze in place!

he didn't expect
His position was actually challenged by Orb!

You must prove your strength immediately! !

Think about it carefully, in the recent battles
It seems that he did not play any very important role!

If it goes on like this.
What if I am abandoned by big brother Allen! ! !

Absolutely not! !
thought here.

Sero also immediately took a step forward.

Prepare to make some bold words to make Allen realize his importance!
But right now.

Allen suddenly looked startled!
just now.

He suddenly had a very ominous premonition!

Some kind of evil aura caught his attention instantly! !

as if
There is a plan that can destroy the entire universe and has been tried! !

at the same time.

Suddenly an Ultra signature floated in the sky!
Instantly attracted everyone's attention!
From that familiar energy fluctuation.

Allen also realized it immediately.

This is the Ultra signature sent by the Ultra King!

[Alan, Zero, go to the designated location immediately! 】

[An evil wave capable of destroying the universe was born! ! ! 】

(End of this chapter)

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