Kingdom of Light: Learn from Ace, the Saw Man of Light

Chapter 183: Due to Parker crisis, start!

Chapter 183: Due to Parker crisis, start!

[Alan, Zero, go to the designated location immediately! 】

[An evil wave capable of destroying the universe was born! ! ! 】

Looking at the sky, the Ultra signature came from the Ultra King.

Allen and Sero were also stunned instantly.

I boil?

what's the situation? ?

We have just solved the Reberts incident here!

Why is there now another evil wave that can destroy the entire universe? !
Could it be that it is behind this Reberts?

Is there anyone else behind the scenes? !
For a moment, Zero was also a little excited.

After all, he just wanted to express himself well!

I didn’t expect it to come to life so soon!

And judging from the old man's tone, it seems that this incident is more serious than Reberts!

In this case
Then he must show his true power in front of Allen!

Brother Allen!

Watch it!
I am now a mature Ultra Warrior!

But right now.

Allen suddenly used the secret skill of the Kingdom of Light - Ultra Slap!
Zero was immediately knocked to the ground.

Allen clapped his hands and said to Sero:

"This incident may be a bit serious for you."

"Sero, you decide for yourself whether you want to come with me or not."

"Let me put it this way, the opponent you may encounter this time"

"It even has the power to actually kill you!"

Hear Brother Allen's words.

Zero, who was lying on the ground holding his head just now, was also stunned for a moment.

He raised his head in confusion and glanced at Allen in front of him.

Want to see something in his eyes.


Allen only had seriousness in his eyes.

At this time, Zero was also slightly surprised.

After all, he hadn't felt anything like this in a long time.

As if.
The enemy they encountered this time would really look like a particularly terrifying existence!
Maybe he noticed something.

Sophie, Jack and others also looked at each other.

They were all ready to persuade Zero to think carefully.

Although it is a good choice to continue to grow with Allen.

But this time, the enemy they will face will be several times more powerful than before!
They don't want young warriors like Zero to die!

"Zero, please think about it carefully."

"Even Alan has said so."

"This is enough to prove how dangerous this incident is!"

After Zuo Fei finished speaking.

Jack also took a step forward.

He patted Sero's shoulder lightly.

"Yes, Zero, think about it carefully."

"This is not a child's play! What if there is any trouble?"

"I think you should know the ending yourself."

"It's okay. After all, you haven't fully grown up yet, and there is still a certain gap between you and Allen."

"How about we let Allen go alone for this matter."

Hear their words.

Zero didn't speak.

Instead, he clenched his fists.

In his mind, he unconsciously recalled the previous scenes of performing various tasks with Allen.

To be honest, being with Allen has indeed allowed him to fully grow.

At least, his speed of improvement has impressed many instructors!

Although Brother Allen is an out-of-standard existence.

But I have to say.

current self.
There are indeed many shortcomings.

Once you enter that top level battlefield.
I'm afraid it's not enough to guarantee your own safety!

but! ! !
Even so! !
He also wants to continue to be with brother Allen! ! !
Looking at the silent Zero in front of him.Zoffi, Ike and others looked at each other.

His eyes were full of helplessness.

They knew Sero's temper very well.

Judging by his character and pride.

The more he is not allowed to go, the more he will go! !
But this time it was different.

Even Eren would say something like that.

It can completely prove how dangerous this trip is!

Before they could speak again.

Sero has already made his decision.

"I'm going!"

"I am already a mature Ultra Warrior!"

"Even if I know that I will encounter many terrifying enemies, I will move forward bravely!"

"And by doing this, I can just exercise myself!"

Hear Zero's answer.

Allen also had a slightly satisfied smile on his face.

Not bad, Sero.

I originally thought that Zero would be a little hesitant.

I didn’t expect to think of it so quickly.

And looking at him like this, he does look a bit like a real Ultra Warrior.

In fact.

After seeing the information given by the King of Ultra and the attached address.

The plot you will encounter this time
There's a high probability that it's because of Parker's crisis!

According to the original plot.

The resurrected Beria used the "Terrible Beria" legion to launch a massive war against the Space Guard of the Kingdom of Light!

And he himself possesses a super-powerful weapon that can completely destroy a universe-the hyperspace destruction bomb!

Except for this bomb that can destroy the universe.

The combat power of the terrifying Belial Legion cannot be underestimated!
Most of the members have enhanced combat capabilities!
Judging from Cerro's current combat effectiveness.

If you meet this kind of opponent.
I'm afraid I will immediately fall into a disadvantage!

However, after they passed.

It should be when the Parker crisis ends.

That is the TV version of Ultraman Geed!
among these plots.

The little monsters that appeared were not so powerful that they were too abnormal.

But just in case.

He still had to respond accordingly.

Therefore, this time, Allen decided to fight directly on his own!

Just let Zero fight some less powerful monsters!
Anyway, with the strength of those little monsters.

There is still no problem with Dangdang Cerro's contact person.

Even if something goes wrong.

You can also take action directly!
Nip all danger in the bud! !

thought here.

Allen also nodded slightly.

Then he looked at Zuo Fei and others.

"Instructor Zuo Fei, without further ado, Zero and I will set off first!"

"We will come back to the Space Guard later to explain the details!"


He directly took Zero to open a space-time rift, and then immediately got into it!

And Zuo Fei looked at the direction in which the two disappeared.

My heart skipped a beat for no reason.

always feel.
This crisis seems to be completely beyond their imagination!

Can Zero and Allen really solve it?
However, he looked down at the monster graveyard that was already in pieces.

There was also a slight wry smile on his face.

Why do you think about so many things?

Anyway, Allen's strength has completely exceeded their imagination.

If Allen is here.

It's basically impossible for Zero to run into any big trouble~
(End of this chapter)

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