Kingdom of Light: Learn from Ace, the Saw Man of Light

Chapter 184 Brother Allen, you are not Gaia, please land gently!

Chapter 184 Brother Allen, you are not Gaia, please land gently!

Just as Zoffie, Jack and others returned to the Kingdom of Light.

the other side.

After the time travel ends.

Zero and Allen also came to an extremely strange time and space.

Allen looked around casually.

It was discovered that they had arrived at the outer edge of the earth at this time.

And this earth.
It actually exudes the energy of the Ultra King! ! !

Alan was a little surprised when he noticed this.


Now it should be the King of Ultra who has used his own power to repair this fringe universe!
In that case.

Then it confirmed his previous guess!

This time we are indeed in the plot of Ultraman Geed! !
"What's wrong, Brother Allen? Is there any problem?"

at this time.

Zero, whose head was a little dizzy, also looked around blankly.

I asked casually.

"Hey, this seems to be the outer reaches of the earth?"

"and many more!!"

"Why does this earth smell like the King of Ultras!!!"


As soon as this word comes out.

Allen directly used the Kingdom of Light's secret skill Ultra Slap again.

All of a sudden, Zero was knocked away.

this child.
If you can't speak, speak less!
What do you mean this earth smells like an old man?
You're talking like the King of Ultras has a strange smell! !

If he had heard it himself, I don’t know what kind of beating your boy would have received!
"Come on, Zero, let's go to Earth first."

"If I'm not mistaken."

"We should be able to meet one soon. Oh no, they are two interesting guys~"

After Zero calmed down.

Allen also directly pulled Zero and flew towards the earth quickly!
At this time, the other side.

on the earth.

The extremely urgent siren is resounding across the earth!

Countless people are running away!
At this time, Geed was also having a fierce battle with Dark Lops Allen in the streets!


Taking advantage of the darkness, Lops Allen was not paying attention.

Geed immediately threw a heavy punch!
Hit it hard on the chest!
There was a sharp collision sound.

Geed held his fist directly, and a mask of pain instantly appeared on his face.
"It hurts so much!!!"

"How can this guy be so hard!!!"

In Ged's view.

This guy who suddenly appeared is very powerful!

It has full combat effectiveness in itself! !
Moreover, the material used to make its body is unknown.

Extremely hard! !
Ordinary fighting skills have no effect on it!

Instead, you will be hurt by your own strength! !
Looking at the painful Geed in front of him.

Dark Lops Allen didn’t hesitate at all!
He directly raised his thigh and kicked Jade hard on the chest!
That terrifying power instantly blinded Jade's eyes!
I almost lost consciousness! !
His body just flew into the air, and then crashed down hard!

Completely destroy an entire building! !

"Cough cough."

After Jade struggled to get up again.

He also looked at Dark Lops Allen with disbelief.

"How can this guy be so powerful!"

"Not only does it possess terrifying power, but now it has even completely seen through my actions!"

That's right! !
Ever since Dark Lops Allen appeared.

Geed has been fighting with it for some time!

Originally, I was able to gain a slight upper hand at the beginning.

The two sides still fought back and forth.Unexpectedly.

Only a short time passed.

This guy suddenly became so powerful! !

Fighting skills make it easy to dodge and counterattack!
Even some light skills are completely ineffective!

at the same time.

Dark Lops Allen didn't give Geed any time to adjust.

The dark energy in the body surged and rolled instantly!

Incomparably terrifying energy fluctuations directly filled the entire battlefield! !
next second.

An energy beam flashing with an unknown orange-red light also shot directly from its eyes! ! !

Dark Lops Laser! ! !

As a fierce explosion sounded!
Geed, who had no time to react, just didn't get the energy beam and was hit directly!
The terrifying power instantly blew his body several hundred meters away! !

Dark Lops Laser is one of Dark Lops Allen's signature skills!

Although it requires a certain amount of charging time.

But the power is extremely powerful!
Able to destroy the base of Herodia, the Salome star, and the mechanical Ultra Brothers in one fell swoop!

Fortunately, Geed was there at the last moment.

He barely gathered some energy to block it in front of him.

if not
Just such an attack.

It was enough to cause Geed to suffer a heavy blow! ! !


even so.

Geed's situation is not easy either.

The timer on his chest has begun to flash a rapid red light!
If Dark Lops Allen cannot be eliminated in a short time.

I'm afraid Geed will disappear directly due to energy exhaustion!
At this time, Dark Lops Allen glanced at Geed who fell on the ground.

It is calculated that he basically has no resistance now.


It also immediately took out the Dark Lops Head Dart!
Prepare to eliminate Geed first.


next second.

Accompanied by a fierce crash! !

The whole city was shaken violently! !

Countless smoke and dust are scattered in the air! !
The sky is filled with rubble!

After a moment.

A huge impact crater also appeared in front of everyone's eyes.

And in the center of the impact crater.

The sudden appearance of two figures made Dark Lops Allen slightly stunned.

Allen and Sero! ! !
"Brother Allen. How many times have I told you!!"

"This way of landing is not good!!"

"You are not Gaia!!"

"Why are you always humming? Damn it!! Dark Lops Allen!!!"

"Why are you here?!"

After seeing clearly the darkness in front of Lops Allen.

Sero was also immediately shocked!
its not right!
Dark Lops Allen should have been completely destroyed, right? !
And if there was no order from Beria.

These Dark Lops Allen should not act directly! !

But why would such a guy suddenly appear in this world! ?

a time.

Sero also fell into a state of confusion.

But he was still ready to fight.

as for allen
He first glanced at the dark Lops Allen in front of him, and then looked at the stunned Geed in the distance.

They instantly realized what kind of timeline they had arrived at!

This is just the early timeline of Geed! ! !
(End of this chapter)

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