Kingdom of Light: Learn from Ace, the Saw Man of Light

Chapter 22 No need to dismember and kick!Come up and Leo kicks! ?You are too cautious!

Chapter 22 No need to dismember and kick!Come up and Leo kicks! ?You are too cautious!

After seeing Leo leave, Ace looked at Allen.

He said to Allen with a serious face.

This guy's talent is really good!

But there is still too little practical experience!
You can't fight like this!

Otherwise, he would die one day because of such a violent and mindless battle.

It’s really inappropriate!

"Okay! Don't worry! Instructor Ace!"

"I understand!"

Allen nodded repeatedly to express his understanding.

But Ace always felt something was wrong.

This guy agreed so quickly...

Do you really understand?

It's not fake, you understand...

Do you want Allen to try it?

If you really understand it, you will definitely be able to see it during the battle!
Thinking of this, Ace nodded!
Then let Eren and Mebius try fighting!
As for why Ace didn't come on his own...

Thinking of Allen’s 300-meter eight-point light wheel...

Ace said that he will never fight against Allen in the future!
He doesn't want to die yet!
Ace then looked to the side of Future and said.

"Mebius, go and try fighting Allen!"

future:? ? ? ?

Can I try fighting with Allen?

Brother Ace!

You are not kidding me!
Me and Allen fighting?

If you don’t like me, just say so!
I can change it!
I can really change it!
You don't have to torture me like this!

Future really wants to cry now!
His face was full of resistance.

"Okay! It's okay!"

at this time.

Allen responded happily.

This is so good!

I just finished defeating a monster and am still thinking about when I will get the next reward!

And here it is!

The more brutal the battle, the more rewards you get!

This means that the more you fight, the more rewards you get!

come on!

Come on, Xiao Meng!
I can not wait any more!

do not worry!
I will love you gently!

You won’t use force!
Don't cry!

In the future, when he saw Allen's eyes starting to light up, he was immediately scared!


Fight with Eren...

This guy wouldn't just stab me in the butt with an Ultra Guillotine!
Or will this guy just use an Ultra Guillotine to chop me into meat... Hikaru-chan?
It feels very possible!
With Allen's character, he can definitely do this kind of thing!

"No, no! Brother Ace, I'm not qualified yet!"

Future quickly said that he was not qualified to fight Allen!
What is he himself?

Fight with Eren...

It would be nice if you don’t get beaten up!

The chrysanthemum may even be unprotected!

"Not qualified? If you're not qualified, why don't you practice more?"

As if he didn't notice the panic in the future, Ace said casually...

? ? ? ? ?

The future is confused!

He was completely dumbfounded!

Brother Ace!

You should have a clear understanding of how ferocious Allen is!
If I practice, it will be like death!

"But! But with Allen's dismemberment kick, I will really die!"

In the future, I don’t care about my own face anymore.
He directly expressed his worries!

"Membius! Don't worry!"

"I will never use dismemberment flying kick!"

"As for the Ultra Guillotine... I don't know how to use it!"

Allen quickly comforted him!

He doesn’t want to let Mebiusga go either!
after all……

After all, I might even get more skills from Mebius in the future!

I heard Allen say that there is no need for dismemberment kicks and guillotines,

The future is finally relieved...

In this case, he still has a chance to defeat Allen!
After all, he has trained for a long time longer than Allen!
Although his skills are not as good as Allen's.

But he has much more actual combat experience than Allen!
As long as you don't use Ultra Guillotine and other forbidden techniques!
It is really possible to defeat Allen!The thought of this.

Mebius's confidence has greatly increased!

"Do you can defeat Ultraman Eren in the future?"

Everyone in the GUYS team felt a little worried when they saw this scene...

Eren is very different from normal Ultra warriors!
They are really worried about Mebius!

You can't use your usual thoughts to refer to such an Ultra Warrior!

"It might work……"

"Eren... seems to be a descendant of Mebius!"

Aihara Ryu said with some difficulty...

He can't tell for sure now...

Who knows what other cruel skills this Allen has?

I can only pray silently in my heart

the other side……

Eren and Mebius have also completed their transformations!

"Let's get started! Don't waste time!"

Ace nodded and said to the two of them.

Signaling them both to start!

When Allen heard this, he immediately took off with a running start!
Jumped to a height of [-] meters!

Then concentrate all the energy in your body on the soles of your feet!
Suddenly there was a blazing flame, and the entire space was rippled by the rapid high temperature!

"Leo flying kick!"

see this scene.

Mebius's eyes almost popped out of his head. He stared at Allen in the sky, and his heart was boiling like a storm!
Can't believe it!

Allen actually used flying kick when he came up! ! ! !

What the hell! ! !

Allen, you don’t have any martial ethics!

Didn’t I agree that I wouldn’t need to be dismembered and kicked? !
and many more!

It doesn't seem right!

This doesn’t really seem to be a dismemberment kick!
This is so...

This fucking thing is actually a Leo Flying Kick? !

ah? ? ? ?

Leo flying kick? ? ? ?

Allen, when did you learn the Leo Flying Kick?
Didn't you know how to kick Leo Flying last time?

You're kidding me! ! !
Mebius was shocked!

He didn't understand at all, when did Allen learn the Leo Flying Kick...

Is this skill now useless?

Can you learn it casually?
It turned out to be Leo's flying kick! ?

Not only him.

Ace was also shocked!

ah? ? ? ?

Leo flying kick? ? ?

When did you learn it?

How the hell does this kid know how to do a Leo Flying Kick! ?

But that's not the most important...

the most important is……


I really want you to be careful!

I’m not asking you to come up and use your killing move directly!

You are a little too cautious! ! !

Do you really want to kick Mebius to death?

I know you can Leo Fly Kick!

But what the hell, this is the strongest flying kicking skill in the Kingdom of Light!
Can Mebius survive if you continue to play like this? ? ?
I&*@#¥%%! ! !

However, just when Ace, Long and others thought that Xiaomeng would retreat...

Unexpectedly, Xiao Meng rushed over! ! ! !

This made Ace even more confused!

ah? ? ? ?

no? ?
What's the situation? ?
Mebius, what are you doing!
Tell me what are you doing? ? ? !

You actually rushed forward?
Do you want to die?
Or are you saying you don’t want to live anymore?
Is that a skill you can pick up?

Do you have no idea about your own strength?

Mebius didn't think so, with a determined look on his face!
This is how Allen fought against Leo last time!

Since Allen can!


I can too!

(End of this chapter)

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