Kingdom of Light: Learn from Ace, the Saw Man of Light

Chapter 23 Mebius breaks his leg!Can your tears save the earth? ?

Chapter 23 Mebius breaks his leg!Can your tears save the earth? ?

At this moment...

In the extremely confused eyes of Ace and others.

Xiaomeng put on a flying kicking posture, and then headed towards Allen from the bottom up!

The moment when Eren's Leo Flying Kick and Membius' Flying Kick collided.

It's like a second sun appears in the sky!
Everyone couldn't help but close their eyes...

boom! ——

The earth-shattering explosion resounded through the sky!

The fire burst out like a mushroom cloud, causing ripples of air to move towards the distance!

Kuroshio Island was originally devastated by the previous battle between Allen and Leo.

Got hit hard again!
An extremely huge pit appeared in the center of Kuroshio Island!

Sea water keeps pouring into it.

Only the outer part of Kuroshio Island is left, and the rest of the island is burnt black!

Fortunately, Ace had already brought the members of Team GUYS to the edge of Kuroshio Island.

I am just worried that Allen's skill range is too large and will harm unrelated people.

Ace is now really glad that he had the foresight!

And among the mushroom clouds that shot straight into the sky, a red figure flew out!

It flew directly to a thousand meters away, and then landed heavily on the ground, making a huge pit and picking up countless sand, dust and gravel, but it was still sliding on the ground until it reached the sea!

see this scene.

Allen also nodded.

I thought that Mebius was not an iron-headed boy before.

He was really sure to catch Leo's flying kick!

The result!

He is really stupid!
at this time……

The familiar mechanical sound of the system sounded in Allen's ears!

[Your fighting style is extremely ferocious, and you have received the critical blessing from the Mother of the Universe! 】

[You have an epiphany about the Ultra-Great Wall of Light! 】

Altecha light wall?

After seeing this skill, Allen was also stunned!
I didn't expect to be able to obtain this skill at all!
Allen is no stranger to this skill!

In the Ultra Ultra Brothers Movie version.

Eight Ultra Warriors, including Mebius, worked together to create a super powerful barrier!

Its strength far exceeds that of ordinary barriers, and its defense power exceeds tens of thousands of times that of ordinary barriers!
Even when Giga Chimera's Disastar exploded, it was blocked by the Ultra Grand Light Wall!

He was seriously injured by his own skills!

After knowing the effect of this skill, Allen was very excited!

So cool!
This skill is really cool for him!

It can be said that Allen's current skill set is quite perfect!
No matter what opponent you meet, you can beat him!

Don’t worry about your shortcomings at all!
The light skills include the cosmic miracle light, and the fighting skills include the cosmic beast fist and Leo flying kick!

The auxiliary skill is directly maximizing Ultra Psychokinesis!
The only thing missing is defensive skills!
Now defensive skills are also available!

It is also one of the strongest defensive skills!

Ultra Grand Wall of Light is not much different from Reggio's Aurora Power!
There are almost no enemies left who can threaten Allen!

Only an enemy of the level of the legendary Hyperjetton can pose some threat to Allen!
Just when Allen was immersed in joy.

Mebius in the sea can't even stand up now...

It hurts so much!
The pain constantly stimulated Mebius's nerves.

Realizing that he hadn't stood up for a long time, he looked down.

As a result, I found out that my leg was broken...

With no other choice, Mebius could only slowly crawl back to Kuroshio Island...

After arriving on land, Mebius decisively canceled the transformation!
Otherwise, the energy consumption will be too great!
"Future, are you all right?"

Seeing Mirai's appearance, Aihara Ryu and others rushed over to help him up...

I saw tears filling the corners of Mirai's eyes.

After realizing Mirai's injury, Ryuu Aihara became completely angry!

He pulled out the gun and pointed it at Allen.

"As an Ultra Warrior, what do you think?"

"I can't spare you for attacking indiscriminately!" Allen also turned into a human body and slowly walked towards Mebius.

There was no pause because of the actions of Aihara Ryu and others.

"If you rely on weapons, you will allow the enemy to take advantage of the loopholes, and you will have to rely on yourself in the end!"

Looking at Aihara Ryu and others, Allen had no special expression on his face, and then looked at Membius...

"What's with those eyes and tears?"

"Can these tears of yours save the earth?"

Allen looked at Mebius indifferently and said nothing more.

"No! It can't be saved!"

"Don't worry Allen, I will definitely work hard to become stronger!"

Future quickly wiped away the tears on his face...

He said to Allen with a serious face.

Only now did he understand how big the gap was between himself and Allen!

at this time……

Ace also came to them.

"Okay, okay, Mebius, Allen is doing this for your own good too!"

"And you too, Eren!"

"I asked you to be cautious. How cautious are you?"

"How can anyone come up and directly use Leo Flying Kick?"

Ace is very satisfied with Allen's performance!

Except for the slightly problematic means...

"Instructor Ace, I just used a Leo Flying Kick when I came up. I was already very cautious!"

"If the opponent wasn't Mebius, I would have directly kicked Gaote's guillotine from Leo!"

Allen said with a serious face.

It’s like I’m really cautious!
Ace felt like crying when he heard this...

Good guy!
Is your caution just to come up and use Leo's ultimate move directly?
I thought you really listened to what I said...


Still so cruel!
I don’t know what it will be like when a monster meets Allen in the future...

But the ending must be bad!
I’m so worried about these monsters!
"Okay, I heard what you just taught Membius was good!"

"It's just you who will train Membius in the next few days!"

"I'm going to suspect people first... let's go and relax first!"

Ace said to Allen helplessly!
He felt that if he continued to stay with Allen, he would definitely be pissed off by him!

Let Mebius hold Allen back first, and let him take some time to relax!

After Ace finished speaking, he turned around and left!

Completely ignoring the confused Membius...

After seeing Ace leave, Allen turned to Xiao Meng with a serious face and said:

"Then Membius, I will train you from today on!"

"Don't worry, I will definitely teach you all my skills!"

woohoo woohoo!
Brother Ace!
Can you please not let Allen teach me?
I will die!

Seeing Allen's confident look,
The future directly puts on the mask of pain!

Allen's methods are too cruel!

If Allen were to teach him...

Can he really resist being beaten to death?
But Ace obviously didn't want to hear what Mambius had to say!

No one was seen!
Seeing this scene, the future becomes even more desperate!
"Then what..."

"Alan...when we were teaching..."

"Can you not use any light or fighting skills?"

Future said timidly...

"of course can!"

Alan responded with a smile.


A smile suddenly appeared on Future's face!

This way he won't be beaten too hard!
(End of this chapter)

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