Kingdom of Light: Learn from Ace, the Saw Man of Light

Chapter 24 Ultra slap is the inheritance of the Kingdom of Light? !Gashurlein appears!

Chapter 24 Ultra slap is the inheritance of the Kingdom of Light? !Gashurlein appears!

Allen! !
Don't come here! ! !
I don’t want to exercise anymore QAQ!

If I continue, I will really die!

Please let me go!
At this moment.

Mebius's mentality has completely exploded!
When I saw Allen, my whole body couldn't help but tremble!
The face is full of fear!

Special training these days...

Allen did not use light or fighting skills.

But he slaps me every day!
The suspect who had already slapped Mebius was alive! Woohoo! ! ! !

Hey Hey hey!
Didn't Brother Ace ask you to teach me?

Are you sure you are teaching me?

Don't you take this opportunity to vent your anger?

and also! ! !

Ultra warriors have this kind of fighting style? !
Alan, do you think that I, Mebius, have lived in a dog's body for these thousands of years?

How can any Ultraman fight like this? QAQ! ! ! !
Didn't Mebius ask Allen if teaching like this is useful?
This is not the way to fight!


As a result, Allen said righteously...

This is the inheritance of the Kingdom of Light!

I bother!

What a ghost inheritance!
How can there be such a heritage!

Absolutely impossible!
When did the Kingdom of Light have such a fighting method?

You are totally humiliating me!
It must be so!

One hundred percent so!
"Ellen, please let me go!"

"I feel like my strength has improved now!"

"No need for special training at all!"

Mebius said to Allen with a face full of fear, and his body couldn't stop retreating...

"No, no, no! Mebius, you still need to train!"

"It's okay if you want to become a master!"

"Then keep fighting me!"

"I won't hold back this time!"

Allen looked at Mebius quite seriously.

No matter what, he didn't want Mebius to end his special training.

After all, after finishing the special training...

He has lost a very good candidate to brush up his skills!
But also strange.

These days, I have no skills in slapping, ah no, I have an epiphany!

Could it be that I am not ruthless enough?
"No! Teaching is of no use to me now!"

"I've learned how to slap Ultra!"

Mebius shook his head repeatedly!

He has now learned Ultra Slap!


After all, I don’t know how many times I’ve been whipped in the past few days!

It’s hard to even think about it!

"Now that you have learned it! Then when you can slap me with an Ultra slap, you will be ready!"

Allen patted Mebius on the shoulder.

But how is this possible?

You know, Allen has the blessing of the Cosmic Beast Fist, and his fighting ability is quite terrifying!

Even if you don't use any skills to fight Mebius, you can easily suppress Mebius!

Not to mention having Mebius slap Eren with an Ultra slap full of flaws.

Even if you hammer Allen, you can't do it!

Whoooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo! ——

When Menbius heard this, his mentality became even worse!

Brother Ace!

I want to go home!

Allen bullied me!
He just wanted to use this opportunity to fuck me!


at this time!

The GUYS team communicator on Membius's waist rang, and then he seemed to have grasped a life-saving straw!
He quickly changed back to his human form and picked it up!
Here comes the life-saving straw!
"I am the future! Is there anything important at the base that I need to go back to deal with?" "I'm going back now!"

Future said quickly to the person opposite.

If Team GUYS calls the future back because they have something to deal with...

Allen is really difficult to stop.

"The monster is descending!"

"Right near you!"

After the person on the other end of the communicator finished speaking, he hung up, leaving the future stunned.


Then Mirai looked up...

A monster with three faces and a body that seemed to be made of stone appeared in front of Future and Allen.


Mirai immediately recognized what this monster was!

The three-faced demon of the universe, Gachullein, does all kinds of evil in the Eridanus universe and has become a notorious cosmic bully!

It even turned the Eridanus universe into a great demon of a cosmic desert!
He also has a habit of collecting the corpses of his defeated opponents!
As the GUYS team, of course we will not let such a monster that is an enemy at first sight to wreak havoc on the earth!
He quickly began to attack Gashlein!

But it didn't have any effect, and instead angered Gashurlein.

"Someone dares to challenge us who are marching forward bravely in the street battle in the universe! What fools!"

"Let us know our strength!"

"Leave it to me!"

Gasureine's three faces kept switching, saying cruel words, and then he finished speaking with the bottom face.

All the GUYS team's planes were stuck in the sky for no reason!

Then they all fell to the ground...

"Did you hear that! Ultraman Eren, Ultraman Mebius!"

"We will be your opponents!"

"Come out now!"

Gazulein keeps wandering around the city, destroying surrounding houses.

Seeing this scene, Mirai naturally couldn't bear it!
Take out your transformer and prepare to transform and fight!
"You'd better get off it!"

"My body is covered with injuries, and it's useless even if I get them!"

However, just as Future was about to transform, Allen interrupted Future.

I felt quite aggrieved after hearing this in the future...

Why do I have injuries all over my body? Do you have no points?

If you had been gentler, I wouldn't have been injured like this!

you look at my face!

What a slap in the face!

Future's swollen face looks like a pig's head, with a wronged expression, which looks quite interesting...

But of course Allen doesn’t know this!
Transform directly and appear in the city...

"Are you Ultraman Eren?"

"Come on! Be part of our collection!"

Seeing Allen appear, Gashurlein became even more arrogant.

He pointed at Allen and said with disdain...

Allen ignored Gachullein's provocation and instead walked towards it in a swaggering manner.

I shook my neck on the road, and the sound of rattling kept sounding.

At the same time, his left and right hands kept rubbing each other, making crackling sounds.

call! ——

suck! ——

The sound of taking deep breaths to adjust the breathing rhythm also echoed in the city.

Every step on the ground will cause strong vibrations and loud noises in the surroundings.

This look is like a big brother preparing to lead his younger brother to do something!
The pressure released from his body frightened even the future!

I'm so...

What happened during my absence?
Is this how I taught you?
far away.

see this scene...

Ace, who had just finished relaxing, was immediately depressed!
Good guy!
Allen, you're so fucking cosmic, aren't you? ?

When did I teach you this?
Do you have such redundant actions when fighting?
and also!

Why is there another pattern on your arm? ! ! !
Do you know that it damages the image of Ultra Warriors?

What's going on, do you really want to start joining the cosmic underworld? ! ! !
(End of this chapter)

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