Kingdom of Light: Learn from Ace, the Saw Man of Light

Chapter 25 Reflecting light?I raise my hand and it’s Jimmy’s shield!

Chapter 25 Reflecting light?I raise my hand and it’s a shield of several hundred meters!
Not just Ace

Gashurlein was also confused...


What's happening here?
Are you sure this guy opposite me is an Ultra Warrior?

Ultra warriors don’t seem to be like this!

Why does this guy look more like Big Brother from the Universe than me?
I guess I am the notorious bully of the universe!

You are completely stealing my limelight now!

"I can't stand this guy anymore!"

"You actually dare to steal my limelight! Gaga!"

"Let's kill him! Watch me use my fighting skills to hammer him! Xue Lai!"

"I can't stand this guy anymore! Huley!"

"Look at me! Let him know that we are the bullies of the universe! Because..."

"How dare you look down on us! Because..."

The three Gazulein brothers looked at Allen's actions, and the anger in their hearts could no longer be suppressed!

As the notorious cosmic bully who turned the Eridanus universe into a desert.

Who doesn't have a face filled with fear when they see them?
As a result, this Ultra Warrior actually acted like a bully in front of them!

Can't stand it!
I can't stand it at all!
They must kill this guy!

Otherwise, whoever sees them in the future will act like a bully!

Thinking of this, Gachulein rushed directly to Allen!
Allen must pay the price!

However, Allen was not polite when faced with the oncoming Gachullein!
Directly condense the energy of the whole body, and then release the miraculous light of the universe!

"Buzz buzz!!!——"

A crisp buzz sounded!

A beam of seven-colored energy rushed towards Gashurlein instantly!
When he saw Allen coming up, he immediately enlarged his moves.
Gashurlein was stunned!


Where can someone come up and make a big move?
Shouldn’t you Ultra Warriors from the Kingdom of Light only have 3 minutes of energy on earth?
Why do you dare to use it like this?
Could it be that I am not facing Ultra Warriors from the Kingdom of Light?

He was really numb!
Don't talk about martial arts!
Can you learn from other Ultra Warriors?

At least they come up and use fighting skills to consume them!

Good guy!
You just used your ultimate move to sneak attack!

Even if I am a cosmic bully!

But the cosmic bully also has to practice martial ethics, okay?

Get some clarity! ! ! ! !

"Hmph! It's just an energy attack!"

at this time.

Gasullein's third brother snorted coldly and took over the control of his body.

Then I saw Gashurlein stretch out one hand and then make a fist!
Psychokinetic reflex!
The miracle light of the universe was actually bounced back!
After seeing this scene,
Ace in the distance was suddenly shocked!
He had no idea that, in addition to the Red Flyts, the three-faced cosmic demon Gachullein also had the ability to bounce light!
This is how to do ah!

It's over! It's over!

Allen had been told to be careful before, but now something happened!

You know, the cosmic miracle light is a light skill that can only be released after all the energy of the Ultra brothers is condensed in Taylor's body!
Its power is extremely terrifying!
Even if he is hit by the miraculous light of the universe, he will instantly lose his combat effectiveness!
Not to mention Allen!
It's over! It's over!

The expression on Ace's face is quite bad!
He felt that he had harmed Allen!

"Hahahaha! You really think we don't know your skills, do you?"

"Since you dare to let people pass by, of course there are ways to restrain you!"

The Four Heavenly Kings are here.

Desrem laughed!

It was as if he had seen the scene where Allen was hit by his own attack!
Aren't you very good at lighting?

It will definitely be fun to die under your own light skills!
This is the price you pay for looking down on people in your Kingdom of Light!

"This guy is so pretentious!"

"And acting like a cosmic bully."

"Now let's see how you still show off!"

Grozam's face is full of cruelty!

To be honest, he didn't really want Gachurein to kill Allen.

Allen is too pretentious!

Grozam was quite unhappy!
But it doesn’t matter!There will be no more people like Allen in the future!
"Stop data collection, there's no need to make Allen Killer!"

The Yabo people also smiled and waved.

Allen is dead!
Since they are all dead, there is no need to make a special Allen killer!

"What a pity! I still want to fight this guy!"

The Mephilas star looked pity...

Tell me why you bother!
You have to show off, it’s fine now!

Roll over!

It's just asking for trouble!

on the battlefield.

Just when countless people thought Allen would be hit by his own light...

Suddenly, he saw Allen condensing energy in front of him again!

That huge energy frightened everyone!
Could it be that Allen planned to use light skills to offset it?

But this will still be reflected by the other party!

But the next scene stunned everyone!

In front of Allen, huge energy formed a huge protective wall hundreds of meters wide!

Ultra grand light wall!

The colorful wall of light stood in front of Allen, completely protecting his body!
Seeing this scene, Ace and the others all took a deep breath!

What is this thing?
Protective shield?
No, no!
This is not a protective shield, this is a protective wall!

A few hundred meters of energy barrier, what the hell are you trying to do to defend yourself?
Are you fucking kidding me?
Using such a large defensive wall?

Ace is numb!

He is completely numb!

You are so damn cautious!

When others block skills, they use a small shield as a skill!
Several guys!
You just built a protective wall hundreds of meters wide and hundreds of meters high!

It's really yours!
You are indeed the most prudent person in the Kingdom of Light!


Isn’t it a bit too cautious?
I really convinced you!

The Four Dark Kings were also stunned when they saw this scene!

What the hell?
Is this thing a protective shield?
I served it!
I really got it!
What did you eat growing up?
Could it be that the Kingdom of Light just stuffed the plasma spark tower into your mouth?

Do you have so much energy?

How on earth do you support such a large energy shield?


boom! ——

Just when countless people were shocked.

A huge roar and explosion sounded!

The miraculous light of the universe struck heavily on the ultra-large wall of light in front of Allen!
The terrifying light attack immediately produced a terrifying explosion when it hit the grand light wall!

But even with such an attack, there wasn't even a single ripple on Ultra's large wall of light!


The Gazurei people in the distance were stunned!
I didn't expect this at all!

They have never seen such an Ultra Warrior!
Each operation is more outrageous than the last!
How could Ultraman come up and unleash his ultimate light move?

His ultimate move was rebounded, and then his backhand condensed an energy shield of several hundred meters!

So your melee strength must be very poor!
Otherwise, I wouldn’t be able to use energy skills so easily!
Thinking of this, Gasureine switched to his second brother and rushed towards Allen...

Snapped! ——

But what no one expected was!

As soon as Gazulein rushed to Allen's side, he received a slap from Allen...

A crisp slap sounded.

Gashurlein was immediately stunned...


What did he do...?
He slapped me...?
 Chapter 26 A little later, before twelve o'clock

(End of this chapter)

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