Kingdom of Light: Learn from Ace, the Saw Man of Light

Chapter 26 Who is the bully of the universe?The walls turn into gold bricks!Don't come over her

Chapter 26 Who is the bully of the universe?The walls turn into gold bricks!Don't come over here!
" Ace!"

"So... So... Ultra Slap, is it really the inherited skill of the Kingdom of Light?"

"I always thought Alan was lying to me!"

"I didn't expect that this skill can actually be used in combat!"

At this moment.

When Membius saw Allen slap Gachulein, he was still stunned!
Suddenly I felt a dull pain on my face!
Asked weakly...

You know, he has been suffering from this kind of pain every day these days!

He is quite aware of the power of Ultra Slap!
Good guy!
Ultra Slap is typically a weak but extremely insulting attack method!

Being slapped by an Ultra is more uncomfortable than having [-] skills!

Eat skills, that's really your thing!
Can't beat the opponent!
But being slapped by Ultra can do great harm to a person's heart!
Hear this.

Ace roared with a black face:
"Not at all!!!"

Allen, you bad boy!


Alan, look what you've done!
I asked you to teach Membius, and this is how you taught me?
No need for light skills and fighting skills!
You are indeed useless!
Look at what they did to Mebius!

Even if Taro comes now, he won’t be able to recognize Mebius!
Totally a pig head!
Now I use Ultra Slap to deal with monsters.

Oh shit!

The Kingdom of Light has disgraced you!

It's over! It's over!

From now on, the reputation of the Kingdom of Light will be ruined!

Gudoo! ——

Everyone in the GUYS team was stunned when they saw this scene!
He swallowed hard.

Good guy!
The combat power of Ultraman Eren...

It’s really a bit scary!

If someone bounces your light skill, it's normal for you to use a protective shield to block it!
But the question is, who would use a protective wall hundreds of meters wide and hundreds of meters high to block skills!

Why can you be so cautious!
Could it be that this is your nature?
This Ultraman is obviously very strong but extremely cautious?

No need at all!
Also, what is your attack method?

A direct slap in the face?

Isn’t this a bit too much!
Only black people like to be slapped in the face, okay!
Forget about the previous Light Saw Man!

This time you have directly transformed into a cosmic bully?

It's so scary!

not bad!

This Ultraman Eren is not our enemy but our comrade-in-arms!
If it were an enemy...

GUYS team said they want to surrender, right?

In space...

"Isn't this... this guy... a cosmic bully?"

"That's it?"

Grozam was so angry when he saw this scene!

This slap not only hit Gashurlein, but also their faces!

This guy was the one they called over!

The other three people all hid their faces!

I can’t stand it!
A cosmic bully!
As a result, he met an Ultra Warrior on Earth and immediately became a good boy.

Do you believe it?
The Ultra Warriors from the Kingdom of Light on the opposite side are actually more bullies than a cosmic bully!
This is so fucking embarrassing!
They really can't afford to lose this person!
It’s better not to watch!

The more I look at it, the worse I feel!

on the battlefield.

Gashiulai stood there in a daze at this time!
It's dumbfounded!
It is completely dumbfounded!
I was directly beaten and forced!

He stood there blankly for more than ten seconds, not even realizing what happened...

If they don't feel wrong...

This guy... is he slapping the three of us in the face?
It feels right!
That’s absolutely right!
Was this something done by an Ultra Warrior?
Your kingdom of light will not take the path of physical destruction now?

Start playing psychological attacks directly?

No one has ever dared to do this to us!

"I will not let you go today! Jia Jia!"

"Kill him, kill him! Hughley!"

"Kill him with the most cruel means! Because..."

The anger visible to the naked eye on the faces of the three Gathulein brothers rushed directly towards Allen!

Allen must be killed completely!
Use the cruelest means to kill him completely!
It's just that when faced with Gachullein rushing over, Allen didn't have any panic expression on his face!
Snapped! ——

Gachulein, who had just rushed over, was slapped by Allen!

This time Allen slapped his elder brother in the face.

"My uncle will fight with you!"

The big brother at the top instantly seized control of his body and was bound to kill Allen himself!

Allen, who possesses the Space Fantasy Beast Fist, has almost no opponents in terms of fighting!
Gachulein couldn't touch Eren at all, but was slapped from the eldest brother to the third brother by Eren's Ultra slap.

Then reincarnate again!

The point is, this time, Allen also used some fighting skills when dodging.

At other times, use Ultra Slap to fight Gashurlein!

The person who called Gashurlein was confused and angry!
Can you fucking stop using the big-eared fighting style?

Don’t you, the Kingdom of Light, have any fighting skills?
How did you study before?
You fucking call your instructor over here!

Gashurlein, who was extremely angry, couldn't bear it anymore!
Plan to turn Allen directly into gold!
Then Gasureine began to mobilize the energy in his body, and then they all gathered together and released it in one breath!

"Golden Gashura!"

Hoo hoo! ——

Golden light shoots out!

Everything you encounter on the road turns to gold!
Golden trees, golden land, golden houses...

When Ace in the distance saw this scene, he was stunned!
I was even more panicked!

To know!
Gasulain is able to make such a name in the universe because of the opponent's golden Gasula's special move!

No one can block this attack!

But everyone who was hit was turned into gold and became Gashlein's collection!


Allen, hurry up and get out of the way!
Ace looked at Allen eagerly, hoping that he could dodge this attack!

But no one thought of it!

Allen actually stood still and didn't move!

Instead, the ultra-large wall of light once again condensed!

Isn't it a skill that can turn other things into gold?

Apart from making money, is this skill useful for anything else?

It can penetrate Ultra Grand Light Wall, I believe you!

Then, in the shocked eyes of Gazulein, Ace and countless others...

Golden Gashura hit the ultra-large wall of light straight away!

Then starting from the center point of the hit, Ultra Grand Light Wall began to be turned into gold!
Finally, it turned into a huge gold brick with a width of more than 500 meters and a height of more than 150 meters!

Boom! ——

The huge gold brick hit the ground hard, causing a small earthquake!
The weight of such a huge gold brick is an astronomical figure!
see this scene.

Allen looked at the gold bricks on the ground.

Then he looked at Gashurlein in the distance,
He extended his hand to Jin Brick and showed a kind smile...

Gasullein's heart suddenly skipped a beat!

I rely on! ! !

what are you doing! ! !
Don't come here! ! !

(End of this chapter)

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