Kingdom of Light: Learn from Ace, the Saw Man of Light

Chapter 27: Energy shield serves as a brick!Grind the guillotine on the bricks!Gazulein cried

Chapter 27: Energy shield serves as a brick!Grind the guillotine on the bricks!Gazulein cried

After seeing this scene...

Ace let out a long sigh of relief...


Fortunately, this kid had an idea and used an energy shield to block the golden ray!
Otherwise, this guy Allen will turn into a statue of tens of thousands of tons of pure gold!

It will be difficult then!

A being who was said by the King of Ultra to be able to become a god was turned into a statue under his own eyes, and he had to be sprayed to death!

But you still can’t let down your guard!
Be careful if your boat capsizes in the gutter, you'll be doomed if you get hit by the opponent's golden ray!
Just when Ace was about to remind Allen to be more cautious.

Suddenly I noticed the kind smile on Allen's face...

Ace:? ? ? ?


What are you going to do, kid?

I told you not to mess around!

The reputation of our Kingdom of Light must not be bad!

Otherwise, it would be hard for me to explain my return to the Kingdom of Light!

But he didn't wait for Ace to react!
I saw Allen lifting the extremely heavy gold brick from the ground!
Then, under the shocked eyes of countless people, he raised the gold brick high and threw the gold brick towards Gashurlein with all his strength!

Ace:! ! !
Team GUYS:! ! !

Gazellein:? ! ! ! !
Boom! ——

A huge thumping sound resounded throughout the city!

Everyone’s ears are buzzing!
I feel like I have gone deaf!
The road on the ground collapsed and the huge vibration made many people completely unable to stand!

The dust was also shaken to the sky by the vibration caused by this huge weight.

It was so gray that it was impossible to see the scene inside!

And Gachulain here was immediately numb!

It's completely numb now!


What's the situation? ? ?

Now his mind is really buzzing!
Everything in front of me is shaking!
There seemed to be many stars appearing in front of its eyes, constantly rotating around it!

Gachulain, who struggled to stand up, was swaying and dizzy, and couldn't see everything in front of him!

I haven't waited for Gasurelein to react!
Allen rubbed his shoulders, slowly walked to the front of the gold brick, and lifted the gold brick up again.

Hit the swaying Gachullein again!
Boom! ——

The dull crash sounded again!
Gazellen's head began to shake.

Why are you all shaking?
What's wrong with me?

Allen didn't give Gashurlein a chance to come back to his senses!
Boom! ——

Boom! ——

Boom! ——

The gold bricks kept hitting Gashilein's head, and even directly cracked Gashilein's head with terrible defense!
hiss! ——

see this scene...

Everyone took a deep breath.

It was as painful as if their heads had been hit!

Is there such a way to fight?

Use the energy barrier as a brick!

What the hell are you thinking? ? ? ?
It’s so violent!

To know!
As the three-faced cosmic golem, Gachurein's defense power is quite terrifying!

It is completely incomparable to physical monsters!
The defense power is almost dozens of times that of physical monsters!
Even if the light wants to break through the opponent's defense, it is very difficult!


You can smash cracks with gold bricks. Does he have any feud with you? ? ?


Gudoo! ——

"You will never guess what Ultraman Eren is up to!"

After Ryuu Aihara swallowed, he said to the rest of his teammates with a horrified look on his face...


In other words, Allen is a comrade!
Otherwise it would be too scary!
"I'm glad right now that we are Ultraman Eren's comrades!" "Otherwise, I can't even imagine the way we would die!"

"Direct death is the best result, right?"

Jinna also swallowed, covered her chest and said...

Just like Ryu Aihara said, you can never guess what brutal means Allen will use to deal with monsters in the next second!

It would be really scary to face such an enemy one day!

Fortunately, there is Allen now!
They are not the ones being treated like this!

"very handsome"

the other side,
Mebius looked at Allen with admiration.


You don’t have to use the fighting skills you have learned to fight!
You can definitely use some unconventional means!

you see!
Such a powerful Gachullein could not be beaten to death by Allen's unconventional means!
So colorful!Colorful!

After seeing this scene...

Ace's face is full of black lines!
Oh shit!

Alan, you are really going a little too far!
It was the worst thing I could have done when I asked you to teach Membius!

Such a cute child like Mebius has been led astray!

Allen, you bad boy!

See how I deal with you later!


"It hurts too much!!!"

Gazellen staggered.

It's impossible to tell the direction!
I just felt that my head was in splitting pain as if someone had split it open! ! !
Especially Brother Gashurlein!
After all, the crack is right on his face!
He said it was not excruciating pain!

It's true - I'm torn apart! ! !

Why is this Ultra Warrior named Allen so outrageous? !
There is no trace of an Ultra Warrior!

When we met, a cosmic bully staged a black meeting for me!
After that, he used the light skill directly!
Didn't even say hello!
it is good!
I bounced your light, and you actually gave me a huge protective wall of several hundred meters?

Don’t you have too much energy?
and then!
Then all your battles will be Ultra slaps!
Say it!
What kind of monster can suffer such insult!

It's not very harmful, it's just insulting, okay?
Now you are directly using my golden beam to create weapons out of thin air, right?
Are you the cosmic bully or am I the cosmic bully?
to be frank!
You look more like a cosmic bully than me! ! !

At this moment.

Allen looked at Gachulain's six eyes full of hatred and shock, and a kind smile appeared at the corner of his mouth again.

"It's okay! Be good!"

"Close your eyes!"

"That way you won't be scared!"

His tone was quite gentle, like a warm man comforting his child!

We still have to ignore the kind expression on Allen's face...

Then, Alan once again condensed quite terrifying energy in his hands!

The surrounding air began to distort under such terrifying energy fluctuations!
Then, in the extremely horrified eyes of the three brothers, a guillotine measuring several hundred meters long appeared!

After summoning the Guillotine,

In their horrified eyes!
Alan silently placed the knife on the gold brick and rubbed it...

Crack! ——

Crack! ——

The friction sound kept coming.

It sounded as chilling to Gazulein as the whispers of a devil!

Start sharpening right away! ! ! ! ! ?
Damn Nima!

What the hell are you doing?
Tell me! ! !

What are you doing! ! ! !
Are all you Ultra Warriors like this now?

Let me not open my eyes. If I close my eyes, I won't be afraid!

Do you fucking want to see what you are doing?

You're fucking sharpening your knife! ! ! !

Why aren't you afraid of me? ? ? ?
go home! ! !

I want to go home woo woo woo! ! !

(End of this chapter)

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