Kingdom of Light: Learn from Ace, the Saw Man of Light

Chapter 28 is too cruel!He is simply a butcher in a meat factory!

Chapter 28 is too cruel!He is simply a butcher in a meat factory!


Gashurlein's mentality was completely shattered!
I really don’t understand why!
These three brothers are the ones who turned the Eridanus universe into a desert!
But the notorious cosmic bully in the universe!

Everyone who sees them is in awe!

The result now?
Good guy!
You are a bigger bully than us!

This way of walking, this way of fighting!
And your current behavior!


We really don’t deserve to be called cosmic bullies!

You are the real bully of the universe!
The three brothers have always thought themselves to be cosmic bullies!
As a result, after arriving on Earth, they discovered that there was a bully here who was even more bully than them!

Not a cosmic bully!

Cosmic Bully is a relatively euphemistic title for Allen!
For such an Ultra warrior!
This title is not worthy of him!

It's the devil! ! !

This is completely devilish! ! ! !
Taking bricks is enough to make them doubt their life...

Now, a sword hundreds of meters long was condensed and sharpened in front of them!

Are you really an Ultra Warrior?

How do we remember that the Ultra Warriors of the Kingdom of Light are all moral role models!
Even when fighting the enemy, there is never this way of fighting! ?
Are you sure this is the way a warrior of light fights?
Why are you so scary?

Are you sure you're not the ultimate villain in the universe? !
It’s not just Gasheline…

Ace's mentality is broken here!

Allen, you kid, I’m so impressed with you! !

Do you really want to see what you're doing? !

Is this how you use the vertical guillotine? ? ?
You are holding a vertical guillotine and I won’t say anything!
I can bear with you dual-wielding vertical guillotines!

But are you going a little too far now?
An eight-point light wheel with a diameter of 300 meters can't satisfy you. Why don't you just make me a vertical guillotine with a diameter of 800 meters?

good good!
If you want to kill the monster with an 800-meter vertical guillotine, I won't bear it!
but! !! !!

Are you using gold bricks to sharpen your guillotine? ? ?

Who taught you these things? ! !
I've never done this before when I was dismembering a monster!


and many more!

It seems to have been exposed.
do not care!
He was numb anyway!
He is completely numb!
I didn’t expect that the prudence in Allen’s words was so prudent!

Sharpen your knife live right in front of the monster!

What a prudent thing!

You are seriously worried that you will not be able to kill the monster, right?


Really great!

It is estimated that from now on, the Kingdom of Light will simply change its name to the Meat Factory!
Nima is outrageous!

We can't let Allen continue like this!

When this battle is over, Allen must get rid of this habit!
Thinking of this, Ace has already made his decision!


In the space ship of the Four Dark Kings of space...

Everything fell into deathly silence...

Everyone's face was full of shock!
They have never seen such an Ultra Warrior!
To be honest, after fighting the Kingdom of Light for so long, their understanding of the Kingdom of Light is very deep!
It has to be said that the Kingdom of Light is a group of moral pacesetters!
It’s impossible to do anything too outrageous!
But Allen is different!
They discovered that Allen had been refreshing their knowledge.

Oh shit!

Is this still Ultraman?
Ace, the director of the meat factory in the Kingdom of Light, can't compare to him! ! !

Ace just cut the monster into pieces!

As a result, what about you?

Good guy!
Dismemberment is the best way to die!
Chop it into meat sauce, the anus will rise to the sky, and even use bricks to test the hardness of the monster's head!
The result is now even more extreme!
He beat Gashurlein until he was stunned, and then began to sharpen the knife in front of him!And asked Gashurlein to close his eyes!

Are you treating Gachullein as a lamb to be slaughtered?
Want to use it to try out the meat processing technology?

It is so pitiful!

Gathulein must be the most pitiful monster since the invasion of the earth! ! ! !


Crack! ——

Crack! ——

On the battlefield,
Allen sharpened his knife every time.

Gashurlein's heart skipped a beat!
I just feel my nerves are tense, and a chill rushes straight to the sky!


This is simply torture! ! !

Might as well kill us with one knife QAQ! ! !

at this time.

After Allen sharpened the knife twice at the end, he blew on the Ultra Guillotine 800 meters in front of him, as if to blow away the dust!
Finally, the 800-meter guillotine is sharpened!
Afterwards, Allen casually snatched Gashurlein's weapon and placed it on the vertical guillotine!
bass! ——

The moment the weapon crossed the Ultra Guillotine, it split into two halves!
No effort at all!

Not bad!

not bad!
Allen looked at this Ultra Guillotine with great satisfaction!

The sharpness is quite good!
At least it’s enough to kill monsters!
Then Allen turned to look at Gathullein, and slowly walked towards Gathullein...

"Don't come over! I was wrong! I won't dare to do it next time!"

"We were really wrong! We were framed here today!"

"Please let us go!"

The three Gasulein brothers panicked!
They were completely panicked!

Begging for mercy again and again!
I hope I can save my life from Allen!

They are quite famous in the universe, and they don’t want to die at all!

If those four guys in the sky hadn't tricked them, they would never have come here!
One hundred percent not!

But there is no way...

Allen's footsteps did not stop, and their begging for mercy had no effect at all!

Moreover, they couldn't move even if they wanted to!
They had already been seriously injured by Ban Brick!
I can't even stand up!

Escape is simply not realistic!
"You @##¥%W&*(!"

"Someone will avenge me!"

"That's right, you can go down with us then!"

Seeing that his begging for mercy had no effect,
The three Gasulein brothers immediately started to curse!
It's all about death anyway, so why not just have fun in the end!

Alan came to them with the same friendly smile on his face as before.

He waved the 800-meter-long knife in his hand!

Accompanied by the milky white sword light passing by...

The different faces of the three brothers were cut off one by one!

"You guys are so loud!"

After Allen finished speaking with a smile, he began to show off the meat factory skills he learned from Ace!
Just cut him into pieces for Gashurlein!
boom! ——

The earth-shattering explosion echoed throughout the space!

Every fragment of Gashlein's body exploded, and countless flames shot up into the sky. The explosion's shock waves were layer upon layer, setting off waves of shock air one after another!

And it was not only Gasullein who was blown to pieces, but also the mentality of Ace and others!
They see this scene.

Everyone's backs felt cold, their scalps were numb, and they all took a deep breath!
Damn it!
This is more than just the ultimate villain in the universe!
He is clearly the butcher of the meat factory! ! ! !

Butcher! ! ! !
Too cruel! ! !
(End of this chapter)

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