Kingdom of Light: Learn from Ace, the Saw Man of Light

Chapter 29 The ultimate critical strike!Get Noah's Hellfire!Ban your guillotine!

Chapter 29 The ultimate critical strike!Get Noah's Hellfire!Ban your guillotine!

Right now,

The Guys communication channel fell into an eerie silence!

No one spoke, and the subtle sound of electricity echoed in everyone's ears...

I saw Marina and Mu Zumi’s lips slightly opened, their faces full of horror!

The eyes revealed deep fear!
The two of them really dare not speak now!
Don't dare to say a word!

Everything that happened before stimulated their fragile nerves all the time!
Just because Allen said it was too noisy...

They were afraid that their words would disturb Allen and cause their faces to be cut off!
See the monster's face flying in the air in the distance.

The strong fear made Jina and Mu Zhimei retching unconsciously...

vomit! ——


"It's so terrifying! It's so brutal! I've never seen such a terrifying move that kills monsters!"

Aihara Ryu swallowed his saliva and said with a look of horror on his face.

not only him,

George was also in the communication and asked weakly:
"Captain, you...have you ever thought Ultra Warriors were like this before?"

"I really didn't expect that Ultra warriors would fight like this!"

Captain Qishui shook his head slightly, and the expression on his face looked relatively normal!
But the slightly trembling hands still exposed the unrest in his heart!
Allen is too cruel!

He really couldn't imagine what kind of tricks Allen would use to kill monsters in the future!
What kind of battle scene is this?

It's clearly a slaughterhouse!

the other side.

Ace has begun to doubt life at this time!

I started to wonder if bringing Eren to Earth was a wrong decision!
In the Kingdom of Light, Allen is a bit cruel!
But it’s not as cruel as it is now!
It’s just that the skills are a bit outrageous!

But what about now?
Holding a vertical guillotine...

Chop the monster into mincemeat!


I poked skewers out of the chrysanthemum, and now I showed everyone the knife skills of sashimi!
Good guy!
You came to Earth to study, right?
When the time comes to return to the Kingdom of Light, I will directly open a meat factory!

Who can stand up to this? ! !
But Mebius doesn’t think so!

Instead, his eyes glowed as he looked at Allen!

hiss! ——


So handsome!
This is the battle!

No fighting skills were used at all!
It can cause a double critical hit to the monster's body and mind!

This is something that fighting skills cannot do at all!

It was like slapping Gachulein to the point where Ultra lost his mind!

It’s absolutely impossible to do it with ordinary skills! ! !
Just when Mebius was thinking...

Snapped! ——

A crisp slap sounded!
Ace comforted:
"You wake me up!"

"Do not be afraid!"

"Alan, he..."

Ace's original intention was to slap Mebius awake.
Let Mebius not be afraid of Allen!

But the next second...

I saw Mebius's eyes were firm, and he said excitedly:

"Instructor Ace, do it again! Do it again!"

"I also want to learn Ultra Slap!"

"This skill is so practical!"

Ace: @#¥%! ! !


In the quiet spaceship.

The four dark kings were looking at each other at this time, and they all saw the shock in each other's eyes.

"You... better collect more data on Allen..."

"I need Eren data to make Eren Killer!"

"This is the only way to defeat Allen now!"

Yabo said with a look of horror on his face!

If Allen catches this, it will definitely not end well!
"Hmph! So what if I can cut it into pieces like a butcher in a meat factory?"

"Can you still kill me?"

Grozam snorted coldly and said rather disdainfully...

He is the frozen star Grozam!

It is an existence with immortality!So what if you, Allen, like dismembered monsters? ?
Can you still give me seconds?

You can't kill me at all!
I stand and let you beat me, but you can't even beat me to death!

"Grozam, I hope you can be more cautious!"

"Don't underestimate this guy!"

"Eren is completely different from other Ultra Warriors!"

Disrem asked Grozam to be more careful!
To avoid overturning the car in the gutter!
"Hmph! Watch it!"

"Just a trash Ultra Warrior!"

"I'll kill him and show you!"

Grozam is still as disdainful as ever!
Just leave the ship.

Heading towards the Earth!


Just when all forces are extremely fearful...

Allen is still happy on the battlefield!

This is how the Saw of Light fights!
Mebius's fighting style is called fighting?
Not happy at all!

Look at the fight like this now...

So cool!
But right now!
The system's mechanical sound suddenly sounded!

[Your fighting style is extremely brutal, and you have received the ultimate critical blessing from the Mother of the Universe! 】

[You have enlightened the ultimate skill - Noah's Hellfire! 】

Holy shit! !
Holy shit! ! ! !
Noah Hellfire! ?

Zun Du Fake Du! ?
You must know that Noah's Hellfire is Ultraman Noah's ultimate attack skill. He uses his fists wrapped with one-megadegree flames to launch destructive rays that severely damage the enemy!

Even Dark Zaki can't resist this skill!
Directly punch into outer space!
Now with this skill...

It’s completely worthy of any monster, isn’t it? ! !
A thought here.

Allen is looking forward to the next battle!

Then try how powerful this skill is!

Then he flew into the air and disappeared...

Allen, who returned to his human body, came to Ace and Mirai!


"What the hell are you doing!"

"The battle just now was not cautious at all!"

Ace shouted angrily!
I tell you to fight with caution!

Be careful!
Then look at what you were doing just now?
Don't be cautious at all!
"Where are you not being cautious? Instructor Ace!"

"Look at me!"

"I came up and started releasing my light skills on my face!"

"I'm just worried that my light skills will be empty!"

"Seeing that my own light was bounced, and the other party also released light that can turn people into gold, I wanted to be cautious."

"He even used protective skills to block it! He didn't even dodge it!"

"I'm just afraid that the opponent's light skills can turn corners!"

"More importantly!"

"I'm worried that the monsters can be like the monsters that can be resurrected and reborn in the Kingdom of Light information, and they can be chopped into pieces directly for the opponent. I'm completely disappointed!"

Allen said with a serious face!
He really fulfilled Ace's request seriously!

Be very cautious in battle!
Ace: ...

Ace heard this,

Immediately speechless!

You are so special!

you boy!
Is this what I mean by caution?

I really want you to slowly test the monsters and fight them!
It doesn’t let you put it directly against your face to release light!

Can't go on like this!
Absolutely can't go on like this!
Allen's battle was a considerable blow to the reputation of the Kingdom of Light!
This must not go on like this~!

and many more!

Got it!

"Alan! Starting today, you will need permission from the Kingdom of Light to release Ultra Guillotine in the future!"

"After all, this thing is a forbidden technique!"

"And you can't use light skills! You can only use fighting skills!!!"

A smile appeared on Ace's lips!
Ban your Ultra Guillotine and light skills!
I see how you can still use such a cruel fighting method!

Is it possible that you can cut a monster into pieces with your fists?
Ha ha!

how is this possible! ! !

(End of this chapter)

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