Kingdom of Light: Learn from Ace, the Saw Man of Light

Chapter 35 Allen is simply a beast!How can anyone use a sword to stir their intestines?

Chapter 35 Allen is simply a beast!How can anyone use a sword to stir their intestines?

Grozam's mentality is broken!
It has been in the universe for tens of thousands of years, and it has never seen such a beast as Allen!

Ultra just slapped the monster before.

Now he's stabbing his throat again and stuffing his fist in my mouth.

Why don’t you let me speak!

what do i say?
Tell me how should I speak?

It’s totally indescribable!

How can you speak when your throat is blocked?

Not only Grozam, but Ace's mentality in the distance also collapsed!

Why is this happening...

Allen, what's going on with you, you loser?
Have you fought like this?
Forget about slapping the flash monster, now just stab him in the throat?
What monster can stand having his throat stabbed?

We are Ultra Warriors!
Not the Ultra Butcher!
Could it be that you really want to inherit my Kingdom of Light meat factory?
All the animals in my meat factory are super beasts!
That thing has no pain and no fear!
But other monsters are not!
Ace is ready to be slapped when he returns to the Kingdom of Light!
Alan is a butcher now!
Seeing Allen's appearance, can Brother Zuofei let me go?

and also!

I won’t accept Brother Seven’s special jeep training!

Ace wants to cry!

He really wants to cry!
Once upon a time, he thought that by banning Ultra Slap, Allen would be unable to cause trouble.

It turned out that I was completely overthinking it!

Allen is a black hole!
A black hole in combat!
You can never imagine what Alan's brain circuit will be like!
Likewise, you can never guess what Allen's next move will be!
Could it be that,
Is this the fighting method of the Warrior of Light who is about to become a god as mentioned by the King of Ultra?
It's just terrifying!
"What...Brother Seven, listen to my quibbles! No, listen to my explanation!"

"Ellen is just a little young, so he might be naughty!"

"I wouldn't normally fight like this...!"

Ace looked at Severn with some sarcasm...

He doesn't want to try jeep training like Leo!
Getting slapped is better than special jeep training!

Let’s stabilize Severn here first!
And Seven's eyes were full of surprise.

He hasn't recovered from Allen's fighting style yet!

As a result, Severn was even more shocked after hearing Ace's words!

Ace, do you want to listen to what you're saying?
Are you telling me that Allen is a little naughty because he is young?
So this is your definition of naughty!

So naughty~~~
The naughty battle was to smash Grozam's head like a watermelon!
Those are the Four Heavenly Kings of Darkness! ! ! ! !
Not an ordinary enemy!asshole!

Entrusting Eren to your guidance was definitely the worst decision the King of Ultra made!
However, just when Severn was feeling crazy...

"So weak! I really don't know why Instructor Ace and Instructor Seven value you so much..."

"It's obviously very weak!"

Allen looked at his fingers, and I wiped them casually without even looking at Grozam.

The words are full of disdain.

Hey...that’s it for the Four Heavenly Kings of Darkness!
I can’t even explain it!
As a result, Instructors Ace and Seven still paid so much attention to...

I really don't know why...

You can hit it with one hand, okay?


"Give me death!"

Grozam is angry!

As one of the four dark kings, it has never been insulted like this before!
The weapon in its hand changed and turned into a slender sword.

He made a stabbing stance and rushed towards Allen.

His eyes were full of hatred and murderous intent, as if he wanted to stab Allen to death!



Allen glanced at Grozam contemptuously, grabbed the rapier in Grozam's hand with one hand, and squeezed it hard!
It actually broke Grozam's rapier directly from its hand!

Ice crystals scattered all over the sky like goose feathers,
Grozam looked at Allen with his hands in disbelief.

Allen took advantage of this opportunity and rushed to Grozam's side, raising his hands to the sky!
Then he thrust the thin sword in his hand into Grozam's mouth.

The rapier plunged straight into Grozam's intestines! "Grozam, do you know that humans have a thing called a drum washing machine?"

"I'm going to let you feel it now!"

Looking at the cruel smile on Allen's lips,
Grozam, who was originally a frozen star, actually felt cold for the first time!

My whole body started to tremble!
The hands kept waving.

Allen looked at Grozam's movements with a hint of surprise on his face!
He shouted excitedly:

"You said hurry up?"

"Okay! I've never seen anyone make such a request!"

I said no!

You @#@%#@!

Grozam was stunned!
Then a violent struggle began!

But this will only make Allen more excited.

He took the rapier and started stirring it back and forth crazily in Grozam's mouth!

The rapier stabbed directly into Grozam's intestines, and bursts of wailing sounds resounded throughout the entire space!

Gudong! ——

See this scene!
Everyone gulped and spat!
The eyes are full of horror!
It seemed like there was a phantom pain in my abdomen too!
It felt like my intestines were being stirred.

hiss! ——

Why are there such brutal Ultra warriors!
Is there such a way to fight? stabbed the other person's stomach directly with his weapon and started transforming into a drum washing machine?

That's a living organism, not a machine!

Seven mechanically turned his head to look at Ace, the meaning in his eyes was self-evident...

Is this special thing what you call young and naughty?

Have you ever seen anyone naughty enough to crush someone's intestines?
Ace is numb!

Totally numb!

Allen, you are a loser!
You want me to thoroughly experience the special jeep training!

You are indeed cautious!
I won't let you use light skills...

You are really useless!

But, why don’t you look at what you are doing!
Is this a fighting skill?
Is this a fighting skill?


This would be awesome if it were a fighting skill!
Is Allen unlocking a new gameplay?


It’s so cruel! Woohoo!


The bodies of the remaining Four Heavenly Kings of Darkness in the universe all began to tremble!

What's going on with this Ultra Warrior?
Are you not a mage?

Why are fighting skills more cruel than light skills?
They don't have Grozam's immortality!
Facing such an attack method, it is [-]% impossible to withstand it!

At this moment.

Grozam felt severe pain coming from his abdomen!

The internal organs are constantly enjoying the cleaning of the drum washing machine!

He wanted to scream, to slow down his pain through roaring...

But there is still a rapier stuck in my throat!

I can't even make a sound!
woo woo woo woo! ——

I'm wrong!
I was really wrong!
I shouldn't have come to Earth so bloated!
Who is this guy?
He is not an Ultra Warrior!He is definitely not an Ultra Warrior!
Where are the Ultra warriors who fight like this?
woohoo woohoo!
While Allen kept stirring.

The sound of the system finally sounded!
[Your fighting style is extremely brutal, and you have received the ultimate critical blessing from the Mother of the Universe! 】

[You have an epiphany about the Space Fantasy Beast Fist—High-speed Freezing Leopard Fist! 】

 This book is also very funny and interesting, written by my brother’s girlfriend!Please support me!

(End of this chapter)

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