Kingdom of Light: Learn from Ace, the Saw Man of Light

Chapter 36 Ice and Fire 2 Heavens!Noah's Hellfire Instant Kill!

Chapter 36 The Two Heavens of Ice and Fire!Noah's Hellfire Instant Kill!

High-speed freezing leopard punch! ?
Good guy!
Am I the one who got the Cosmic Beast Fist?

Just three more to collect all the cosmic beast fists!

Then you will be able to use the Phantom Beast Overlord Fist!

You must know that the power of that thing is much greater than that of Leo's flying kick!

Really top fighting skills!


Moreover!The high-speed freezing leopard fist has ice properties!

The more attributes you have, the more ways you can enjoy brutal battles in the future!

Especially opponents with relatively high body temperatures.

Just let him enjoy the feeling of ice hell!

At the same time, all the fighting methods and release methods of the high-speed frozen leopard fist were transmitted to Allen's brain.

Ellen also has a leopard pattern on her back!
? ? ? ? ?

Ace and Seven haven't yet reacted to Allen's brutal battle scene before!

As a result, I saw another pattern appear on Allen's back!

Allen, what do you mean?
Do you really want to become the Black Society of the Universe?

Two patterns are not enough, now there are three!

What, is the next step going to be tattooing on the chest and two legs?
The main thing is the black style?

Bad guy!

As for Allen at this time...

The look in Grozam's eyes was even worse!

Grozam is perfect!

This is a perfect tool for brushing skills!
I just love immortal monsters!

Allen was quite excited!
Now if I continue to be cruel, can I get more skills?

Maybe we can just get the Space Fantasy Beast Fist together!

Grozam noticed Allen's eyes and struggled even more fiercely!

He has a bad feeling!

If I don't run away, what follows will be even more terrifying!
"You give me to be quiet!"

Grozam's struggle made Allen a little unhappy, and his eyes became sharper.

Stirring with one hand, the other hand directly pulled out the spikes from Grozam's mouth!
hiss! ——

The pain of the spikes coming off made Grozam gasp!
However, after pulling out the spikes, the stirring action in Allen's hand also stopped!

Grozam finally felt a lot better!
This guy should give me the finishing skill next!

Your energy is almost exhausted!

Next is my turn!

But what no one expected was!
I saw the pattern on Allen's back emitting a light blue light, and then an extremely cold air appeared on his hands!

He froze one of the spikes and stuffed it back into Grozam's hands!

? ? ? ? ?

Grozam was stunned for a moment, and then a look of humiliation appeared on his face!
Grozam: *****


"Ace, you bastard! What did you teach Allen?"

Seven is stupid!

After seeing this scene, Severn looked at Ace quite angrily!

What the hell are you doing, you loser!

Ace is also numb!

Destroy it!
This bad boy is hopeless!
Don't let me find out who taught Alan like this!

Otherwise, I'll let you experience all the tricks Alan is using on monsters now!

Just when Ace and Seven thought this was Allen's limit!

Allen is on the move again!

I saw the fire dragon emblem on Allen's left arm emitting red light.

Then the extremely cold air disappeared from Allen's hand, and instead, flames with terrifying temperatures appeared.

Pull out Grozam's other spike and dye it with fire!
Coming behind Grozam, Grozam was stuffed directly into it!
Ok! ——

The simultaneous emotions of pain and pleasure were clearly visible in Grozam's eyes!
The eyes are wide open!
The legs were still shaking!
At this time, it is also straight forward!quiet! ——

Quiet! ——

Everyone was stunned when they saw this scene and fell into deathly silence!

Before, they thought Allen was just cruel...

Now they understand!
How cruel is this!

This is clearly abuse! ! !
Abuse is okay! ! !
The two heavens of ice and fire! ! !
What’s more special is the two heavens of ice and fire, one up and one down!
This is too sour and refreshing! ?

Everyone covered their mouths and tightened their vaginas...

How terrifying!

They don't want to experience this feeling!


"Can I drive this guy out of the Four Dark Kings?"

At this moment.

inside the spaceship.

Disrem looked at the two people around him with a somewhat difficult tone...

They, the Four Dark Kings, cannot afford to lose this person!

They are all guys who have traversed the universe for tens of thousands of years!

As a result, someone has now brought two flowers up and down, two heavens of ice and fire!
If you tell them, will they still be able to hang out?
"I think it's okay..."

The Mephilas star also looked uncomfortable...

"Let him make the final contribution!"

"Give us as much data on Ultraman Eren as possible!"

Yabo's face felt sad, but he was still very happy in his heart!

The annoying guy is finally leaving!
This time, no one among the Four Dark Kings can stand against him!


The other two people heard this and didn't say much.

Let Grozam exert its last remaining heat!

"Damn it!"

Grozam roared angrily!
boom! ——

Earth-shaking explosions resounded across the battlefield.

Grozam actually blew himself up!

As an immortal body, Grozam recovered again hundreds of meters away with the help of another fragment!

"Give me death!"

Grozam transformed into two long swords again and rushed directly towards Allen!
If he doesn't kill Allen today, he can quit the Four Dark Kings!
Such humiliation can only be eliminated with Allen's blood!

"Ah! Enough fun..."

"Then I'll give you a ride!"

Allen smiled, and his fists gathered quite terrifying energy!

A punch hit Grozam in the abdomen!

The dull sound of impact resounded, and the power erupted from Allen's punch directly caused a circle of terrifying ripples of air, which directly flattened all the surrounding mountains to the ground and rolled up countless gravel and dust!

Then the next second!
An extremely terrifying high temperature surged up!

In an instant, a beam of light with a temperature of one trillion degrees was condensed and shot out from it!

Noah Hellfire!

Grozam hasn't reacted yet!
Directly swallowed by extremely terrifying energy!

Amid everyone's shocked gazes, the orange-red light took Grozam's body straight into the sky!
The terrifying energy dispersed all the clouds in the sky, turning them into waves of sea of ​​clouds, leaving a huge hole in the center!

boom! ——

The earth-shattering explosion resounded through the sky!

Countless firelights bloomed in the distant sky like fireworks!
Seen from distant outer space, the entire earth seems to be as spectacular as a Mediterranean Sea!
see this scene...

Ace's mentality is shattered!

Allen, what the hell are you doing!
Didn’t I not let you use light skills?

What do you mean by shooting into outer space? ?

 My brother’s girlfriend wrote it, it’s also very interesting!Please support me!Otherwise, my brother and I won’t be able to go out and play together!
(End of this chapter)

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