Kingdom of Light: Learn from Ace, the Saw Man of Light

Chapter 37 Understand the power of Aurora!Xiaomeng: Alan, I knew you had thoughts about me!

Chapter 37 Understand the power of Aurora!Xiaomeng: Alan, I knew you had thoughts about me!

quiet! ——

Quiet! ——

After seeing this scene, everyone was stunned in place!


Is all this true?

At this moment.

No one in the GUYS team dared to say a word!

The look in his eyes was replaced by shock!

In their opinion, this time they have to unlock transcendent technology to defeat Grozam!
As a result, everything that happened now made them stupid!
Grozam was actually killed by Allen!

Is this skill a bit too scary? ? ?

One blow directly sends a monster of this size through the atmosphere and into the universe!

Even the clouds were dispersed by this terrifying attack!

Reveal the blue sky!
The moment Grozam was hit by the light, he completely disappeared from the world.

Not a single cell left!
Can this kind of skill exist in reality?
They now have a completely refreshed understanding of Allen!
Before, they were brutally dismembered.
Now there is no trace of destruction left!
Good guy!
Now the earth is no longer Allen's slaughterhouse.

It directly turned into a burning field^_^


the other side.

Ace's mentality is broken!
Completely collapsed!

Allen, you bad boy!

Don't talk to me again!

What are you doing!

I asked you not to use light skills, but now you still use light skills on me!
Still such a terrifying light skill!
When did you learn to use such terrifying light?
Could it be that the person behind the scenes taught you this? ?

You better not let me catch you!
Ace gritted his teeth!

I wish I could cut the person behind Allen into pieces!
Eren was obviously very cute before, okay? ! !
Not just Ace.

Seven next to him was also shocked!

He turned to look at Ace blankly!
Good guy!
Ace, it turns out that I underestimated you before!
It turns out that your kid has such terrifying skills!
He is worthy of being the Dharma King of the Kingdom of Light!
But how on earth did you, a bad boy, teach Allen!

Look what Allen is like now!

Which Ultra warrior has such a fighting style!
The King of Ultra handed Eren over to you. Is this how you taught Eren?
If you can't teach Allen, let me teach you!

Don't let your boy lead Alan to become a guy like Beria!
It's definitely not because Allen, a guy with good talent and high combat power, can improve my voice!

Absolutely not!

I simply don’t want a warrior like Allen to be led astray by Ace!

in the universe...

The other four dark kings all looked shocked!

What kind of skills did Allen have before?
It was actually able to erupt with such terrifying temperatures in an instant!

That thing has a temperature of one trillion degrees!

Ace's Metalim light is only tens of thousands of degrees, isn't it?
Grozam was melted by such terrifying temperature in an instant!

Completely disappeared!

What the hell is Ultraman Eren?
Forget about the brutal fighting style!
As a result, the skills are still so terrifying now?

Allen must be dealt with as soon as possible!

Otherwise, it will really hinder the arrival of the emperor!

"Abo people! Is there enough information needed to make Eren Killer?"

The people of Mephilas looked at the Yabo people anxiously. If the information was not enough, they would have to find a way to get another monster to come over!

"Don't worry! It's been made!"

"And...this time, I also created extremely terrifying super beast!"

The shock in Yabo's eyes quickly disappeared, replaced by contempt.

Just Ultraman Eren!

Now they have powerful super beasts and Eren killers!
This time he will definitely be able to kill Allen easily!

Aren't you cruel?
Allen Killer will be even more cruel!
Use all the methods you used against monsters before on you!

Let you experience what cruelty is!

Desrem and Mefilas were relieved when they heard this... It's okay!

Now you don’t have to worry about Allen being able to make a big difference!

Just when everyone was shocked by Allen's attack!
A familiar mechanical sound sounded in Allen's mind.

[Your fighting style is extremely brutal, and you have received the ultimate critical blessing from the Mother of the Universe! 】

[You have enlightened the skill - the power of aurora! 】

What the hell!

The power of Aurora!

So cool!
It's this skill!
It's simply magic!
Protection, rebound, absorption, top defense skills!
There is no one like it!
To say that Ultra Grand Light Wall can be regarded as a large-scale defense skill.

Then the power of Aurora is the most powerful single-target defense skill!
You know, Regedo's skill can directly absorb Giga Endora's final reset light!

And with the power of this light, Giga Endora was completely destroyed!

After Dracion saw this skill, he was so frightened that he pretended to be and ran away!


Be sure to try this skill!
It can definitely make the opponent feel deep fear!

Inflicting extreme fear on the opponent is also a cruel method!


Now Grozam has been killed by him...

No opponent can try!

Isn't there also Mebius here?
Thinking of this, a smile appeared on Allen's lips.

At this time, Membius was still in shock, looking at Allen with admiration!
As a result, Allen's eyes seemed to glance at him unconsciously, and there was an unknown smile on the corner of his mouth...


Allen couldn't be less happy and wanted to attack me!
Mebius already has the idea of ​​​​running away!
Right now!

"Mebius, you said you can't defeat such a weak monster, but you're still not strong enough!"

"As an instructor who has given you special training, I think it is still necessary for you to continue receiving special training!"

"Let me train with you!"

With a 'gentle' smile on his face, Allen soothed his neck, relaxed his fingers, and slowly walked towards Mebius...


Don't come here!

See this scene!
Mebius doesn’t dare to stay here anymore!
Without saying a word...

Whoosh! ——

Fly into the sky instantly!

As long as I transform back into a human body and return to Brother Ace's side, I'll be safe!
For the first time, he felt that the distance to release the transformation was so long!

How could Allen let Mebius, a perfect sparring partner, run away like this!

Condensing energy with both hands, a vertical guillotine is about to appear in Allen's hands!

Feeling the power under his butt, Mebius was stunned!

Allen, what do you want to do?

Whoooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo! ——

I don't want to die yet!

Mebius cried and covered his flowers with both hands!

Just in case like the Red Flyt star, his legs were straightened before death!


You really have thoughts about me!

Whoooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo! ——

Brother Ace, please save me!
Seeing this scene, Ace was also stunned!
I go!

Allen, what do you want to do?

That fucking thing is Mebius!
Not the enemy!

For the safety of Mebius,
Ace shouted angrily:

"Alan, you bastard!! Come back to me!!!"

(End of this chapter)

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