Kingdom of Light: Learn from Ace, the Saw Man of Light

Chapter 38 So the special jeep training is also the inheritance of the Kingdom of Light?Ace is cryin

Chapter 38 So the special jeep training is also the inheritance of the Kingdom of Light?Ace is crying!
After hearing Ace's roar,

Allen sighed sadly...

There is no way to continue to acquire skills today!

Instructor Ace really is too!

Do I just want to give Mobius some training...

As for being so nervous?
It’s not like he could really be beaten to death by Membius!


Even if one is accidentally killed by Mebius, doesn't it still have life solidification technology?

It's absolutely impossible for anything to happen to Mebius!

But Ace yelled...

He can only change back to his human body!

Then he came to Ace.

"Alan! Didn't I tell you not to use light skills?"

"Why did you still use the light skill!"

After seeing Allen, Ace rushed up and shouted!
He must find a way to teach Allen well!

Otherwise, let Allen continue like this!
Otherwise, the reputation of the Kingdom of Light and his reputation as the director of the Kingdom of Light Meat Factory will be lost!

This time Allen hasn't fought the way he asked!

You can use this as an excuse to teach Eren well!
Snapped! ——

As a result, before Ace could finish speaking...

An Ultra slap instantly stunned Ace!

I go!

Brother Seven, what are you doing?

It seems like I didn’t do anything!

Why are you whipping me?
Ace looked at Severn pitifully, not understanding why he was beaten at all!

"What the hell are you talking about!"

"The opponent is one of the Four Dark Kings, so what if Allen uses light skills?"

"Why don't you try hitting Grozam without the light skill?"

Seven looked at Ace with hatred!

Say it!
You yourself can't defeat Grozam without using light skills!

Now you actually ask Alan, a little guy who just became a member of the Space Guard, to fight!

Is this still what an instructor should do?

Then Severn looked at Allen with a smile on his face.

Now, Allen is always very fond of me!
I'm here to speak for him!

Then we can let Alan and I study!
"Thank you, Instructor Seven, and, Instructor Ace, the light skills I used before were not the ones I used!"

After Allen thanked Severn slightly, he looked at Ace.

"What? Such a big energy beam, you tell me it's not a light skill?"

Ace is even more angry!
Just let Brother Severn fight!
As a result, Allen even opened his eyes and told lies!
You actually said that the skill just now was not a light skill?
"Instructor Ace, it is indeed not a light skill, that skill is a fighting skill!"

"It's just that the attack comes with a trillion degrees of flame!"

"Is there a problem?"

Allen looked at Ace with sincere eyes.

He is not lying!

Noah Hellfire is a fighting skill!
It’s just additional damage!

puff! ——


Ace couldn't help but spit out a mouthful of old blood!
This seems to be no problem...

The ability that comes with his fighting skills is a trillion-degree flame!

It’s really not a light skill!

But why do I feel like a fool!
And Saiwen heard this.

His eyes were full of shock and disbelief!

So this skill was not taught to Allen by Ace...?
Did Allen realize it himself?

No wonder he is called a being capable of becoming a god by the King of Ultra!

We can't let Ace, a bad boy, continue to teach Allen!

Go back and report to the captain!

By the way, let me report on the situation on Earth!
Thinking of this, Seven nodded slightly.

"Okay! Now that things on earth are settled, I should go back!"

Seven glared at Ace and said calmly: "Ace, you guys, please go back with me and explain to the captain how you taught Allen!"

Ace was stunned when he heard this!

If I go back, I won't be slapped to death!

Must not go back!
You must not go back without teaching Eren to be normal!
"Then what...Brother Seven!" "Let's not go back yet!"

"The Allen you see now is not cruel!"

"It's just too powerful! So I can't control my attacks well!"

"We still have to continue to help Allen so that he can control his attack strength well!"

Ace's face was filled with righteous words!
Allen is definitely not too cruel to be like this!

It’s just because it’s stronger!

That's right!

Saiwen's face turned dark when he heard this!
Ace, why the hell do you have the nerve to say this?

Do you think I'm blind?
When Allen smashed Grozam's head into pieces like a watermelon.

The corners of your mouth will burst into laughter!
So you're telling me that Allen is simply strong and his character isn't too cruel? ? ?
How did you have the nerve to say this?
I think it's you, the kid, who has led Allen to evil!

As a result, now I just want to find an excuse not to go back and be punished!
Do you think I'm a fool?
Snapped! ——

Severn is so angry!

It was an Ultra slap to Ace!
Ace looked aggrieved...

Brother Seven!
I really didn't do it!
I am just a weak, innocent and pitiful director of the meat factory of the Kingdom of Light!

I don't even know why Allen is like this!

It's not my problem at all!
"No matter what you say today, you must go back!"

Severn looked unhappy and said that Ace would go back today no matter what!
Want to escape?


"do not want!"

"Brother Seven, I really can't go back!"

Ace knew very well how many Ultra slaps he would receive when he returned!

No matter what, he won't go back!

Looking at Ace's appearance, Seven suddenly thought of something, and a smile appeared on the corner of his mouth...

"Okay! If you pass my test, I'll let you stay!"

A kind smile appeared on the corner of Severn's mouth...

Ace looked at Severn's smile and was stunned...

do not care!
Even dead!

I want to accept it too!
In order to put this bad guy like Allen on the right track, come here!

Kuroshio Island...

The wails echoed through the sky!

In the confused eyes of Long, Future and others.

Seven drove a jeep and chased Ace crazily!

Kuroshio Island has now been razed to the ground by Allen's attack. As a result, Severn can drive a jeep up to 120 miles!

What's the situation?

Is special jeep driving training also a heritage of the Kingdom of Light? ? ?
"Brother Seven, I was wrong!"

"I'll go back with you!"

"I don't dare to talk back, not anymore!"

"Let me go!"

Ace roared in horror, with tears streaming down his face!

"No, no, no! As an Ultra Warrior, how can you give up so easily?"

"Come on! Face me head on! Don't run away Ace! Rush towards my jeep!!!"

Severn had a crazy expression on his face!
So cool!
It turns out that hitting Ace feels so much better than hitting Leo!


"I'm still too young!"

Allen looked at this scene and shook his head.

He is still too young!
These instructors are the most cruel!
Look at this way of hitting people!
He was too embarrassed to put it at 120 mph!
It’s only 115!

I still need to learn more from Severn!
But Ace was on the verge of tears and stopped teaching. Whoever likes to teach Alan will teach him! ! ! !

Stop chasing me with your jeep! ! !

Seven, this bastard, is still chasing me!
As for the future...

I smiled when I saw this scene,
Then get ready to run away!

If he is caught and given a special training, he will probably lose his skin even if he is not dead!

The results of it……

"Membius! Why are you laughing?"

"Come here and train together!"

Mebius: QAQ! ! !

Do not! ! !
(End of this chapter)

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