Kingdom of Light: Learn from Ace, the Saw Man of Light

Chapter 39 Ace is angry!Seven, you let my apprentice drive a jeep! ?The Yabo people appear!

Chapter 39 Ace is angry!Seven, you let my apprentice drive a jeep! ?The Yabo people appear!

woohoo woohoo!
it is finally over!
What a hellish life!
Brother Seven!

What you are really looking for is the devil!

This isn't training, it's just killing people!
At this moment.

After finishing training.

Ace and Mebius were in tears.

Why would they encounter such a thing!

It’s so uncomfortable!

Whoooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo! ——

And the person involved, Saiwen,

Then he got off the jeep and walked towards Allen.

"Ellen, what do you think of my training method?"

"Isn't it very intense? It can make people hover on the edge of life and death. It is definitely the best way to train!"

Severn patted Allen on the shoulder with a proud face.

Eager to get Allen to admit his training methods!
After all, these are what he wants Allen to experience in the future!
He doesn't even want to ask Ace now and directly asks Allen to be his apprentice.

Only in this way can Allen start his attack faster!

After all, this is how Leo was trained in the first place!

Not cruel at all!
Looking at the proud Severn, Allen was just about to speak when he was interrupted by Aihara Ryu's voice behind him...

"That...Ultraman Seven..."

"Actually...actually, this is the method Allen used to train Mebius last time!"

Aihara Ryu said awkwardly...

Then he looked to one side and lay on the ground, looking up at the sky and doubting the future of life...


I hope you are well!
Brother, I won’t help you bear these things!
After all, I'm only human!
I can't withstand such an attack!
When Sai Wen heard this, a ray of light suddenly shot out from his eyes!
it is good!
very good!

Very good!
He is indeed the little guy I admire!

It has to be you!
Leo must have told this little guy!
very good!

This is how you train!
Only what you realize between life and death is your own!
It looks like I don’t have to worry about losing my training methods in the future!
Knew it!
Only I can be Ellen's best teacher!

It looks like I’m going to apply for it this time when I go back!

But now...

"Very good! Allen, I'm leaving Earth!"

“I can rest assured to leave this place to you!”

"Your strength and teaching are top-notch!"

"If these two guys dare to talk back to you in the future, or if you feel displeased with them, you can go ahead and give them special jeep training!"

"If Ace has any complaints, just give me Ultra's autograph!"

"I'll come and take care of him!"

Severn patted Allen on the shoulder with great satisfaction.

? ? ? ? ?


Ace is confused!

Totally confused!

Hey Hey hey!
Severn, what the hell are you talking about?
Ok? ? ?
are you awake
Allen is my disciple!
Hello, my disciple!

Are you going to ask my disciples to chase me in a jeep now?
How can it be!

I have been teaching him for so long!
Ellen is so cute, how could she listen to you!
[-]% won’t listen!

That's right!


Before Ace could react, he heard Allen say, "Indeed! Instructor Ace hasn't fought for too long! It's time for Instructor Ace to move his shins!"

"The battle with Mebius won't work either! We must increase the intensity!"

? ? ? ? ?

Ace is stupid!

Totally stupid!


Allen ignored Ace and got into the jeep left by Severn...

He rushed over with excitement in his eyes!

Ace: Allen! ! !
You bad boy! ! !

I am your instructor!

Instructor! ! ! !

You are deceiving the teacher and destroying the ancestors! ! ! !
Watching the jeep coming from.

Ace and Mirai started running angrily again, as if they had eaten nine rounds of intestines, as if there were ten thousand Gomorrahs galloping in their hearts!
Allen! ! !

I'm not done with you! ! !
not far away.

Long saw this scene.

The whole person is stupid.


You Ultra Warriors are all pretty good at playing, right?I'll never guess what you're going to do next!
But right now!
Dragon suddenly received news from the base!
"Dragon! Something bad is going on! The source of the space-time wave is moving!"

what! ?

The source of the space-time wave is moving! ?

The GUYS team has made so many preparations for the space-time wave, so nothing can happen!

We must prevent the source of the space-time wave from escaping!

Then all the guys on Kuroshio Island left one after another!

However, they did not inform the future.

Let the future one continue to receive Allen's special training here!

Then the Phoenix Nest, the base of the GUYS team, decisively transformed into a huge air battleship and flew into the sky...

As for Allen...

After enjoying the special training of Ace and Mebius, I decisively left!
Why don't you sneak away...

Could it be possible to stay there and wait for Ace to regain his strength and teach him how to decapitate and dismember the body?
What a joke!
I will never give Ace this chance!


If a fight really breaks out...

He was worried that he would give Ace away!

"Ellen, you bastard, don't run away!"

"Get off here, you bastard!"

Allen just disappeared in place,
Ace's roar came from behind!

you guy!
It's running pretty fast, isn't it?

How dare you attack me!
If I don't teach you the dismemberment technique of the Kingdom of Light Meat Factory, I won't be called Ace!

You'd better not come back!
Don't let me see you!


Ace is here angrily scolding Allen...

And the future is still lying on the ground struggling...

"! You! Don't step on my hand!"

Ace has been angrily scolding Allen, completely unaware that he has been stepping on the hand of the future.

Because he was so angry, Ace kept twirling his feet...

In the future, I have been trained not to use it!

As a result, he was stabbed in the back by his own brother!
Whoooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo! ——

Why am I so miserable!

Who can come and save me!

You must not stay here!

I'd better go out for a walk!

No one should mention training to me!

The future is covered with his hands, already decided!

Wait a minute and ask Sister Cai to go out for a walk together!


In the park...


Sister Cai handed an ice cream cone to the future.

The face is full of happiness!
She didn't expect that she would actually invite herself on a date in the future!

The future is still a piece of wood!

No one would let a girl buy ice cream!
However, Sister Cai is still very happy!

Dating mainly depends on who you are with!

"Thank you!"

After getting the ice cream, Future decisively staged a show about what it's like to be a straight man!

It’s just a ninety-degree bow!
Is Sister Cai the same person?

Make a ninety-degree bow!

This scene made Sister Cai stunned...

Good guy!
You are really a fool in the future!
To be able to behave like this...

However, what she likes is such a dull and silly future.

If he were a shrewd guy, she wouldn't like him!
However, just when the ambiguous atmosphere between the two soared!
In the news report, it was said that the GUYS team's base turned into an airplane shape and flew into the sky!
The future was stunned!
Good guy!
My teammates have all returned to the base, but no one informed me!

It’s too late to get over now!

After all, the base is in the sky!


Future didn't notice that there was a dark figure behind him!

There are also a few balloons in his hand...

Silently looking at the back of the future...

Apo people!

(End of this chapter)

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