Kingdom of Light: Learn from Ace, the Saw Man of Light

Chapter 40 Allen Killer!Xiao Meng was led astray!Allen, you raise your hand and use the guillotine,

Chapter 40 Allen Killer!Xiao Meng was led astray!Allen, you raise your hand and carry a dozen guillotines, where can I dodge! ?

"what's up!"

At this moment.

The future is very anxious.

There is absolutely no way to contact the GUYS team now.

Don't even know what happened!
But right now!
He suddenly noticed a strong malice from behind him!

Turn around suddenly!
I saw Mitsuhiko Hirukawa who had been dealt with by the GUYS team before!
"Don't make such a scary expression!"

Mirai did not recognize Hiruchuan Mitsuhiko and looked at him curiously.

I don't know what this person wants to do.

Hiruchuan Mitsuhiko didn't care about this and decisively started to lay a trap for the future!

Asking Future, as a member of team GUYS, why he is still dating here at this time!
Of course, Sister Cai didn’t want anyone to ruin her date, so she just slapped them back!

But before the two of them had gone far, a voice came from behind again in the future!
"Long time no see! Ultraman Mebius!"

The future suddenly looks back!

I saw an old man dressed in black and holding a balloon.

"You are!"

Future is still quite familiar with this energy fluctuation!

"The road to another dimension has been completely blocked!"

"How did you appear!"

The future is numb!

Totally numb!

I don’t understand at all why the Yabo people appeared on the earth!
Shouldn't these guys be praised by Instructor Ace?
Isn’t the extra-dimensional space also sealed?
The Yabo man sneered without answering, and the balloon in his hand flew into the sky.

Then the sky shattered like glass!
The scarlet space is exposed to everyone!

Allen Killer appears!
He looked just like Ace Killer, with a special claw made by the Yabo people in his left hand, a weapon in his right hand, and his whole body covered in golden armor!

"Revenge! Drag Ultraman Mebius into the abyss of hell!"

"Then tear Alan to pieces completely!"

As Yabo's voice fell, Allen Killer jumped to the ground...

And how could this guy be allowed to destroy the city in the future!

He decisively found an opportunity to transform into Mebius!
Appear in front of Allen Killer!
"I will not let your conspiracy succeed!"

Mebius pointed at the Allen killer in front of him!
He will definitely stop the Abo people's conspiracy today!

Allen Killer is also quite straightforward!
After seeing Mebius appear, he decisively gathered energy in his hands, and a constantly rotating eight-point light wheel appeared in front of Mebius!
And it’s handheld!

Then he decisively rushed towards Mebius!
? ? ? ? ?

what's that?
Now all eight light wheels are being held in hand?

Is this a little too much?

Did you pay Allen royalties?
Mebius was stunned at first,
Then an angry look appeared on his face!

Oh shit!

Allen, I dare not move!

You faker, why don’t I dare! ?
Facing the rushing Allen killer, he decisively slapped him with an Ultra slap!
Snapped! ——

Huge slaps resounded throughout the city...

Killer Allen was stunned!
Mebius, on the other hand, was ecstatic!

It turns out Ultra Slap is such a cool skill!
The attack power is okay!

The key is to release it quickly!

Be sure to use Ultra Slap more in the future!

So cool!
Mebius looked at his hands, his eyes showing clear stupidity...

puff! ——

far away.

Ace was stunned when he saw this scene!
A mouthful of old blood spurted out directly!


Mebius, how are you doing?
Why are you fighting like this?
Ace also told Severn before that although Eren's battle was a bit brutal, Menbius was better...

Even though he is a dishonest person, he still more or less obeys the rules!
As a result, you are so damned now!

Come up and slap me!

It's over! It's over!

Flowers from the Kingdom of Light!

It was broken!

You loser! !
Come out! ! !
Ace shouted to the sky with anger on his face!

The result is the next second!
Whoosh! ——

The whistling sound of piercing the air resounded!

A figure passed over Ace's head and flew towards the battlefield! ? ? ? ?
Who was that just now?
Red and silver skin…


Probably not!
Look again!
Ace took a closer look!
Sure enough, I saw a figure that made my heart explode!

What the hell, it’s really Allen!
not good!

see this scene...

Ace panicked!

Oh shit!

I was so excited just now!
I didn’t ask you to really come out!


Don't come out! ! !

Go back! ! !
Stop bringing trouble to the Kingdom of Light!
Please QAQ! ! !

If you continue to fight, the reputation of the Kingdom of Light will really be over!

Brother Seven will definitely say bad things about me when he goes back!

If you continue to fight like this, I will probably be beaten into a pig's head when I go back!

Bad guy!

Am I being bad to you?

I'm good enough for you!
I really don’t want to turn into a pig head!
Just let me go! ! !


on the battlefield...

Allen Killer shook his head and came back to his senses!

The murderous look in his eyes became even stronger!

The energy in the body continues to flow to the eight-point light wheel in the hand!

The eight-point light wheel that received a huge increase in energy began to expand instantly!

Zizizizizizizizizizi! ——

An eight-point light wheel with a diameter of more than 50 meters appeared in the hands of Killer Allen!

The extremely fast rotation speed caused a crack to be cut in the clouds in the sky!
The ground was even scratched with cracks by the vacuum waves!

hiss! ——


So big? ? ? ?

Mebius panicked!

Totally panicked!


Brother, let’s talk carefully if we have something to say!
look at you!

Didn’t I just give you an Ultra slap?

Are you going to make such a big eight-point light wheel for me directly?
Not so good!
Let’s just have a good chat!

It’s really not possible to do this!

But what?

Allen Killer doesn't care about this!
He slowly walked towards Membius with a cruel look on his face!

You know, when the Yabo people made Eren Killer, they even incorporated Eren's character into it!
Just to allow Allen Killer to restrain Allen!
The one who knows you best must be yourself!
Are you still alive now?
And Mebius didn't know what to do at this time...

Could it be that I am really going to end up here this time?
Are you going to be dismembered by this 50-meter eight-point light wheel?
But right now!
Mebius suddenly felt a chill on his back!
hiss! ——

Could it be that this thing is an illusion?
The real attack is behind you!

Just when Mebius was about to turn around!
A familiar voice came!

"Mebius! Get out of the way!"

Allen's voice reached Mebius's ears!

He breathed a sigh of relief immediately!


My dear Ellen!

I knew you wouldn't give up on me!

You come to save... Wochao now!
Are you kidding me? ? ? ? ? ? ?
Mebius looked back!
Allen in the distance released a dozen guillotines directly at him!

The huge guillotine exploded with extremely terrifying speed!

It's more than ten times the speed of sound!
All the glass windows in the surrounding buildings were shattered by the sonic boom struck by the guillotine! !

Directly cover all the places in front of Mebius!
Mixed with extremely terrifying coercion, it flew rapidly towards this direction!
Mebius: @#¥%&

You tell me!

Where the hell am I going! ! !
(End of this chapter)

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