Kingdom of Light: Learn from Ace, the Saw Man of Light

Chapter 41 Come! I want you to imitate the 1 meter guillotine!

Chapter 41 Come! I want you to imitate the 1000 meter guillotine!

I'm hiding from the hammer! I'm hiding! ! ! !
How do you want me to hide? ? ? ?

Do you want to look at the number of guillotines you fired?
Come on!
You hide from me!

Just show me how to hide!
Mebius's mentality is broken!
Completely collapsed!

In the current situation, he has no place to hide!
Fortunately, the moment Killer Allen saw Allen...

Rush over and push him to the ground!
Meet the guillotine released by Allen!

see this scene.

Mebius was so moved that he wanted to cry!
Allen Killer!
You are such a nice person!
When Membius fell to the ground, he looked at the terrifying Allen Killer and couldn't help but give it a thumbs up!
I give you a thumbs up!
It turns out you are one of ours!
Save my life at such a critical time!
In return, when Allen wants to kill you cruelly, maybe I can help you say something!

Let you go quickly!
As for the Yabo people, they were stunned when they saw this scene!

What the hell are you doing!

Do you know what you are doing?

It's obvious that Mebius can't avoid Allen's attack!

The results of it?
As a result, you were immediately pushed down by Membius. This obviously saved Membius!
I added IQ to it when I made it!
Why is this happening?

What's the difference between looking like this and being brainless!
It's just that Allen Killer doesn't know what Mebius and Abo are thinking now!

Decisively release Ultra Guillotine on Allen!

The amount released is exactly the same as that released by Allen!
Dozens of Ultra Guillotines collided in the air.

boom! ——

The earth-shattering explosion caused a terrifying shock wave!
The clouds were instantly dispersed by the shock wave!

Form a huge circular area!

The surrounding clouds are flying around like waves!

The shock caused by the explosion caused everyone nearby to fall to the ground!
It was like experiencing a magnitude [-] earthquake!
All the glass in the surrounding buildings was shattered.

The ground also cracked because of this horrific explosion.

At the center of the explosion, a huge mushroom cloud rose into the sky!

Just when Allen Killer looked at the mushroom cloud in the sky and didn't react!
In the black smoke!


A silver-red figure rushed out!

Snapped! ——

The crisp sound of slaps resounded through the sky!

In the bewildered eyes of countless people,
The figure of Allen's killer flew out instantly!

"Mebius! You haven't mastered the Ultra Slap yet! You still have to practice hard!"

Allen's voice came, waking Mebius out of his daze.

He looked at Allen blankly.

Gudoo! ——

Membius swallowed hard and nodded blankly.

I will definitely practice Ultra Slap!
It can actually drive monsters away!

I must not have practiced enough!


"Alan, you are such a bastard! Don't lead Mebius astray!"

far away,

Ace's face was full of black lines.


He is completely stupid!
Good guy!
Is Ultra's slap really that powerful?
Directly whipped away by Allen Killer?

Why isn't my Ultra Slap so powerful?
Could it be that Ultra Slap is really a magical skill?

Do you want to practice some more in the future?

Damn it, even if Ultra Slap is a magical skill, Ellen, don't lead Mebius into trouble!

In the future, others will think that our Kingdom of Light is not only a meat factory, but also a black and white society. Did you know that? ! !

on the battlefield...

Allen ignored Mebius.

Looking at Allen Killer in the distance.

Very unhappy!He evolves faster than light, what do the people of Yabo think?

You want to kill me just because of this thing?

dreaming too!
However, with such a powerful opponent, I hope I can get a better reward this time!
Then Allen's hand condensed huge energy, and another Ultra Guillotine condensed out, rushing towards Allen's killer!
Allen Killer in the distance made the same move!
Then he slashed towards Allen!

"Qiang Qiang Qiang!!——"

The sound of sonorous collision sounded, and the guillotine held tightly by Allen and Allen's killer kept colliding, stirring up countless dazzling electric sparks!
Although Allen's guillotine is not comparable to Allen's killer!

Broken when touched.

But this made Alan very unhappy!
good boy!
Are you actually using my skills?
Are my skills something you can use?
Then Bibi!

See who has more energy!
Then, the majestic energy condensed again!

An eight-point light wheel with a diameter of 50 meters is constantly rotating!

Allen didn't waste any time and threw it at Allen Killer!
Facing the incoming eight-point light wheel, Allen Killer also condensed an eight-point light wheel with a length of 50 meters, and then threw it at Allen, causing a violent explosion!

see this scene.

Allen was even more unhappy!

I gave you a face, right? !
Still using my skills?
If I don’t let you know what the Dharma King of the Kingdom of Light is today, my name won’t be Allen!
Ace said:? ? ? ? ?
If you are the Dharma King, then who am I?


"Hahahahaha! It's like the Ace Killer in the past absorbed the Ultra Brothers' moves and became stronger!"

"Now he's the Allen Killer!"

"Ultraman Eren!"

"The power it holds is your power!"

"You are at war with yourself!"

"What will happen?"

"Ha ha ha ha……"

Seeing that Allen has been unable to break through the attack of Allen's killer.

The Yabo people were quite excited!

Weren't you crazy before?

Don't you like holding an eight-point light wheel to cut your opponent's body?

Don’t you like using Ultra Guillotine?
Use it now!

You use it!
Allen Killer can copy any skill for you!

See what you do!
Membius was also extremely worried when he saw this scene!

Now the opponent can use all of Eren's moves!
How to do?
There is no way at all!
Will Allen lose this time too?

No way!
If this is the case, it will be over!

What to do with the earth!
After thinking that Allen also lost the battle, no one could stop the Allen killer.

Menbius felt even more uncomfortable!
If it weren't for the fact that he was too weak, there was absolutely no way he could help Saiyan!
That's not the case at all!

He regrets it now.

Why did Severn keep thinking about escaping when he was there?

Don't do special training well.

If we had carried out special training at that time, things would not have developed like they are now.



Faced with the fact that Allen's killer could perfectly replicate his own skills, Allen showed a kind smile on his lips.

You kid like to copy my skills, right?

I just create a skill that you can't replicate at all and that's it!
More than energy, I have never been afraid of anyone!
I saw Allen's hand, the condensed energy forming a quite dazzling light!

Then in the eyes of countless people who were extremely shocked!

Allen combined his hands and directly constructed a huge vertical guillotine that was a thousand meters long!

The huge guillotine can be easily seen even from a distance of twenty kilometers!

After condensing it,

Allen's eyes were fixed on Killer Allen!
Come! ! !
Give me a try and imitate it! ! !
In an instant...

Everyone was stunned!
(End of this chapter)

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