Kingdom of Light: Learn from Ace, the Saw Man of Light

Chapter 42 Did you eat plasma sparks? !The power of rice guillotine!

Chapter 42 Did you eat plasma sparks? !The power of the thousand-meter guillotine!

Everyone on the GUYS team on the moon,
After seeing this scene through the earth's communication, I fell into deathly silence!

I stared at the screen as if I had seen a ghost in broad daylight, and my heart stopped beating as if it was grabbed by a big hand!

What the hell! ! !

The 1000-meter Ultra Guillotine!
Is it a little too scary? !
Allen, what did you eat growing up?
A three-minute battle for an ordinary Ultra Warrior is pretty good!

Is it okay for you to create such a big Ultra Guillotine now?
Look at that 1000 meters.

The Ultra Guillotine soaring straight into the sky...

They really don't know what to say!

Compared with this Ultra Guillotine, Allen Killer is a complete chick!
Hitting Allen Killer with something so big...

You're just killing a chicken with a cow's knife!

Hit this down.

Let’s not talk about Allen Killer!

The city will be destroyed!

what? ? ? ?

What is this? ? ?
Is this thing a vertical guillotine?

No way!
Am I dreaming?
Ace, who couldn't believe it, rubbed his eyes, feeling that everything he saw now was an illusion!
However, when Ace opened his eyes again after rubbing them.

Everything in front of me is still exactly the same as before.

A vertical guillotine that was a thousand meters high stood in front of Ace.

I go!

Ace collapsed!

His mentality has completely collapsed!
What the hell is this!

Alan, do you have inexhaustible energy?

Can you make such a huge Ultra Guillotine? ? ? ? ?

Ace's eyes unconsciously looked at the timer on Allen's chest.

Something happened that made Ace even more confused!
The timer on Allen's chest didn't blink at all!

Still shining with sky blue light!


Ace is numb!

Totally numb!

Allen, you kid doesn’t even flash your lights?
Did you really eat the Plasma Spark Tower and evolve into the Ultimate Light Saw Man? ? ?

It's outrageous for Nima!


The Yabo people were also stunned here!


what is this!

1000-meter guillotine!

Did you eat a plasma spark? !

You have so much energy! ?

Isn't that thing an artifact of the Kingdom of Light?

Just let you eat it like this?
The energy you injected into me can actually make ten Allen killers!
The Allen killer I created doesn't have as much energy as you!

I'm really convinced!

You six!

Do you dare to show off all your skills at once?

What kind of hero is he hiding his abilities there?
It's impossible for you to evolve faster than I can create monsters!
Absolutely impossible!
It must be Allen who is hiding his strength!
It's definitely not because Allen has become stronger again!

How could it be so easy to become stronger?

Just when countless people were in shock!
Allen Killer also hits all his energy on his own hands!


Even if Allen Killer tried his best!

It's just extending the condensed guillotine to a height of 100 meters!
There is absolutely no way he can become a thousand-meter guillotine!

Ultra Guillotine is a forbidden technique in the Kingdom of Light.

It is quite difficult to grow one meter longer!

The energy that needs to be consumed increases exponentially!
Not to mention the controllability of light energy!
Basically it is impossible for anyone to achieve such control!
Except Alan!

This is why the energy of Allen Killer can actually extend the Ultra Guillotine a little longer.

But the reason why it is completely impossible!
After all, Allen Killer is a created monster, and it is already terrifying to be able to do this!See this scene.

Only then did Membius realize what it means to be irritating when one is more powerful than another.

And Allenby?

Ha ha!

I have long doubted life!

It's completely impossible with Allenby!

That can only hurt your self-confidence!
However, he didn't wait for Mebius to react!

In his extremely shocked eyes, Allen carried the 1000-meter Ultra Guillotine and slashed out. Just the strong wind caused by the slash caused an extremely terrifying force to be felt in a radius of more than ten kilometers. Press!

Hoo hoo! ——

Howling wind!

Countless amounts of sand and dust were stirred up, sweeping madly in all directions like a wave!

When Allen Killer saw this scene,
Nothing happens!

He went straight into the ground without anyone noticing!
boom! ——

The earth-shattering roar echoed through the sky!

The thousand-meter guillotine in Allen's hand instantly hit the ground!
The shaking was like a magnitude [-] earthquake, causing the surrounding buildings to fall to the center!

The dust and soil all flew into the sky under the huge vibration.

Let the city turn into an earthy yellow color, as if it was covered by a sandstorm!
The earth is cracking in all directions...

Cracks allowed roads and buildings to sink into the ground.

The roots of the trees trembled and emerged from the soil.

A huge ravine, a thousand meters long and a hundred meters wide, split the city into two!
The dark ravine makes it impossible to imagine just how deep this deep canyon is!
As for Allen Killer...

It disappeared into this deep ravine.

hiss! ——

far away.

When Ace saw this scene, he immediately felt his blood surge!

Allen, you bad boy!

You fucking cut the city in half with one knife.

How can humans still live there?
Look what you have protected!
You bad boy!

"How handsome! Kill him instantly with one move!"

"Is this the true strength of Ultraman Eren?"

"too strong!"

After seeing the effects of Allen's attack from cameras in the city,
Mu Zhimei is very excited!
one strike!
Just one hit!
Directly kill the opponent instantly!
It also left such a terrifying ravine on the ground!

Ultraman Eren's strength is indeed beyond everyone's imagination!

"Dragon! Why didn't you say what Ultraman Eren protected?"

Zhenna's eyes were also full of excitement!
He couldn't help but tease Aihara Ryu.

Aihara Ryuu was startled when he heard this!
He scratched his head in embarrassment:
"Hey! Isn't this so exciting!"


Although it caused a lot of damage to the city!

But they are still quite happy!

It’s better than the destruction of the earth!


The monster has been defeated!
They can now reasonably capture the space-time wave sending device!
No more worrying about what goes wrong on earth!
But right now!

A golden figure slowly climbed out of the ravine of unknown depth!

His eyes were fixed on Allen and Mebius!
see this scene.

Everyone in the GUYS team didn’t expect it!
Such a terrifying skill did not even kill Allen Killer!
Ultraman Eren and Mebius didn't notice this at all now!

It's over! It's over!

Does Eren Killer still have the energy to attack Eren and Mebius?
In the horrified eyes of everyone in the GUYS team!

Allen Killer, who had just crawled out of the crack and was covered in wounds, actually condensed an Ultra Guillotine once again.

Rush towards Eren and Membius!


Danger! !! !!

(End of this chapter)

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