Kingdom of Light: Learn from Ace, the Saw Man of Light

Chapter 43 The power of Aurora!Are you going to use your back to release the guillotine? !

Chapter 43 The power of Aurora!Are you going to use your back to release the guillotine? !
"Damn! Surprise attack!"

"What now! Captain!"

Aihara Ryu looked at Captain Susui, they were all on the moon now.

There is absolutely no way to support Eren and Mebius!

What if Allen and Membius were really seriously injured by a sneak attack.

No one on earth can help Eren and Mebius!

Can they just watch from the universe now?
This is not in line with their character!

"Believe in Ultra Warriors!"

"They won't be defeated so easily!"

Shingo Zakizu frowned, even though he told his team members that Allen and Mebius would not be defeated!

But I am still extremely worried...

Don't be afraid of everything, just in case!
What if Ultraman Eren wasn't paying attention and was successfully attacked by the opponent?

It’s not just the GUYS team that is worried about the situation of Allen and Membius.

At this time, Ace was extremely worried!
Allen, you kid!
I ask you to be careful, be careful!

Your boy always tells me that you are careful!
Now is this the result of your prudence? ? ? ?
Ace is really numb!

The situation he was most worried about appeared!

Allen, this kid, has been having a great time!
I completely forgot about last-hitting!


Now the monster is attacking you!


Lets see!

It would be good to let Allen suffer a little!
Such an attack shouldn't cause particularly great harm to Allen... right?

at the same time.

The Yabo people were even happier when they saw this scene!

Aren't you, Allen, very strong?

Don’t you look down on monsters?
Know the consequences now!

The Ultra Guillotine is quite lethal!
I really don’t believe that such an attack can’t harm you!
Speaking of which, I still underestimate Allen Killer!

I thought this guy had no brains before!
By chance, Mebius was saved!
But it seems okay now!

This guy's IQ is quite high!
If Mebius hadn't been left behind, how could Allen have such a big flaw!
Allen Killer!
You will be my best work!

There is no such thing!
It has to be me!
Jie Jie Jie! ! !


Just when countless people thought Allen was about to be hurt by the guillotine.


I saw Allen with his back turned to Allen Killer, and a blue vortex appeared behind him!
The Ultra Guillotine was originally capable of cutting off the limbs of monsters whose defenses were extremely terrifying.

The moment it comes into contact with this vortex, it is like a paper boat in the ocean.

He was sucked in instantly and disappeared without a trace!

hiss! ——

What the hell!

What is the situation! ?
At this moment.

Everyone was stunned.

The eyes are full of horror!
What the hell is this!

Even Ultra Guillotine didn't splash a little bit of water!

Could it be said to be Allen's skill?

Could such a terrifying skill belong to Allen?

Thinking that this might be Allen's skill, they were even more surprised!


There are so many things about Allen that we can’t even imagine!

To be honest, Allen is really like a bottomless pit!
You never know what skill Allen will use next!
But before they could react!

Behind Allen, an even bigger Ultra Guillotine appeared!Rush towards the Allen killer who just climbed up at an extremely fast speed!
The sonic boom made everyone cover their ears unconsciously.

Killer Allen was seriously injured, and he was completely unresponsive!

There is no way to resist at all!
In an instant, his limbs and head were cut open by Ultra's guillotine!

boom! ——

The earth-shattering explosion finally woke up everyone who was in shock!
The remains of countless Allen killers fell from the sky.

Turn the surrounding area into a mountain of corpses and a sea of ​​blood!
Everyone looked at Alan with an extremely horrified expression.

From beginning to end, Allen didn't look back at all!
It's like doing something trivial!
see this scene.

Yabo people were immediately numb!

Alan, do you have eyes in your back? ?

On Nima outrageous! ! !
and also!

You didn't do any damn thing...

How on earth was Ultra Guillotine released? ? ?
It must be fake!

Everyone in Ace was dumbfounded at this moment!

My heart is full of shock!

When did Allen learn this ability to absorb skills? !

Oh shit!

Could this kid have really become a god? ?

It’s so easy to use such outrageous skills!
Become a god and become a god!
Damn, release the guillotine with your back! ?
How did you kid do that? ?
The Ultra Guillotine must concentrate energy in the hand!

Can you tell me how you released Ultra Guillotine from behind?
It can’t be said that you specifically absorbed Alan Killer’s skills and then added the energy to reflect it back!

This kind of skill is [-]% impossible!

Even the Ultra King doesn't have such a skill, right?
Ace felt that his outlook on life was once again shattered by Allen!
Good guy!
Is there anyone in this world that Allen can't beat?
Totally crushed!


on the battlefield...

Allen slowly turned around and looked at the remains of Allen's killer in the distance.

There was a hint of disdain in his eyes.

That's it?

That's it?

He has the power of aurora!
One that can absorb the opponent's light skills and convert them into its own energy, or add energy to counterattack the opponent's attacks with greater power!
With this skill, you, an Allen killer, would be 2 years too early for a sneak attack!

Mebius on the side looked at Allen with admiring eyes!


So handsome!
When did he become so powerful!
He didn't look at the opponent's attack at all, and he absorbed the opponent's attack without even looking back!
As expected of Allen!

Then he and Allen transformed back into human bodies...

After transforming back into a human body, Allen and Mirai stood together.

Just when the future was about to say something, a call came.


Sister Cai ran to Future and looked up and down.

I was finally relieved to find out that Mirai was not injured!
"Oops! What a bad luck it is!"

"The Ultra Warriors fought hard to defeat the monsters, but the GUYS team members were left in despair."

Right now!

Hiruchawa Mitsuhiko also came to Allen and Mirai with a rather unpleasant expression.

Mouth full of sarcasm!

As for the Yabo people on the side, they were still very excited when they saw this scene!

it is good!very good!

Aren’t you Ellen and Mebius crazy?

Then go to my home field and try it!
I won't let you smash my head!
Then decisively activate the skill!
The ground around them began to shake.

The ground beneath the four people began to crack, revealing a scarlet space.

He sucked four people in directly!
(End of this chapter)

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