Kingdom of Light: Learn from Ace, the Saw Man of Light

Chapter 44 Yabo people: Damn!Who is the villain? ?

Chapter 44 Yabo people: Damn!Who is the villain? ?
"Sister Cai! Are you okay! Sister Cai!"

After waking up in the future, I still haven’t figured out the situation.

He saw Allen standing in front of him and looking around.

Then the future suddenly remembered what happened to several people just now, and immediately came to Sister Cai in the distance.

Wake up Sister Cai.

"What happened to us?"

Sister Cai looked at the yellow sand around her with a confused expression.

Not sure what happened.

"I said, where is this?"

Hiruchuan Mitsuhiko crawled over like a dog.

Allen glanced at the other party and let out a disdainful snort.

Then several people began to explore the surroundings, looking for something that could help them figure out where they were.

As for Allen, he didn't speak and just followed everyone.

Of course he knows very well that this is a different dimension!

It was the people of Abo who did this.

But it doesn't matter!
The purpose of his trip was to kill the Yabo people in the most cruel way!

I wish the other party would show up!

Everyone walked not far when they suddenly saw the ruins of a city in the distance!
The three people in the future all had horrified expressions on their faces!
What's happening here?
Why is there an abandoned city here?

Allen patted Future on the shoulder and walked directly towards the city...


A few people walked to the center of the city.

But right now!
Hiruchuan Mitsuhiko's mentality completely exploded!
"It's over! It's over!"

Hiruchuan Mitsuhiko covered his head and knelt on the ground, howling continuously.

The future was kind after all and stepped forward quickly.

"Mr. Hiruchuan, what's wrong with you?"

Looking at Mitsuhiko Hirukawa falling to the ground in pain, Mirai thought that the other party had a sudden illness!
Want to help the other person.

But Hiruchuan Mitsuhiko didn't appreciate it.

"Don't you understand? This country was destroyed by monsters and aliens!"

"No! Not only this country, but when we are in a coma, the whole world may be destroyed!"

Hiruchuan Mitsuhiko is a complete fool!
If a monster appears while they are in a coma, can they still live here well?

dreaming too!
"Don't worry! That can't happen!"

I still don’t understand in the future, but the more kind you are to this kind of person, the other person will think you are easy to bully!

Just when the future is unprepared!
Hiruchuan Mitsuhiko suddenly stood up and punched Mirai in the face!
Knock the future to the ground directly!
"It's all your boy's fault!"

"Because Team GUYS is trash, the earth was destroyed!"

"It's all your responsibility!"

Hiruchuan Mitsuhiko didn't think it was hard enough and gave Mirai a few kicks!

But right now!
Allen suddenly appeared in front of Hiruchawa Mitsuhiko!

Snapped! ——

The crisp slaps stunned both Future and Sister Cai!

I saw Mitsuhiko Hirukawa spinning around in the air for two and a half times before falling heavily to the ground!

"In the future, I will teach you one thing: put aside the plot to help others and respect the fate of others!"

"Especially for this kind of crap!"

Allen looked at Mitsuhiko Hiruchawa condescendingly, as if he were looking at scum!
"You! How dare you hit me!"

Hiruchuan Mitsuhiko's face was full of disbelief!

Who is this person?

Are you also a member of the GUYS team?

How dare you hit him!
If the world hadn't been destroyed now, he would have written various articles to let everyone know the face of Team GUYS!

"Hit you? So what if I hit you?"

Allen followed up with a kick!
He directly kicked Hiruchawa Mitsuhiko to the ground and moved him a full ten meters!

"You are the only one who can only enjoy the peaceful life brought about by the efforts of others, but in the end you are dissatisfied with this and that."

"It won't matter even if I kill you!"

Allen's eyes revealed strong murderous intent!
"Didn't you say that the world is destroyed now?" "Since there is no law, no one will blame me if I kill you!"

When Hiruchuan Mitsuhiko heard this, his eyes were full of horror!

The legs were shaking unconsciously, as if they were scared to death.

Seeing this scene, Allen was even more disdainful!
Right now!

Future dragged his body to Allen.

"Forget it Alan!"

"This is just a human being!"

For Allen, I still know a lot about the future!


He is a warrior who follows the principles of Ultra Warrior!

But Allen is not a normal Ultra warrior!
It really made Allen angry. It was not impossible that an Ultra Guillotine would cut Mitsuhiko Hirugawa into eight pieces!

"Humans are such selfish creatures!"

Right now!

The Yabo people suddenly appeared behind everyone.

After Hirukawa Mitsuhiko saw the Awa people, he felt like he had seen a savior!
"Help! This man is going to kill me!"

Now the Awa people are the light of Hirukawa Mitsuhiko!

Finally someone can save him!


Yabo people have the power of telekinesis!
Smash Hiruchuan Mitsuhiko into the distance!
"Is this the inferior race you are protecting?"

The Awa people's words were also full of disdain for Hiruchawa Mitsuhiko.

Then he directly used his telekinesis to strangle Hiruchuan Mitsuhiko's neck!
"Let him go!"

As an Ultra Warrior, I will not allow Yabo people to kill people in front of me in the future!
He wanted to rush forward, but was interrupted by Yabo's light bullet!
"What a stubborn guy! After being humiliated like that, do you still want to fight for humanity? Mebius!"

The Yabo people were full of ridicule.

So he couldn't understand the Ultra Warrior's brain circuit at all!
If you face this kind of person, just kill him!
As for the future...

"I love humans! I will definitely protect them!"

After shouting these words, Allen also rolled his eyes.

Some people are not worth saving!


Hear this.

The Yabo man also had a mocking smile on his lips.

In this case, there is no need to continue acting!
Just let Mebius see the reality!

Then he threw Hiruchuan Mitsuhiko to the ground and looked at him.

"I ask you, do you cherish your life?"

Seeing the thirst for life in Hirukawa Mitsuhiko's eyes, the Awa people sneered again!
"Haha! Very good! Use this gun and shoot at the man in the distance!"

Yabo said to Hiruchawa Mitsuhiko with a mocking look on his face!
He just wants to use such psychological attack methods!

Don’t you Ultra Warriors rely on human beings’ spiritual abilities to gain strength?

What will happen if we are betrayed by humans now?

The Yabo people couldn't help but get excited when they thought that Allen and Mebius might be attacked by them and not protect the earth!
at the same time.

Hiruchuan Mitsuhiko could only think about living, even if he was a dog!

He quickly reached for the gun.


Just when Mitsuhiko Hirukawa is about to get the gun!
There was a huge force coming from behind him!

Directly kicked Hiruchawa Mitsuhiko and the Awa people away!
"Interesting! Yabo, you are very interesting!"

"I am a kind-hearted person. I will not kill you today. I will take you back so that Instructor Ace and I can have fun!"

"Jie jie jie!—"

A kind smile appeared at the corner of Allen's mouth...

Yabo people:! ! !

The confused Yabo straightened up and looked at Allen in disbelief. Why didn't this guy play his cards according to the routine? !
and also!


Who is the villain? ! !
(End of this chapter)

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