Kingdom of Light: Learn from Ace, the Saw Man of Light

Chapter 45 The case is solved!Eren definitely learned from Ace.

Chapter 45 The case is solved!Eren definitely learned from Ace.
Yabo people are numb now!
Totally numb!

Are you an Ultra Warrior from the Kingdom of Light?
Are you?
Shouldn’t the Ultra Warriors of the Kingdom of Light be very tolerant of humans?
Wouldn’t it interfere with all human choices?


Are you actually attacking humans directly now? ? ?
Is this really a normal Ultra Warrior?


I really threw up!
The Yabo people didn't know what they should say.

Originally, he wanted to use Mitsuhiko Hirukawa, and then started to criticize Mebius and Allen, making them disappointed in human beings!

Once these two people become disappointed with humans, they might not take action against themselves!

I don’t even want to protect humans!
In this way, the Space Guard of the Kingdom of Light, who doesn't know what happened, will send someone over to ask questions.

Maybe they can also draw Eren and Membius into their camp...

The results of it……

The results of it? ? ? ?

Allen rushed up and hit a flying kick!
What else are you saying, you want to take it back for him and Ace to play with...

Nima! ! !

What are you going to do? ? ? ?

Are you serious? ? ?

Do you look down on me so much?
Are you treating me like a soft persimmon?

When Future heard this, he was quite excited!

it is good!
Very good!
"Ellen, hurry up and arrest the Yabo people!"

"That way I don't have to do Jeep training!"

"Maybe I can even play with the Yabo people with you!"

After hearing the words of the future, the Yabo people's mentality exploded even more!


You Ultra Warriors are so different from what I think? ? ?
Is the Kingdom of Light now so outrageous?

In the past, you just killed the monster, but now it doesn't count even if you kill the monster, and you still have to play with your opponent? ? ?
More importantly, a threesome? ? ? ?

At the same time, the members of the GUYS team on the moon also encountered a crisis.

At the same time that everyone in the GUYS team found the space-time wave sending device!
From the top of the space-time wave transmitting device, many thunder and lightning suddenly appeared!

Hit hard on the surface of the moon.

Full Moon Super Beast Lunaticus appears!
"That's... Lunaticus?"

"The super beast that once destroyed lunar civilization!"

The GUYS team has Lunaticus’ data!
Everyone was stunned after seeing this monster!

This super beast is a guy who can destroy a civilization!
Definitely no ordinary opponent!

Just when the GUYS team was stunned, Lunaticus decisively launched an attack!
Protect the space-time wave transmitting device from being destroyed by the GUYS team!
"Is it Shizhu's bodyguard?"

Ryuu Aihara saw Lunaticus' actions and said to everyone.

If there was such a monster protecting the space-time wave transmitting device.

They are really not very good at destroying the space-time wave transmitting device!
"So we can only get rid of it first!"

"If you want to score, you must first pass Lunaticus!"

George can't control so much!
The importance of the space-time wave signaling device is self-evident!

It must be destroyed!
Since Lunaticus is protecting the space-time wave transmitting device.

Then get rid of it first!
"Leave it to you! Friend!"

Mariina patted George on the shoulder in front of her.

Ace also watched the GUYS team's battle.

"Everyone... don't give up until the last moment!"

Right now!

Marina also closed her eyes to see if anyone could tell her where Lunaticus's weakness was.

"Please tell me...where should I attack?"

However, what Jinna didn't expect was that a voice appeared in her ear.

"Listen! There is a flashing red protrusion on the right side of the stone pillar. That is the radiation center of the interference area!"

Mariina quickly told everyone in the GUYS team the news!With this news!

The GUYS team successfully destroyed the space-time wave transmitting device!

The Phoenix Nest finally regained its energy!

Right now!

A dazzling light appeared in front of everyone in the GUYS team!

Ace appears!

When Ace appears, there is no nonsense!

Concentrate energy directly in your hand and summon an Ultra Disc Blade!

The handheld kind!

He rushed towards Lunaticus decisively and slashed Lunaticus directly on the neck!
bass! ——

Accompanied by Ace's huge power and the rapid rotation and cutting of Ultra Disc Blade!

He actually cut off one of Lunaticus' shoulders!
But even so, Ace seemed to find it a bit unsatisfactory!
Allen always chops monsters into mincemeat!
He just cut off one of Lunaticus's arms!
How can this work!

He must always be better than his apprentice!

He can't let humans look down on him!
Decisively summon a vertical guillotine!

He took it in his hand.

hiss! ——

It takes a lot of effort and energy to maintain the vertical guillotine-holding posture!

Ace couldn't help but take a breath of air!
But it's okay!

Anyway, Lunaticus is dead now.

There is no fighting back!

It was finally his happy hour!
He rushed forward decisively and chopped Lunaticus' neck with a vertical guillotine!
Countless sparks flicker!
Seeing this scene, everyone in the GUYS team was stunned.

What the hell? ? ?
ah? ? ? ?

Fighting like this? ? ?

It seems that none of Ace's previous battles have been like this!

So what is going on!

Everyone in Team GUYS looked at Ace with horrified eyes.

My heart is pounding and beating!

Recalling Allen's previous battle,

Call it good guy!
Case solved!
They have finally solved the case now!

Why Eren fights so brutally is because he learned it from Ace, right?
It must be!
It sure is!

Just as Ace was grinning and slashing the super beast.

The Yabo people here really can't stand Allen's arrogance!
Resolutely become huge!
He really couldn't believe it!

As one of the Four Dark Kings, how could it still be unable to defeat a Mebius and an Allen in its own field?

You can completely torture them, okay?
"Ellen! Die!"

"I'm going to let you know today what cruelty is!"

"As one of the Four Dark Kings, I am not the loser Grozam!"

The Yabo man had a mocking smile on his face.

After experiencing the battle with Ace, his current strength is not the same as before!
As a result, the next second...

Allen also transformed decisively!

After the transformation was completed, Allen didn't waste any time. He gathered energy in his hand and directly transformed into an Ultra Guillotine that was a thousand meters high!

Plop! ——

After seeing this scene, the Yabo people fell to their knees on the ground!
His face was full of seriousness!
"Ultraman Eren, please ravage me as much as you like!"

"I will definitely listen to you and Ace!!"

Looking at the serious-faced Yabo people,

Allen was stunned!


(End of this chapter)

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